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The 7/7 Report

editor said:
So who really did it and where's your credible evidence to back up an alternative theory?

Otherwise, please shut the fuck up with your tasteless fact-free conspiraloonery.
Read the narrative and then you'll know what tasteless fact-free conspiraloonery really looks like.
niksativa said:
Had stuff about how a private firm had been asked to set up a damage limitation excercise which coincidentaly involved the exact tube stations that got bombed, and exactly at the same time of the bombing - which meant that recovery services were called up much faster as a result.

That definitely happened, it was just put down to coincidence by the mainstream press. - no doubt more hardened conspiracy watchers will add to this, until the thread gets binned.
No. It did not. You poor deluded, gullible sap.
Prole said:
(there are a lot of possibles, maybes and might haves in the narrative)
Maybe that is because investigation is like that. There are certain things you cannot ever know. I have dealt with dozens of major investigations and I have never had one - not one - where there was nothing which remained unsure ... and in all of them I had live suspects who's interviews added to what could be known.

If the report was meant as a "whitewash", as the Standard is alleging, do you not think these unknowns would not have been there?
Prole said:
Compare and contrast, 21/7 & July 7th

Images from subways buses and trains?
21/7 - yes
7th July - no
Missing suspects who were now at large and presumably able to have another go if they wanted to ... hence a need to release as much as necessary to try and get them identified, traced and arrested a.s.a.p.
21/7 - yes
7th July - no
Prole said:
Read the narrative and then you'll know what tasteless fact-free conspiraloonery really looks like.
I've read your posts ... and now I now what offensive, deluded, fact-free drivel looks like. Please shut the fuck up until you have something - anything - worth saying.
Chances are these four men did it, but when does being sceptical and pointing out flaws in the official version become conspiranloonery? I see nothing wrong with being slightly sceptical about the government's version of events.
I also don't subscribe to the view that one must have a fully validated peer reviewed alternative theory before one may disbelieve the official line.

Prole said:
They caught the 7.40 Thameslink train from Luton which as we know was cancelled that day
Does everyone here agree that this train was indeed cancelled?
TAE said:
Chances are these four men did it, but when does being sceptical and pointing out flaws in the official version become conspiranloonery? I see nothing wrong with being slightly sceptical about the government's version of events.
I also don't subscribe to the view that one must have a fully validated peer reviewed alternative theory before one may disbelieve the official line.
One has to do a bit fucking better than the conspiracists are doing, though.
Ive said this on the other thread and I'll repeat it here

My ex boyfriend died in those attacks/ bombings/ suicide bombings

Keep it civil and dont fuck about with bitching its just not on remember a lot of people are still suffering from the after effects and arent being helped.

All this new coverage has reopened old wounds I thought were healed

If you have a valid point state it politely
detective-boy said:
Maybe that is because investigation is like that. There are certain things you cannot ever know. I have dealt with dozens of major investigations and I have never had one - not one - where there was nothing which remained unsure ... and in all of them I had live suspects who's interviews added to what could be known.

If the report was meant as a "whitewash", as the Standard is alleging, do you not think these unknowns would not have been there?
As in Rumsfeld's known unknowns unknown unknown and unknown knowns etc etc

Is that what takes 10 months to discover?

Just release the evidence!
CCTV from London from 7th July (not the 28/6 as rolling news is showing over all their reports)
detective-boy said:
Missing suspects who were now at large and presumably able to have another go if they wanted to ... hence a need to release as much as necessary to try and get them identified, traced and arrested a.s.a.p.
21/7 - yes
7th July - no
The 21/7 guys had no bombs surely you'd want to trackdown everyone connected to 7th July when people were murdered?
Prole said:
How about:

"08.55 Hussain walks out of KX .... Telephone call records show that he tried unsuccessfully to contact the 3 other bombers on his mobile over the next few minutes. His demeanour over this period appears relaxed and unhurried."

Did he forget that it was all supposed to happen simultaneously 5 minutes earlier?

Wake up folks before the water is boiling!

Are you for real?
nino_savatte said:
Are you for real?
More to the point is this narrative for real? (Which is what I was quoting from).
Read it and weep.
Release the evidence.
Show us the CCTV images from 7th July (not 28/6 as rolling news is overlaying their coverage with).
For truth and justice.
Prole said:
More to the point is this narrative for real? (Which is what I was quoting from).
Read it and weep.
Release the evidence.
Show us the CCTV images from 7th July (not 28/6 as rolling news is overlaying their coverage with).
For truth and justice.

You claimed that the four who carried out the bombings were what? Not there? That the man who lost both legs and an eye lied about what he saw?

That's why I asked you if you were for real.
Is 7th July our Reichstag fire?

The Reichstag fire, a pivotal event in the establishment of Nazi Germany, began at 9:14 PM on the night of February 27, 1933, when a Berlin fire station received an alarm that the Reichstag building, assembly location of the German Parliament, was ablaze. The fire seemed to have been started in several places, and by the time the police and firemen arrived a huge explosion had set the main Chamber of Deputies in flames. Looking for clues, the police quickly found Marinus van der Lubbe, shirtless, inside the building. Van der Lubbe was a Dutch insurrectionary council communist and unemployed bricklayer who had recently arrived in Germany.

Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring arrived soon after, and, when they were shown van der Lubbe, Göring immediately declared the fire was set by the Communists and had the party leaders arrested. Hitler took advantage of the situation to declare a state of emergency and encouraged aging president Paul von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag Fire Decree, suspending the basic rights provisions of the Weimar constitution.

Release the evidence!
FridgeMagnet said:
If all you're going to do here is repeat slogans and bollocks you can piss off and start your own site to do it on.
here: http://bridgetdunnes.blogspot.com/ and
here: http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/

Release the evidence!

BTW Why haven't they shown us the CCTV images from the camera-rich enviroment of Kings X? They keep showing it for the 28/6? What do you think? The narrative says there is no 'fifth bomber' so they aren't protecting anyone.
BTW Why haven't they shown us the CCTV images from the camera-rich enviroment of Kings X? They keep showing it for the 28/6? What do you think? The narrative says there is no 'fifth bomber' so they aren't protecting anyone.
Well? I thought we might discuss this.
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