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The 7/7 Report

Prole said:
My advice is always: question everything.

I question: (a) your sanity, (b) your sincerity and (c) my ability to figure whether you are bonkers or bullshitting. Which is it?
Andy the Don said:
But I can see have he & his family shy away from the reality. I can remember after Dr Shipman was caught his family denied the charges.
And, of course, Jazzz and a host of deluded loons were quick to declare the child killing Ian Huntley as being completely innocent and a cruel victim of some bonkers, fact-free, 9/11 related cover-up or another.

Oh hang on. That all sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?

:rolleyes: :D
Badger Kitten said:
Mr Hussain has been contacted by conspiracy theorists :mad:
Mr Hussain was also disgracefully & unexpectedly confronted by a grieving relative, a BBC researcher & TV crew. That's OK is it? That's justified?

"Your son murdered my wife?".
An anguished Mr Hussain replies: "No-one has shown me any evidence that he did it."

Should we not trust Mr Hussain? He has said he has seen no evidence. One year on, this is disgraceful.

You believe that this is because he has had phone-calls (apparantly) from people who also have not seen the evidence?

I can bearly type this without wanting to weep for him. How cruel to try and force someone to go against their own heart and believe something they have seen no evidence for and then accuse them of denial. Denial as a stage of grief is the denial that the person is dead, not denial that they are guilty.
jæd said:
WHy not just ban the silly bint...? :confused:
I think she's doing an admirable job of proving why these lying fruitloops and their dodgy 'truth seeking' campaigns should never be trusted, so who am I to stop her one-woman self-discrediting campaign?

JHE said:
I question: (a) your sanity, (b) your sincerity and (c) my ability to figure whether you are bonkers or bullshitting. Which is it?
That's fine because I also question yours.
editor said:
I think she's doing an admirable job of proving why these lying fruitloops and their dodgy 'truth seeking' campaigns should never be trusted, so who am I to stop her one-woman self-discrediting campaign?

Oh the banning games again. It hasn't happened yet, I wonder why not?
Prole said:
I can bearly type this without wanting to weep for him.
But it's OK for deluded, evidence-unhindered cunts to ring him up with their conspiracy-tastic fairy stories that give him false hope, YES/NO?
editor said:
But it's OK for deluded, evidence-unhindered cunts to ring him up with their conspiracy-tastic fairy stories that give him false hope, YES/NO?
Confront the poor man with a TV crew and a grieving relative saying 'your son murdered my wife?' That's OK?
Fuck me are the conspiraloons still wibbling away. Maybe someone should create a radio soap about them it would run and run.

Episode 5984 and Mr Conspiraloon is still convinced that he can see pods on the 911 planes. :rolleyes:

I wish they would fuck right off..
Prole said:
Confront the poor man with a TV crew and a grieving relative saying 'your son murdered my wife?' That's OK?
Answer my question, please. You'll find I asked first, so show some manners for a change.

Is it OK for deluded, evidence-unhindered cunts to ring him up with their conspiracy-tastic fairy stories that give him false hope, YES/NO?
editor said:
Whenever one of your lot demands to "see the evidence," from now on I'll simply point to this thread and let them see how you've wriggled, lied, twisted and obfuscated for weeks on end.

Release the evidence!
To your mind that is what it will show.

To mine and others I suspect it will show you are a bully who is constantly impressed by experts and expert opinion.

No FAQ I ever saw said the Ed of these boards must have his/her every question and demand answered.
editor said:
Answer my question, please. You'll find I asked first, so show some manners for a change.

Is it OK for deluded, evidence-unhindered cunts to ring him up with their conspiracy-tastic fairy stories that give him false hope, YES/NO?
And I get called a hypocrite! Show some manners? What to someone who obviously has none?

False hope? That he should ever see the evidence? I think not.

I would also counsel against believing everything you read, you are obviously very selective about what you think requires verification and what does not.

Keep an open mind and always ask questions. especially of the media.
Prole said:
I would also counsel against believing everything you read,
As far as you're concerned, that's a definite.
Prole said:
Keep an open mind and always ask questions
I do. Trouble is you won't answer them.

Here's two you've refused to answer:

Is it OK for deluded, evidence-unhindered cunts to ring up the father of a 7/7 bomber with conspiracy-tastic fairy stories that give him false hope, YES/NO?

And what's the name of the "independent researchers" who "verified" those emails please?

Look. I'm asking questions, just like you suggested!

Are you going to answer them or are you going to carry on showing everyone what a weaselling hypocrite you are?
Prole said:
No FAQ I ever saw said the Ed of these boards must have his/her every question and demand answered.
Perhaps you should refresh yourself with the FAQ:
Persistently disruptive posters will be banned....

....God-squad, disruptive 'comical' alter-egos, conspiraloons, fruitloops and small minded bigots are not welcome.
editor said:
Perhaps you should refresh yourself with the FAQ: Persistently disruptive posters will be banned....

....God-squad, disruptive 'comical' alter-egos, conspiraloons, fruitloops and small minded bigots are not welcome.
No small-minded bigots? How comes so many of you managed to slip through?
jæd said:
Ok... So if only a "few" journalists have write about the "bombers" being guilty can you show me all of the links I've been missing over the last year. So far all the news reports I've read have been in the majority. Oh, and there's now a tape by one of the bombers available saying there will be more bombs coming our way... You're not very good at this are you...?

Haven't even started reading the last two pages but can't let this go. If you knew anything about journalism you'd know that at least 70%-80% (squeegee poll carried out over 8 years in journalism) is just parroting what the big cheeses say. As in real life really. All about maintaining a reputation and not rocking the boat. If everyone rocked the boat....why .... why there'd be anarchy chunter middle-england's finest.

How terribly naive :rolleyes:
Prole said:
No small-minded bigots? How comes so many of you managed to slip through?

Well she's got a point. You're not exactly tolerant and accomodating now are you? Incidentally I'm going off to see the launch of an album where fun-da-mental uk apache and mecca 2 medina are playing in memory of the 7/7 victims and launching an album of street music. Wouldn't it be better to hear what Londoners of all cultures are singing and shouting about with regards to 7/7 and the blair government, instead of thinking things in terms of us and them?

No one has the right to tell anyone what they should think. Everyone in this city and in the world are doing what they think is right and speaking out. That's to be celebrated not castigated.

And I'm not gonna say what night and where because there are rules against it. But anyway, that's where I'm going. In real time :p
squeegee said:
at least 70%-80% (squeegee poll carried out over 8 years in journalism) is just parroting what the big cheeses say.

You're telling us you were a crap journalist. And this is news?
squeegee said:
Comes from talking and getting to know people...in real time
What the fuck does that soundbite bollocks mean?


Hi laydees: I'm here to get to know you... in real time, baby
squeegee said:
Don't need to market anything, whoever gets to go gets to understand what's really going on
Yeah man! Right on!

All the answers to everything will be at the album's launch party!
editor said:
What the fuck does that soundbite bollocks mean?


Hi laydees: I'm here to get to know you... in real time, baby

I like it. I mean Mr Editor, I'm curious to know whether you'd be such a rude git if I met you in person.

Do you live like you write? Cos I don't know many people like you in real time. Most people I meet are really decent people speaking the direct truth. From all cultures. How can you live in London and not hear what people are saying on the streets and roads and tubes and buses and late night taxis. How can you be missing the suspicion that our government lied to us for nefarious ends. And if you know that, how can you believe another word they say?

I reckon you should get out more. I'm sure your palace is very cosy but there are a lot of people out there who think things very different to you and you are just gonna have to accept they will always be there.
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