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The 7/7 Report

KeyboardJockey said:
Does it have conspiraloons in it? Or people who'd rather have kids get polio and diptheria and smallpox than be vaccinated. It doesn't. Ok all right then.:D

Aye, well there's always Jeremy Kyle on one of the ITV channels if you fancy it.:D
editor said:
It's certainly better than the big fat zero amount of credible evidence that you and your fellow bedroom 'truthseekers' have come up with thus far to support your embarrassingly stupid, fact-free fruitloop fantasies.
But it is only the state asking us to believe a version of events. They are the ones who need prove it. No-one else.
KeyboardJockey said:
Shouting it's Briitain's Reichstag as if there is some hidden truth to say its not a bunch of religious maniacs behind it striikes me as conspiraloonacy of the highest order....joining a murder cult about as analogus with mainstream Islam as the Rev Jim Jones was to the Church of England.
The demonisation of Islam as a 'murder cult' has stong parallels with the fascist demonisation of the jews methinks.

The conclusions of the narrative are particularly worrying as they stress that these young men showed no signs of being 'religious maniacs' in fact quite the opposite they were well-integrated just like any other young working-class Muslim lads.

It talks about 'the enemy within' and how we can't know 'who to look out for'. So what do we do now? Trust no-one? Treat every Muslim suspiciously?

From the evidence that I've researched so far there is no such thing as home-grown Islamic suicide-bombers.

But perhaps the 'myth' that they do exist is now well integrated into the public psyche.

There are very strong parallels with the Reichstag fire which we would ignore at our peril.
Prole said:
The demonisation of Islam as a 'murder cult' has stong parallels with the fascist demonisation of the jews methinks.

The conclusions of the narrative are particularly worrying as they stress that these young men showed no signs of being 'religious maniacs' in fact quite the opposite they were well-integrated just like any other young working-class Muslim lads.

It talks about 'the enemy within' and how we can't know 'who to look out for'. So what do we do now? Trust no-one? Treat every Muslim suspiciously?

From the evidence that I've researched so far there is no such thing as home-grown Islamic suicide-bombers.

But perhaps the 'myth' that they do exist is now well integrated into the public psyche.

There are very strong parallels with the Reichstag fire which we would ignore at our peril.

Sorrry but unless you have been withina monotheiest religion you have no idea how easy it is to be pulled towards stuff that may not be good for either you your nearest and dearest or society in general - thats how I ended up at an exorcism anyway. :(
KeyboardJockey said:
At least most of us havn't been vaccinated against reality. :D
I thought you were going to take a break from the thread? :D

As you haven't, allow me to address a point you made. You accept that our 7/7 chaps were 'religious nutters' and that you should know, you had met a few.

Exactly! If someone is a religious nutter, you know about it. So how do you explain that associates of the four men thought they were anything but religious fanatics?

Have a read of the profiles and quotes on http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/index.html
KeyboardJockey said:
Sorrry but unless you have been withina monotheiest religion you have no idea how easy it is to be pulled towards stuff that may not be good for either you your nearest and dearest or society in general - thats how I ended up at an exorcism anyway. :(
People do get brainwashed I've no doubt about that. I watched DarreN Brown on TV very cleverly get 4 ordinary people to commit an armed robbery, unbeknownest to them, just by using images sounds etc. Only 1 of the 4 didn't pick up on the triggers, but 3 out of 4 ain't bad odds.

Still, no evidence yet to prove these 4 young men set out to blow up the underground.

If they released the evidence, the CCTV images from the 7th July, I'll shut up and believe what I'm told.
Prole said:
People do get brainwashed I've no doubt about that. I watched DarreN Brown on TV very cleverly get 4 ordinary people to commit an armed robbery, unbeknownest to them, just by using images sounds etc. Only 1 of the 4 didn't pick up on the triggers, but 3 out of 4 ain't bad odds.

Still, no evidence yet to prove these 4 young men set out to blow up the underground.

If they released the evidence, the CCTV images from the 7th July, I'll shut up and believe what I'm told.

Aha here we hit the crux of the matter. The bombers didn't do it a bit like the other conspiraloontastic stuff we have had on here like 'Ian Huntley wasn' the Soham murderer' and 11/09 planes were remotely controlled, HAARP mind control rays etc etc :rolleyes: It's one thing to question stuff but it is something else entirely to believe total guff.
Jazzz said:
I thought you were going to take a break from the thread? :D

As you haven't, allow me to address a point you made. You accept that our 7/7 chaps were 'religious nutters' and that you should know, you had met a few.

Exactly! If someone is a religious nutter, you know about it. So how do you explain that associates of the four men thought they were anything but religious fanatics?

Have a read of the profiles and quotes on http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/index.html

Conspiraloon bonkersness that alleges that there was a rehersal for the exact events - utter utter tosh. People who believe this are as ignorant as those bnp voters who believe that Africans are offered bounties to move to Dagenham.
KeyboardJockey said:
Aha here we hit the crux of the matter. The bombers didn't do it a bit like the other conspiraloontastic stuff we have had on here like 'Ian Huntley wasn' the Soham murderer' and 11/09 planes were remotely controlled, HAARP mind control rays etc etc :rolleyes: It's one thing to question stuff but it is something else entirely to believe total guff.
Do you purposefully misread what I post?
Prole said:
People do get brainwashed I've no doubt about that. I watched DarreN Brown on TV very cleverly get 4 ordinary people to commit an armed robbery, unbeknownest to them, just by using images sounds etc. .
Well, if you've seen it on TV - case proven!


Can't you keep this ridiculous shit to your own blog please?
Prole said:
Do you purposefully misread what I post?

I don't think so

Quote 'Still, no evidence yet to prove these 4 young men set out to blow up the underground.'

What else where the going to do? Celebrate Guy Fawkes night earlyor something. sheesh :rolleyes:
KeyboardJockey said:
Conspiraloon bonkersness that alleges that there was a rehersal for the exact events - utter utter tosh. People who believe this are as ignorant as those bnp voters who believe that Africans are offered bounties to move to Dagenham.
I don't see how that addresses my question at all. You seemd to make the point that one knows when one is in the presence of a religious nutter, so how come these guys seemed perfectly normal to all that met them?
Jazzz said:
I don't see how that addresses my question at all. You seemd to make the point that one knows when one is in the presence of a religious nutter, so how come these guys seemed perfectly normal to all that met them?

No the point that I'm making is that whenyou are 'within' a monothiestic setting you don't realise how deep you are getting in. TBH one of the first thngs that the trainer / mullah / instructor / contact in pakistan would have told them is the importance of being un obtrusive. What is so surprising that the followed this sort of instruction. Or were the bombers pacified by some bad mind control vaccine or some such shit.
Andy the Don said:
Nah... the same location as the passengers on United flight 93..:D

Ooooohhhhhh spooooky. ;)

In the mean time I'll cheer you up with my new Animal Rights Slogan

'Free The Variola Major - Caged and Abused for 30 Years' :D
editor said:
I didn't know the poor sod who had his legs blown off and lost an eye (the one still in hospital) actually saw the bomber guy set off the bomb in his carriage.

He said he looked the guy in the eye and seconds later the bomb went off.

I can't imagine what that experience must have been like.
Was this guy on the telly last night and does anybody know his name? I ask only because I'm being asked about this on another forum and would be glad to get my facts straight.
editor said:
I'd say that an eye witness who saw the guy set off the bomb right in front of him is as good as evidence gets
You'd think so, but I can remember reading a piece on the assassination of Robert Kennedy (by a young Alexander Cockburn, I believe) which explored theories that Sirhan Sirhan didn't do it - despite the fact that he did it in a crowded room with lots of people watching.

The reason for these alternative versions? Well, inconsistencies in the offical account, naturally...
Jazzz said:
I don't see how that addresses my question at all. You seemd to make the point that one knows when one is in the presence of a religious nutter, so how come these guys seemed perfectly normal to all that met them?
It's a cheap point perhaps, but to be honest Jazzz, if I only knew you from the Sport and Suburban forums, I'd have no idea that you were a conspiracy theorist. In those places you are an entirely civilised and intelligent gentleman with a liking for cats and cricket. But suddenly, when you're in the Politics forums....are your postings here being Photoshopped?
...small inconsistencies like the fact that there were more bullet holes than bullets which could have been fired from Sirhan's gun? Or that the wounds establish the murder weapon was within inches of Robert Kennedy while Sirhan Sirhan was well over a foot away?

Jazzz said:
...small inconsistencies like the fact that there were more bullet holes than bullets which could have been fired from Sirhan's gun? Or that the wounds establish the murder weapon was within inches of Robert Kennedy while Sirhan Sirhan was well over a foot away?

So. we've mow gone from the Reichstag fire to 'Darren Brown on TV' to Kennedy's assassination, with the dodgy-as-fuck rense.com site (currently declaring itself 'The Most Format & Content-Plagiarized Site On The Net') thrown in for good measure..

Moon landings next?
Jazzz said:
That's if you are actually interested in the assassination of Robert Kennedy editor (btw, he's a different 'Kennedy' to JFK in case you didn't know), rather than just seizing on links.
I know who he is thanks, but I'm just wondering why you think the topic of his death should somehow be seen as something to do with the events of 7/7.
Does it bother you, Jazzz, that loads of people actually saw Sirhan Sirhan do it? Can you imagine how many people would have been involved in the conspiracy to over that one up.....

....no, don't answer that.
Donna Ferentes said:
Does it bother you, Jazzz, that loads of people actually saw Sirhan Sirhan do it? Can you imagine how many people would have been involved in the conspiracy to over that one up.....

....no, don't answer that.

And thats before we get the twin towers were blown up really stuff :rolleyes: :D
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