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Teachers nicknames. And those who teach, your nicknames

Frank the Wig
Spunkmouth (a truly dreadful Afrikaaner whose spittle collected in the corners of his mouth)
Codlips Keightley
Wanker (he was called Mr. Bateson)
Twang (a quite young French teacher who once - ONCE - had her bra strap pulled by some kid)
Ripper (he looked exactly like Peter Sutcliffe)
Bullthighs Bailey

and some more that are Google-able :D
Generally I don't get a nick name as I'm in FE but recently one of my students gave me the nick name bitter as my first name is used in the name of bitter.
So, so many.

Rugby playing geography teacher (a la Jeremy Clarkson) we called "Gut"...

French teacher called "Slick Rick"...

Maths teacher and all round douche we called "Pinhead", just because...

A very camp catholic monk we called "Ram" (no imagination needed. He was removed from contact with kids during my time there...)

The deputy head was called "Blob", because he used to do an upper-class splutter just before speaking. He was quite mad.

Another French teacher called "Gorm" (because he barely registered our piss-taking...)

"Titch-Mitch", a short, ex-military PE teaching fascist.

I have been known, by pupils in schools and youth settings, as "Dangleberry" and "Spam". I'm certain there are more, but it seems unsporting for me to know all of them... Poacher turned gamekeeper :)
I can only remember Chicken George from secondary school - An RE teacher who had one of those wattle things like a rooster.

In junior school though me and my mate made up this scenario in which the headmaster (Mr Callaghan) was bumming one of the teachers (Mr Hennesy) and Hennesy was chanting "shiggamabum, shiggamabum, shiggamabum" over and over and that's what Callaghan was getting his rythm from.
Sometimes we used to refer to Callaghan as Cala-Gran as in the Welsh caravan site. That's a bit crap though.
Also in juniors there was a teacher called Mrs Slack - She never had a nickname (TBF she didn't need one) but we often used to wonder what she was thinking of in not keeping her maiden name when she got married.
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The Fleshy Hand or Banana Fingers used to run the sweetshop nearest to school
I can't remember any for our teachers. We were dull girls :(
Urko. Physics teacher who bore an uncanny resemblance to:


Bod. Bore an uncanny resemblance to:


Wartlid. Geography teacher with growth on eyelid.
Oh yes, and Mr Charisma, a history teacher so dull I can't even remember his real name. There was a teacher called Alien due to uncanny resemblance to


I can't remember her real name either but I do remember having a detention and someone wrote 'In Space No One Can Hear You Scream' on the blackboard when she nipped out. She didn't get it.
· Wrote letters purporting to come from him to the manufacturers of spam to generate spam related correspondence

. Wrote to local newspapers on his behalf concerning Croydon spam matters, they printed at least three in the Croydon Advertiser
:D :D :D
The guru. A complimentary name for a teacher! He knew everything and was always calm

Drip -he was very wet and his first name was Tim. We found out later he had a twin brother called Tom. If we'd met him he would have been Drop
we had a huge mumbling guy who was called "the keymaster" due to the huge bunch of keys he had, and the ghostbusters film.

I have no idea what his job was though. He wasn't the cleaner/caretaker. he wore a suit. And had an office.
he didn't teach or interact with any pupils, either.

you'd just see fim shuffling about with a massive ring of keys mumbling quietly to himself.
Kev Sex - pervy art teacher
Tom Wood - woodwork teacher
Spit - science teacher that spat as he spoke
...these are ingenious I know
Rabbit - A really lovely teacher that had buck teeth. Always felt sorry for her, kids are so cruel :(
during my brief foray into teaching i know i had a nickname, but i never got to find out what it was and if it was complementary or not. i imagine not, as i wasn't a particularly good teacher. kids seemed to like me though so maybe it was.

e2a, i'd like to think it was a nice imaginative one and not just "One Eye" or something obvious like that.
The only teacher I remember at all is Miss Titterton* from my primary school. I'm not making this up. She wore a lot of deep-v neck stuff as I recall. Clearly made an impression.

Oh and that fucking psycho who used to hit kids with a trainer after taking a run up from half way up the gym. We called him Psycho.

*yes, she did
Where I first started teaching (1983-4) when "The young ones" was popular, there was a teacher at my school called Bowskill. The kids called him "Mr. Bolowski" after the Alexei Sayle character.
Music teacher called 'the goat', I don't remember her looking like one but she'd regularly be in tears when the class just descended into everyone making goat noises.

A university lecturer called 'the mothership'. his name was millership and he had a habit of hovering over your shoulder watching you work. rather clever that one
Slimy and Mush were two of our representatives of the De La Salle brothers. Apart from the poor eejit named "Block" (looking back, he was one of those teachers who should never have been a teacher, and he must have been desperately unhappy: I know his classes were unusually depressing), we generally just called them by their actual names, albeit in a derogatory fashion.
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Our Chemistry teachers had the most memorable:
"Granny Spanner" - her real name was Dr Wrench
"Metal Mickey" - he was robotic and quite intimidating, somewhat unlike the robot come to think of it
I can't remember there being many tbh. The main one was 'Chesty' who was a PE teacher and something of a local legend. When we were there he was pushing 70 and could barely walk to the end of the pitches but I've been told he was terrifying in his younger days.

Oh and the cleverly named 'Aggro,' so called because his initials were AGR.
for 8 months we had a single slot covered by a PE teacher doing science, based on the fact that he was qualified in sports science. You used to be able to derail him by mentioning Spon youth team who he coached then all the meatheaded sports wankers would keep him going all lesson while I read a book and the curriculum was profaned. On more than one occasion he'd hear the bell and go 'You shits have kept me talking about rugby all lesson'

Loved them lessons. Pure doss time.
Weird Beard - Teacher who had brown hair and a ginger beard
Swivel Bollocks - Mr Turnbull
Peggy - Mrs Ashcroft
Guffer - Mr Pfeiffer
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