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The 7/7 Report

detective-boy said:
OK. So let's pretend that Peter "Secret fucking Squirrel" Power was working on some complex exercise for London Underground Ltd on 7 July.

Why did he (a) go on TV to mention this fact almost immediately and then (b) clearly realise his mistake in doing so within hours, going back on TV to retract his earlier statement?

Don't you think he may have just kept his fucking mouth shut in the first place? This wasn't discovered by some top journo skills - this was discovered by him running to a TV camera and gobbing off to big up his bloody company. Can't you see that? :rolleyes:

Totally! I never once suggested anyone was clever in singling him out. His stupidity and incompetence made him blab on national radio. It hadn't even occurred to him there could have been someone aware of his "exercise". When the flood of emails came through he realised he would implicate his company, cause a lot of bad press and so he, as you agree with me in the quote above, realised his mistake and retracted his earlier statement, or at least explained how he had been misinterpreted (yeah, right :rolleyes: )

As I and prole and to be honest many of those who ask these questions, the emphasis is on asking the question.

Now you've put together total conjecture and so have I in this message.

I wonder which one the Editor will pick up on?

Who cares, really :rolleyes:
Prole said:
For FUCK'S SAKE you moron. Any idiot could type that out and stick in on their website! It proves nothing.

But you told me the emails had been "sent to an independent researcher and verified by another independent researcher."

So who are these "independent researchers" please, what's their qualifications in the area of email verification and what methods did they employ?

Or are you really swallowing the whole story without checking anything?
squeegee said:
As I and prole and to be honest many of those who ask these questions, the emphasis is on asking the question.

Now you've put together total conjecture and so have I in this message.

I wonder which one the Editor will pick up on?
Sorry, I'm too busy trying to keep up with your ever shifting goalposts.

But seeing as you're here now and ready to ask some more questions, what do you think of Prole's 'verified email' claims?

Do you believe them, and if so, why?
Dear God, please tell me that your 'independent researcher' isn't the crop-circle lovin', self styled "9/11 researcher" Nick Kollerstrom, responsible for such astrological gems as, "The Jupiter Cycles Of Lady Diana"
The radiant princess-image endured over one orbit of Jupiter. Diana ‘resigned’ from her function as the princess, after the royal wedding had come unraveled...
Charles may have some deep intelligence, seen in the Jupiter-Saturn trine in his chart, and moreover this is in trine to his Moon, enabling him to discern (now and then) the mood of the people,

And look! They're all chums together:
"7/7 Bombers" movements Physically Impossible (

Nick Kollerstrom-London 911 Sceptics www.nineeleven.co.uk
James Stewart - Blackpool 911 Truth Group and founder of Financial OUTRAGE* www.financialoutrage.org.uk

(*and also owner of fradulent charity and a talking terrier)"
The radiant princess-image endured over one orbit of Jupiter. Diana ‘resigned’ from her function as the princess, after the royal wedding had come unraveled...
Charles may have some deep intelligence, seen in the Jupiter-Saturn trine in his chart, and moreover this is in trine to his Moon, enabling him to discern (now and then) the mood of the people,


* Looks up Bulwer-Lytton awards *

* Thinks better of it - oxygen of publicity and all that *

* Forwards to a psychiatrist *
Now you're confusing metaphor with the real thing. No wonder you get so spooked at alien, illuminati, reptile, nibiru, atlantis, astrological, alchemical... metaphors for actual experiences of real people trying to make sense of their lives, sometimes conscious of what they're doing sometimes believing these metaphors to be real. And sometimes they believe in their metaphors so much they manifest them into real life.

Don't take the metaphors literally. It seems that's what you do. Love, fear, anger, hate we all have inside us. So which do you choose to feed on?

Whoever claims whatever everyone is searching for the truth. And if you choose to stand in the way of that you must have a very good reason. Beacause stand in the way of it you most certainly are. You may or may not be conscious of it but your answers on this thread have focused on one thing that you have lauded above all else. That you must have factual evidence before producing any theory.

But you naturally decide as the editor that you can set the parameters of this debate, sometimes with good reason, sometimes cos you just plain want to.

Anyway i can't be arsed writing anymore. You do what you do for a reason, I'm sure the reason's honourable. I hope it's worth it for you in the end.

squeegee said:
Now you're confusing metaphor with the real thing. No wonder you get so spooked at alien, illuminati, reptile, nibiru, atlantis, astrological, alchemical... metaphors for actual experiences of real people trying to make sense of their lives, sometimes conscious of what they're doing sometimes believing these metaphors to be real. And sometimes they believe in their metaphors so much they manifest them into real life.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just answer my question?

Here it is again. No cod-philosophy needed, just a straight answer will do!

What do you think of Prole's 'verified email' claims?
Do you believe them, and if so, why?
Oooh, look, 77 pages of this thread!:eek:

A portent! A portent!

Alert the astromancers, the numerologists, the trainspotters, the Enlightened Ones of the British Conspiraloonery Truth Movement!

a 'Truthseeker' said:
Now you're confusing metaphor with the real thing. No wonder you get so spooked at alien, illuminati, reptile, nibiru, atlantis, astrological, alchemical... metaphors for actual experiences of real people trying to make sense of their lives, sometimes conscious of what they're doing sometimes believing these metaphors to be real. And sometimes they believe in their metaphors so much they manifest them into real life.

I can't believe you ALL missed this important piece of evidence. Sheep. Fools. You're probably all satanic freemasons on this board.

*flounces off adjusting tinfoil hat*
Prole said:
The Hussain family were never allowed to identify their son before burial either.
Source, please.

Over a week ago, you said that the train timetable emails were "sent to an independent researcher and verified by another independent researcher."

Will you FINALLY name these people please, because your endless refusals to substantiate this claim is beginning to make it look like you've (a) got something to hide or (b) you made it all up.
"By the look on his face today, I could see sheer agony and pain - the same which I suffer. I think he could see that too."

Describing Mr Hussain as "bewildered and confused", he said there was no reason to hate the Hussain family because their lives too had been "ripped to shreds".

But he added: "I can't really feel sorry for [Mahmood Hussain], for his son, because I think his son is a murderer and that will never ever go away."

The tragedy is that despite the total lack of evidence, we are all supposed to think his son is a murderer. What the hell happened to proof and evidence? Doesn't need to exist anymore, a couple of cctv, a dodgy narrative and guilt is now established. I weep.
Ed asks for a source. Despite Mr Hussain saying he has been shown no evidence on the BBC. How sad.

No ed, that needs to be established by Releasing the Evidence, a fully Independent Public Inquiry not held under the Inquiries Act 2005 which was drafted to prevent the SIS involvement in Pat Finucane's murder, and the Inquest (likely to be held under new laws being hastily drafted before June 07).

I know people who know the Hussain family so that's all you need to know. They are members of the J7 Truth Campaign.

Once you needed proof to establish guillt, now it's DNA & CCTV.
BTW BK Would you be happy for the Inquiry you are calling for to be held under the terms of the Inquiries Act 2005?
editor said:
Still waiting for the 'proof and evidence' of these emails, hypocrite.
You don't possibly think I care?

How can you demand proof when Hussain's family have not even been shown evidence of their son's alleged guilt and subsequent demonisation as a suicide bomber. Evidence we have been fighting to have released for nearly a year, that we have been called every name under the sun for demanding that we have a right to see. We have a right to see the evidence, or this society has passed some kind of tipping point where proof is no longer required. If the Hussain family had dared to question their son's involvement and demand the evidence, imagine the outrage! I know because we have suffered abuse for nearly a year by just asking questions on all these son's behalf. How strong would the shattered and bereaved families of these men need to be to just demand that people in this society not just swallow everything, including a narrative from an unnamed source, as evidence of their loved ones guilt? What sort of reception would they have received in the press? I'm an ordinary working class woman, and I know what has happened to me just by questioning these events. SHAME!

Ed you are pathetic.
Prole said:
Ed asks for a source. Despite Mr Hussain saying he has been shown no evidence on the BBC. How sad.
Yes. I've asked for the source of your claims. For weeks on end.

So why can't you provide them?
Did you make it up?
Are you a liar?

No? Then show me the evidence, please.
Prole said:
BTW BK Would you be happy for the Inquiry you are calling for to be held under the terms of the Inquiries Act 2005?

I am after a smart inquiry, last time I looked I wasn't campaigning to repeal the Inquiries Act 2005, even though I disagree with it, because you have to work with what is currently possible according to the laws of the land.

And pick your battles sensibly.

And I do not think that you, Prole, or any of your truthseeker mates will be happy with any kind of inquiry that I endorse, ever, and will continue to pick holes in it, if it ever comes out, but that is just your particular way of going about things, and since you are in a minority and I know of no bereaved families of survivors who endorse your evidence-free assertions, I don't much care.
editor said:
Yes. I've asked for the source of your claims. For weeks on end.

So why can't you provide them?
Did you make it up?
Are you a liar?

No? Then show me the evidence, please.
They have been verified in an email which I posted here complete with headers that was deleted because despite being asked for it I was told I was breaking the FAQ's by posting it, that's all the proof you need. I also repeat I don't care what you ask or think.

Interesting how you can trust the PTB who have shown Mr Hussain no evidence of his son's guilt, perhaps they are the liars? How much easier it is to call me one!

I'd rather demand that we on behalf of all the victims including the distraught and shattered family of Hasib Hussain are shown the proof, Release the Evidence!
Badger Kitten said:
I am after a smart inquiry, last time I looked I wasn't campaigning to repeal the Inquiries Act 2005, even though I disagree with it, because you have to work with what is currently possible according to the laws of the land.

And pick your battles sensibly.

And I do not think that you, Prole, or any of your truthseeker mates will be happy with any kind of inquiry that I endorse, ever, and will continue to pick holes in it, if it ever comes out, but that is just your particular way of going about things, and since you are in a minority and I know of no bereaved families of survivors who endorse your evidence-free assertions, I don't much care.

I have no idea of what a 'smart' inquiry would consist of.

Amnesty and many civil rights groups have demanded the repeal of the 2005 Act and have called on all judges not to partake in any held under this legislation. Legislation that Pat Finucane's widow is leading a campaign against.

Therefore you would not support the call for a Fully Independent Public Inquiry but not held under the terms of the Inquiries Act 2005?
Prole said:
They have been verified in an email which I posted here complete with headers that was deleted because despite being asked for it I was told I was breaking the FAQ's by posting it, that's all the proof you need. I also repeat I don't care what you ask or think.

Prole... I have in my possession an email (with headers, and everything) that explains how M15 brainwashed and recruited the "sucide bombers". It also explains how the CCTV footage was cunningly altered to show the bombers even though there (as we all know now) wasn't a train from Luton that morning. Want me to post it...?
Prole said:
They have been verified in an email which I posted here complete with headers that was deleted because despite being asked for it I was told I was breaking the FAQ's by posting it, that's all the proof you need. I also repeat I don't care what you ask or think.
You naivety (or stupidity) is getting really really embarrassing now.

Anyone could have made up the email you posted here - without proper verification it's simply a case of typing it out on a PC - and if you tried to produce such a 'document' in a court of law you'd be laughed and pointed at like a village idiot.

But you claimed that the emails had been "sent to an independent researcher and verified by another independent researcher." Those are your very own words.

So why are you still refusing to name these 'independent researchers' and explain the methods they used to 'verify' these emails, despite being asked something like 20 times now?

Release the Evidence!
And unsurprisingly she has scarpered. Why she even bothers coming on here I do not know. It's not as if she gets many converts. Though there was zArk, I suppose.
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