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The 7/7 Report

editor said:
Yeah man! Right on!

All the answers to everything will be at the album's launch party!

I didn't say that. I said this is a taster of what's to come. Not fear, hatred and bigotry, but truth, tolerance and understanding.

It's happening in many places in London and much further afield. Music, art, culture. This multi-cultural society, that so many people say can't or doesn't work, this multi-cultural society is creating new forms in real time

It's happening Reg. It's really happening :D
squeegee said:
Cos I don't know many people like you in real time. Most people I meet are really decent people speaking the direct truth. From all cultures.
Yeah. You're just so damn multicultural and down with all the people, aren't you?

And - amazingly - they're all agreeing with you, even if just about everyone here thinks you're a conspiraloon nutjob! Remarkable!

So I guess we must all be out of step with reality while you - well, you're right in there with the man on the street, yes?

Squugee: self-professed man of the people!
squeegee said:
I reckon you should get out more.
I reckon you should get your pompous arse out of your head myself.

You get a ticket to a fucking launch party of a publicity-desperate outfit and suddenly you think you're connecting with Zeitgeist cognoscenti.

Way to go dreamer!
squeegee said:
It's happening in many places in London and much further afield. Music, art, culture. This multi-cultural society, that so many people say can't or doesn't work, this multi-cultural society is creating new forms in real time
By Christ. Have you any idea what a total arse you sound here or are you freefalling through a buzzword blizzard and just spitting out this bullshit?
squeegee said:
I didn't say that. I said this is a taster of what's to come. Not fear, hatred and bigotry, but truth, tolerance and understanding.

That would only be the trutrh that says the bombers were not a group of hate filled nut jobs, but patsy's for the black ops section of the government..:rolleyes:
Prole said:
Are you ready to release the evidence yet or are you going to keep on showing what a laughable, wriggling hypocrite you are?

What's the name of the "independent researchers" who "verified" those emails please?
Prole said:
It's Thameslink and yes I have the email verifying the original information.
I was talking about someone else - not you. Not the talking terrier. Not any conspiraloon. A normal person with no axe to grind and no agenda. :rolleyes:
detective-boy said:
I was talking about someone else - not you. Not the talking terrier. Not any conspiraloon. A normal person with no axe to grind and no agenda. :rolleyes:
I have no idea what a normal person with no axe to grind and no agenda looks like. Certainly aren't any here. It would seem to me that the sort of person who would bother to check the train times from Luton that morning would be the sort of person who would question the PTB.

I have an idea, why don't one of you ask Thameslink to verify the train times? Then you can prove it to your own obviously high-levels of evidence authenticity. After all you are detective-boy.
Prole said:
I have no idea what a normal person with no axe to grind and no agenda looks like. Certainly aren't any here.
Why not just produce these "independent" researchers who you said have already verified the emails to your satisfaction?

Release the evidence!
editor said:
Could you tell me the truth about these "independent researchers" who supposedly "verified" the emails please?
Wait until they are on the website. Stop asking because I have no intention of answering. It isn't fair to ask me for information on a board that they haven't given me permission to post their personal details on.
Prole said:
It isn't fair to ask me for information on a board that they haven't given me permission to post their personal details on.
That might also be why the police haven't released all the information they have.
Prole said:
Wait until they are on the website.
Why are they holding back the truth?
Have they got something to hide?

Release the evidence!

PS Why would an "independent researcher" want to remain anonymous?
editor said:
PS Why would an "independent researcher" want to remain anonymous?

Call me old and cynical, but to me the phrase "independent researcher" conjures up an image of a smelly person muttering to themselves in a corner of a library surrounded by carrier-bags overflowing with photocopies of the "evidence" for their "theory".

People who do research independently are generally called "journalists". Or "academics".
Prole said:
Truth & Justice haven't you realised that yet?
Thank fuck for that. There I was thinking that you might be a loony or a sick Mozzy deliberately trying to obfuscate your co-religionists' atrocity in London. I'm reassured that you are just after truth and justice (or Truth & Justice).

So... ummm... what do you think happened in London a year ago, dear seeker of Truth & Justice?
laptop said:
Call me old and cynical, but to me the phrase "independent researcher" conjures up an image of a smelly person muttering to themselves in a corner of a library surrounded by carrier-bags overflowing with photocopies of the "evidence" for their "theory".

People who do research independently are generally called "journalists". Or "academics".
Or just ordinary people like me who were either uneasy or concerned at the lack of facts or veracity of these facts as they emerged after the events.

Proles even! With no qualifications! No 'title"! No degrees and phds! Instead just a sense of justice and a bold heart.
Prole said:
Or just ordinary people like me

You are not "ordinary". You are clearly delusional.

Prole said:
Proles even! With no qualifications! No 'title"! No degrees and phds!

And no concept at all of the meaning of the word "evidence"!!!1!

Another question to add to the list of unanswered questions:

Do you approve of conspiracy theorists' approaches to the family of Hasib Hussain?
Prole said:
Or just ordinary people like me who were either uneasy or concerned at the lack of facts or veracity of these facts as they emerged after the events.
I'm uneasy about the way you keep on refusing to provide evidence that the emails have been validated, and the way you keep changing your excuses.

Release the evidence!
Laptop asks: Do you approve of conspiracy theorists' approaches to the family of Hasib Hussain?
I certainly don't approve of the BBC taking Mr Ali, a grieving partner of a victim, and a camera crew to doorstep Mr Hussain, also a grieving father who carries an immense burden, and confront him with 'Your son murdered my wife'.

Just for one moment, put yourself in Hasib's father's shoes. Imagine having no evidence of your son's guilt. 'By the look on his face today, I could see sheer agony and pain' said Mr Ali. Feel that sheer agony and pain. Now imagine if you possibly can imagine for just one moment that Hasib is not guilty.

Until we have the evidence this scenario could be a possibility. Think about it.
But, prole, do you approve of conspiracy theorists' approaches to the family of Hasib Hussain?

Which happened first.

"I certainly don't..." is so lame it fails you the "lying politician 101" test.
role said:
I certainly don't approve of the BBC taking Mr Ali, a grieving partner of a victim, and a camera crew to doorstep Mr Hussain, also a grieving father who carries an immense burden, and confront him with 'Your son murdered my wife'.
But what about the conspiracy theorists who have ALREADY been pestering him by ignoring his grief and ringing him up with a load of evidence-free cods wallop saying that his son was innocent?

Imagine how cruel it must be to be grieving the death of your son and then be given false hope by these weird nutters ringing you up claiming to know 'the truth'.

Do you condemn them, Prole?
Aw, come on, Prole, tell us what you think happened in London a year ago. We Seekers of Truth & Justice need the benefit of your theory.
It seems we have a failure to recognise common humanity here.

Doesn't prole have children?

Supplementary question to prole: you are told one of your children has died. Then someone rings up saying "no, they're not dead, the lizards took them".

Dou you understand the concept "analogy" and do you by analogy approve of this action? :mad:
editor said:
But what about the conspiracy theorists who have ALREADY been pestering him by ignoring his grief and ringing him up with a load of evidence-free cods wallop saying that his son was innocent?

Imagine how cruel it must be to be grieving the death of your son and then be given false hope by these weird nutters ringing you up claiming to know 'the truth'.

Do you condemn them, Prole?
You guys just make this stuff up as you go along don't you. You've read this and now it has turned into a whole scenario.

The BBC confronting Mr Hussain I saw, the phone calls are just hearsay.

Vivid imaginations when it suits you, but you couldn't envisage the scenario I asked you. What if Hasib is innocent? What then?
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