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The 7/7 Report

squeegee said:
Do you not see the paucity of your argument? You have a lot of faith in humanity. That's admirable. But perhaps it's better to be a little more realistic, don't you think?

So lets hear your more realistic theory... With evidence, pur-leeze...!
squeegee said:
It appeared to be genuine? How did he substantiate that solid evidence-based statement? You undermine your whole argument. :rolleyes:
He was passing an initial appraisal - based on his experience - on the breaking news.

He's suitably qualified to offer an opinion too, being an accredited journalist working for the BBC for over ten years, a fluent Arabic speaker and an acknowledged expert on al-Qaeda.

The woefully underqualified Prole on the other hand is basing her entire argument on some emails which she claims have been "verified" by two "independent researchers" to her complete satisfaction. Except she's too chicken shit to show anyone her evidence.

See the difference?
jæd said:
Oh, and there's now a tape by one of the bombers available saying there will be more bombs coming our way...
At least two of them made suicide-bomber vids: Khan & Tanweer.


Prole said:
Was wondering when this would be released nice timing PTB. BBC?
Yes. It's great timing for a terrorist organisation/loose-knit set of people united by the same aim/publicity-seeking outfit barely connected with the event/whatever (take your pick) keen to associate itself with the atrocities and get lots of attention for their cause.

But back to the important bit: what do you think about the contents of video?

And have you got the details of your email verifying researchers yet?
Prole said:
Was wondering when this would be released nice timing PTB. BBC?

Yes, because everyone had comepletely forgotten about the terrorist threat, it being a nearly exactly a year after 7/7... :rolleyes: And whats PTB...?
Prole said:
not forward it?
There's no point forwarding me a text file as any idiot could forge that.

I want the details of these independent researchers who supposedly verified the mails. Are you going to send them or not?
oh jesus why is it that all Cters are total utter fruitcakes? prole, you make DrJazzz seem normal....(and I like him, he's a good chap)
Prole said:
powers that be
Got the details of these independent researchers who supposedly verified the mails yet, please?

Or did you just make it all up and you're too fucking spineless and dishonest to admit it?

Go on. Prove me wrong. Show me the evidence.
Prole said:
powers that be

BBC said:
Both bombers were dressed in a similar way, including headdresses, and the videos had the same "al-Sahab" logo, said to be a signature of al-Qaeda recordings.

Oh... So whats your evidence that the powers that be have handed this over to al-Jazeera...? :confused: Isn't that a bit of a road-trip, seeing that the bomber came from Yorkshire...?

Or is something else you've made up...?
editor said:
Got the details of these independent researchers who supposedly verified the mails yet, please?

Or did you just make it all up and you're too fucking spineless and dishonest to admit it?

I think, sadly, that's likely to be the size of it.

That's the fucking ridiculous thing about these 'truth seekers.' They demand absolute accuracy and transparency, regardless of complexity or circumstance, yet find it near impossible to apply the same standards to themselves or their 'findings.' It's so deluded and dishonest - why can't prole answer the question honestly? - it'd only take a matter of minutes to prove either way.,
editor said:
Yes. It's great timing for a terrorist organisation/loose-knit set of people united by the same aim/publicity-seeking outfit barely connected with the event/whatever (take your pick) keen to associate itself with the atrocities and get lots of attention for their cause.

But back to the important bit: what do you think about the contents of video?

And have you got the details of your email verifying researchers yet?
I was going to email it to you ed, then I thought do I care what you say? Do I trust you? and frankly the answer was no on both counts. So as I don't post here as J7 then it is unfair to ask me. They will be on the website.

What do you media experts make of the video? Or his family and friends? I couldn't personally verify it as I have never met him or could hear what he was saying as it had an arabic soundtrack. It would take more than this to convince me though. If it doesn't actually mention the events on the 7th July, then I'm not sure a court would convict on this. Or maybe they would, who knows as we don't appear to need courts or Inquiries to decide guilt.

The official report into July 7th claimed they worked alone, how does this video fit into the official version I wonder?
Prole said:
I was going to email it to you ed, then I thought do I care what you say? Do I trust you? and frankly the answer was no on both counts. So as I don't post here as J7 then it is unfair to ask me. They will be on the website.

Can you post a link, then...?

I am disgusted by J7 ''truth-seekers'' preying on the vulnerable grieving families of a suicide bomber, in his denial, which is a part of grief, and using it for their own agenda, it is disgraceful.

I am disgusted.

Please cease contacting me, I have had a leter/email from your lot just now and given what I have found out today, I have no intention of replying, of giving you any time, or any publicity.

l have made it eminently clear what I am campaigning for and why, and I continue to campaign, with other survivors.

KCU is non political and is not a campaign group, as my blog and all the media I and others have done makes clear; it is a private support group for Kings Cross passengers.

The campaign for an inquiry continues, supporte dby me, bereaved families, other survivors and members of the public and various newspapers - as I have made it clear, I do not personally wish you or the ''J& Truth lot or the 9/11 truth lot to be any part of it; the petition is almost 1000 names and is unususable as it stands because bloody 9/11 bollocks has been posted all over it by a handful of conspracy theorists.

This is infuriating. Please note I am not going to correspond with you people, who harrass survivors and bereaved with your mass-murderer-exonerating theories.

Shame on you, shame, shame, shame.

Now fuck off out of my life, please.
Badger Kitten said:

I am disgusted by J7 ''truth-seekers'' preying on the vulnerable grieving families of a suicide bomber, in his denial, which is a part of grief, and using it for their own agenda, it is disgraceful.

I am disgusted.

Please cease contacting me, I have had a leter/email from your lot just now and given what I have found out today, I have no intention of replying, of giving you any time, or any publicity.

l have made it eminently clear what I am campaigning for and why, and I continue to campaign, with other survivors.

KCU is non political and is not a campaign group, as my blog and all the media I and others have done makes clear; it is a private support group for Kings Cross passengers.

The campaign for an inquiry continues, supporte dby me, bereaved families, other survivors and members of the public and various newspapers - as I have made it clear, I do not personally wish you or the ''J& Truth lot or the 9/11 truth lot to be any part of it; the petition is almost 1000 names and is unususable as it stands because bloody 9/11 bollocks has been posted all over it by a handful of conspracy theorists.

This is infuriating. Please note I am not going to correspond with you people, who harrass survivors and bereaved with your mass-murderer-exonerating theories.

Shame on you, shame, shame, shame.

Now fuck off out of my life, please.
Mr Hussain clearly stated he had seen no evidence or had been given any evidence.
jæd said:
Oh... So whats your evidence that the powers that be have handed this over to al-Jazeera...? :confused: Isn't that a bit of a road-trip, seeing that the bomber came from Yorkshire...?

Or is something else you've made up...?
Back in September this quote appeared in the Telegraph:

In part of the video not yet given to al-Jazeera Khan is reported to have been filmed with Tanweer, 22, the second member of the July 7 suicide team that killed 52 other people and injured more than 400. Al-Qaeda often staggers the release of video footage to gain maximum publicity.
Reported by whom?

If al-Jazeera hadn't been given the video yet, how did the Telegraph know it existed? Directs links to Al'Q? Very strange.

Any suggestions?
Prole said:
I was going to email it to you ed, then I thought do I care what you say? Do I trust you? and frankly the answer was no on both counts.
After giving you every chance here, I'm of the opinion that you're a bullshitter who's been caught out on a big fat lie and you're too spineless and dishonest to admit it.

I've repeatedly and politely asked you to back up your claims about how these emails were supposedly verified - over 25 times now, probably - and still you refuse. Yet you made the claim in the first place!

And you're so far up your own conspiraloon arse you can't even see the hypocrisy in constantly demanding to "see the evidence" while you refuse to let anyone see your evidence.

You're a fucking idiot.
brixtonvilla said:
Notice the conspiraloons are still discussing anything but the actual content of the video. Funny that.
Would you like to tell me what this content was? I couldn't hear what he said over an English translation of an Arabic translation. Strange that, as it was the lip sync and voice that many questioned after the Khan video.

My advice is always: question everything. See my post about the Telegraph article.
Prole said:
If al-Jazeera hadn't been given the video yet, how did the Telegraph know it existed? Directs links to Al'Q? Very strange.

What... A journalist reporting something... Ooh... Very spooky...! Is this the best you can come up with...? :rolleyes:
Prole said:
Would you like to tell me what this content was? I couldn't hear what he said over an English translation of an Arabic translation. Strange that, as it was the lip sync and voice that many questioned after the Khan video.

My advice is always: question everything. See my post about the Telegraph article.

And produce no evidence...? :mad: :rolleyes:
Prole said:
My advice is always: question everything.
Whenever one of your lot demands to "see the evidence," from now on I'll simply point to this thread and let them see how you've wriggled, lied, twisted and obfuscated for weeks on end.

Release the evidence!
Prole said:
Mr Hussain clearly stated he had seen no evidence or had been given any evidence.

Well he has now all he has to do is switch on the 6 o'clock news.

But I can see have he & his family shy away from the reality. I can remember after Dr Shipman was caught his family denied the charges. They just could not face the truth that their husband/farther was Britain's largest mass murderer.
editor said:
Whenever one of your lot demands to "see the evidence," from now on I'll simply point to this thread and let them see how you've wriggled, lied, twisted and obfuscated for weeks on end.

Release the evidence!

WHy not just ban the silly bint...? :confused:
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