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How long is your lunch break?

How long is your lunch break?

  • One hour - I work in an office

    Votes: 14 24.6%
  • One hour - I don't work in an office

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • Half hour - I work in an office

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • Half hour - I don't work in an office

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • 20 minutes - the absolute legal minimum for a shift of 6 hours or more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 17 29.8%

  • Total voters
Boss wanted to finish early recently, on a Friday, and a supervisor started asking work related questions rather than leaving, so no one got out early. Supervisor proceeded to tell this story, rolling their eyes, like the boss is a big skiver. People are weird.
I wish I could claim back breaks that I haven’t taken. Sometimes you’re on a roll and resent the intrusion of a fixed mandatory break.
I started an office job once and naively believed I could do this with the TOIL system. I was the last out most nights for my first few weeks. My time sheets were jam packed with accumulated TOIL. I was excited by the prospect of extra long weekends, but then told that flexi time in fact means just staying late unpaid for overtime when they decide, and taking days off when you don't want them. They'd phone on Sunday to say don't come in tomorrow, take a TOIL day. 😤
I started an office job once and naively believed I could do this with the TOIL system. I was the last out most nights for my first few weeks. My time sheets were jam packed with accumulated TOIL. I was excited by the prospect of extra long weekends, but then told that flexi time in fact means just staying late unpaid for overtime when they decide, and taking days off when you don't want them. They'd phone on Sunday to say don't come in tomorrow, take a TOIL day. 😤
Sounds familiar
However long I want given I work from home but I rarely take more than 20-30 mins, have quick bite to eat, something to drink, watch a couple of YouTube videos whilst I eat and then back to work. Occasionally I might take a longer one if I need to pop out quickly/
Often take an hour when working from home as I can fit in diy / gardening jobs at lunchtime. Especially in the winter when weather / daylight is less reliable
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