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Teachers - "British values" and all that

Writing reports is a vastly different task for teachers of different subjects.
A teacher who has the same group (s) three or five times a week sees less students compared to a teacher who has loads of groups but only once a week.
Seeing as we’re talking schools, then the maths suggests if you take 10 minutes per report and see 21 classes of 30 kids per week then that’s 630x10 minutes, 6300 minutes. That’s 105 hours. Or the equivalent of two hours of uncounted work for every single week of the year (plus one hour you have to find somewhere else!).
If the going rate for a qualified teacher is £50 per hour then that’s £5250 of unpaid work for that teacher every year.
Now I have used the largest figures and exceptional examples, but even scaled down you can get an idea of the amount of free work expected of teachers each year because they are obliged to write the modern equivalent of ‘tries hard’ or ‘must do better’ for parents.
All that work could be reduced considerably, but sadly there is always one mug teacher probably with no family who devotes every waking hour to the job, so those in authority expect every other teacher to do the same.
I tjought about training as a teacher. I went into a school in Woking to inform them about the importance of good old Magna Carta and was met with death states and I thought "this ain't the gig for me". So I went to the UNiversity of Surrey in Guildford to work instead and now I'm on the 1926 General Strike.Might have an ice cream or seven and watch some footy. Sun's shining. Nice day in the Republic of Britain.

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I'm sat in some online training where the 'expert' just claimed "there have been 21,000 deaths in the UK from terrorism in the last decade"

I hope that a. You challenged it and b. You are going to report it.

It is arrant bullshit of course.

There have been deaths, of course there have, probably about 40 in the last ten years.
I'm sat in some online training where the 'expert' just claimed "there have been 21,000 deaths in the UK from terrorism in the last decade"
Google led me to the same page as our Irish Correspondent, there have been less than a hundred if you total them up and a fifth of those were a single incident the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. Time flies I didn't realise it has been 6 years since that.
There have been 63 between 2013 and 2021 (no figures for 2022/2023) so a third of them were Ariane Grande. 42 2/3rds of them were that year 2017 which seems to have been a bad year there was the London Bridge attack, Finsbury Park and the nutter who drived to drive into No 10.
I asked in the chat about that stat, but have had no response. She clearly doesn't know what she's doing. Sounds like she first read about it last night. She also did Fundamental British Values this morning and it was similarly badly done.
OK Big red flag right there what's a Fundamental British Value then?
The things Gove invented some years ago

Rule of law
Individual liberty
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

You don't have to look far from our government to see this is all a load of shite given their inability to follow these 'values'
I've just been given a lesson to teach (as an intro to some Dickens extracts) that describes workhouses as 'places where people who couldn't look after themselves were offered free food and accommodation'. Luckily I have some autonomy here and can just change it; at my last workplace I would have been in expected to teach what I was given.
I asked in the chat about that stat, but have had no response. She clearly doesn't know what she's doing. Sounds like she first read about it last night. She also did Fundamental British Values this morning and it was similarly badly done.


Can you raise your hand and put her to rights???

That kind of misinformation is really dangerous. She needs checking.
I've just been given a lesson to teach (as an intro to some Dickens extracts) that describes workhouses as 'places where people who couldn't look after themselves were offered free food and accommodation'. Luckily I have some autonomy here and can just change it; at my last workplace I would have been in expected to teach what I was given.
What the f..???

That's reallh weird.
I've just been given a lesson to teach (as an intro to some Dickens extracts) that describes workhouses as 'places where people who couldn't look after themselves were offered free food and accommodation'. Luckily I have some autonomy here and can just change it; at my last workplace I would have been in expected to teach what I was given.
It could be turned into a critical thinking exercise. The teacher could go through what happened at workhouses, then state what that reference and how unreliable sources can crop up all over the place.
I've just been given a lesson to teach (as an intro to some Dickens extracts) that describes workhouses as 'places where people who couldn't look after themselves were offered free food and accommodation'. Luckily I have some autonomy here and can just change it; at my last workplace I would have been in expected to teach what I was given.
'Child chimney sweeps were allowed to use the flues of rich' people's houses like Victorian soft play areas'...
Who gets to teach 'Fundamental British Values' anyway? Mrs Q is a maths teacher and math is pretty the one subject where you can guarantee there is just one right answer and fuzzy things like values don't come into it.
She has certainly never mentioned them to me and I can't imagine her not being a tad cynical about such things.
That's dangerously wrong, what else are they fucking up?
Most of it.
In my role I deliver this stuff to students - 12 sessions each year - and I know it inside out, including the recent updates and recommendations. And yet they get someone to deliver it to all staff who doesn't seem to understand it.
Who gets to teach 'Fundamental British Values' anyway? Mrs Q is a maths teacher and math is pretty the one subject where you can guarantee there is just one right answer and fuzzy things like values don't come into it.
She has certainly never mentioned them to me and I can't imagine her not being a tad cynical about such things.
It's supposed to be embedded. Which in practice means there'll be posters on a couple of walls. In my job we have to deliver sessions on it though.
It's supposed to be embedded. Which in practice means there'll be posters on a couple of walls. In my job we have to deliver sessions on it though.
I'll have to ask her when she gets home, things are not looking promising though. Just asked Youngest Q (age 20) who's on break from Uni this week. She actually went the same school where her mother teachs.
I have just asked her and she responded with "What?"
Anyway, ten pages in, have we a definition for 'British Values'?
The most important thing about British Values, that the international trust fund kiddies and mid Atlantic spivs who have been running the government recently don't understand is we don't talk about British values.

It's what the Americans do isn't it.
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