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Would you tell your senior management that you were applying for a job?

do you know how other people have handled it / been treated in similar circumstances?

In a variety of ways. I've just heard of someone else going for an internal job without telling anyone and not getting it, and apparently they were furious then too. But others have told them. I think it's probably more of an issue if you're quite senior?
In a variety of ways. I've just heard of someone else going for an internal job without telling anyone and not getting it, and apparently they were furious then too. But others have told them. I think it's probably more of an issue if you're quite senior?
What is the, er, basis of said fury?

In my last job I would have done the same as you and just told my line manager.

Congratulations, by the way!
A few years ago, I had a job I absolutely hated and never told anyone in the organisation I was going for external jobs.

I remember going for an interview not far from the office I worked in, when I'd booked a morning off for unspecified reasons, and walking up Borough High Street trying to make myself look scruffier in case they twigged. :D
Not being able to control and micromanage every last detail of everyone's lives, I suspect.
Yes, that has become a trend in the last decade or so.

I met my partner at work (year 2000) and guess that would be much more difficult now.
Never heard of any situation where anyone had to inform their employer that they had only applied for another job.
I mean..I think there is some notice required if you decide to accept another job offer...but you don't have to tell anyone you've applied for another job. For one thing..you might not get it or you might decide not to take it.

Your employers are bullies...imo.
Never heard of any situation where anyone had to inform their employer that they had only applied for another job.
I mean..I think there is some notice required if you decide to accept another job offer...but you don't have to tell anyone you've applied for another job. For one thing..you might not get it or you might decide not to take it.

Your employers are bullies...imo.

Oh yeah they 100% are. This is but one small example of it :/
Applying outside the company, they find out the day you decide to accept the job offer, not a minute sooner. That's what notice periods are for.

I can see how maybe applying for an internal position is perhaps a bit different, but you told your line manager. In that situation, I'm not sure it would be appropriate to tell anyone more senior than that, let alone necessary. Managers are bonkers. They don't fucking own you. And they've still got the notice period. Again, that's what it's for. If they can't replace you, tough. Pay more money. Do the job themselves. Not your problem.
It’s none of their business. The motivation to move jobs is usually better pay and conditions. If your current workplace is an environment where everyone is valued and rewarded, they should have no problem attracting a replacement and may even make a counter offer to persuade you to stay. If it’s a shitty place that wears you down, they likely know this and will start panicking. Their problem.

Good luck with the new job btw 🙂
I'd never alert management unless I was negotiating a pay rise. If not they can do one unless it's a contractual requirement.
if you are moving within the same organisation you often have to inform your line manager at the tiem of application rather than as with external where the it would be when they took references up
Also perhaps if subject to a personal improvement plan.
Ah yes. The beloved 'PIP'.

I won a lot of cases where someone was being sacked because they had 'failed' their PIP. I usually won by demonstrating the lack of managerial support, especially when the manager wasn't trained in the same Heads of Duty as the employee. There was one manager who I was up against twice, the second time I opened by asking what disciplinary action had been taken against him after the first 'loss',. and if not why not. The guy blanked me for four years after that. :)
Thank you! You are right but as I suppose is often the way in these places, you start to second guess yourself.

Line manager, who is normally extremely conflict averse, has been a total badass about it, I must say. Told them it was none of their business.
Well she's right, it is none of their business.

Some companies have a rule that you have to let your line manager know if you're applying for jobs in the same company outside of the team, and you did that.

Its a toxic environment and they're being toxic. Toxicity very much warps your idea of what is usual and reasonable.

You did nothing wrong, congratulations on your fab ew job!!
The only place I've remotely come across this was at a school.. and no idea then if it's common practice.. They seem suprised when I went for an interview without telling them.
Haven't read the thread, just a story based on the title.

I went for a job a couple of years ago without telling my management. Couldn't believe when I was interviewed in front of 12 people. (Even more bizarre was only one of them actually interviewed me). The rest were a mix of governers and...others.

Came second fwiw, which actually meant a sudden death play off and an immediate (there and then) second interview.

I later found out one of the anonymous other 12 was my headmaster's (at the school I was hoping to leave) wife.
I got an email from my manager's manager's manager today telling me how unprofessional and disrespectful my behaviour had been, but wishing me well in the new position, and that there were no hard feelings <smiley face>

Obviously someone who knows a lot about unprofessional and disrespectful behaviour from personal experience, so you probably need to have a good think before laughing and blocking.
I got an email from my manager's manager's manager today telling me how unprofessional and disrespectful my behaviour had been, but wishing me well in the new position, and that there were no hard feelings <smiley face>

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