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Reasons you've left a job

Job 1. left because I didn't like the work, also manager was well-meaning but spineless and manipulative
Job 2. got fired when I refused to change my appearance for more sex appeal (??)
Job 3. left for better pay/work, also was the only left-wing person in the office, which is like being the only gay in the village
Job 4. left as was not being offered a timely promotion, then got offered one at the point of leaving but it was too late, also long commute
Job 5. left soon after starting as the job description had been misleading
Job 6. left as part of a mass-exodus after change in senior management resulted in a cultural shift within the organisation
Ignoring jobs as a teenager I've basically left jobs because they were fixed term contracts and the contracts ended. The only exception being the job previous to my current one which I left halfway through the contract to get a permanent position - my current role.
That was a terrible decision and I should have taken the option of the other job I was offered at the same time.
Back in the day I was a postie in Oxford. Christmas Eve I hitched up to a village in Warwickshire to spendChristmas with some friends, after a week of 12 hour shifts. Christmas Day we had a Turkey with hash in the stuffing, which completely knocked out the whole household. Boxing Day I had to hitch back to Oxford for my next shift the following day. I got home all right, but next morning when the alarm went off I thought 'Sod it' and stayed in bed. Never went back.

All my other jobs I've been made redundant, or got a new job first or the job came to an end.
In order...
  • just stopped calling me for shifts
  • contract ended
  • hated getting up at 4.30 and working underground so stopped getting up
  • didn't bother turning up any more as I was bored
  • Sacked on my first day
  • left for a better job
  • made redundant when the mill went bust
  • Just said fuck this, after I would get sacked every evening (then re-employed every morning when the boss realised I was the only one with transport to ferry the rest of the crew and tools around)
  • left for a full time job
  • 5 promotions in that employer
  • left as I was burnt out/ knew the new contracts were going to be awful/had caring responsibilities/ was critically ill
  • left because my co-workers played an awful local radio station in the office (handed my notice in after hearing three Phil Collins songs in one morning)
  • Stopped working for covid
  • Because the new job offer sounded more interesting
  • left because my co-workers played an awful local radio station in the office (handed my notice in after hearing three Phil Collins songs in one morning)
Would like to get your co-workers view on this - you always need to hear both sides of the story
Would like to get your co-workers view on this - you always need to hear both sides of the story
If I got in first I would put my music on. I tried to be accommodating. I never played anything too out there, no matter how tempted I was to crack out the gabber and speedcore. I would quietly put on the gentler end of house, or a bit of funk and soul. They complained to management that I was running some sort of tekno rig in the office.
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