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Teacher training: Teach First?

As others have said, once you're in the classroom it will be intense, so I'd go the route that offers more cash. There will be days, and weeks, where you feel shit, but stick with it and it will get better.

I did an FE-specific PGDE eleven years ago, and in retrospect it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
I did get one offer for a university based PGCE, but the only course I got an offer for i really wasn't v impressed by the interview tbh, it was a bit chaotic and they hardly asked me anything so felt a bit like they would take anyone... and it was still only a month or so in university before being put on a school. Whereas tf have been really responsive and given lots of detailed feedback and stuff to work on already. As well as the money side. So decision made I guess. (It is still a PGCE route, well PGDE but that is exactly the same level, just a bit longer)
I like this paper about the "Solidarity Assimilation Method" in Brazil, it kind of puts my concerns about the programme into words: (PDF) Mathematics education's solidarity assimilation methodology

" One can say that Baldino and Tânia anticipated what is now known as the “social turn” in mathematics education. Studies within this vein emphasize the importance of considering how what is happening in a classroom depends on the entire social, cultural and political frame. These studies highlight the importance of “social interactions” and the role of “culture” when learning mathematics; they also raise broader issues of equity and social justice in accessing mathematics education (Gutièrrez, 2013; Sriramann & English, 2010). A problem with these studies however, is their disavowal of the economy when addressing the question of failure in school mathematics (Pais, 2014).
Despite the diversity of studies animating the social turn, what binds them is the rejection of a central organizing principle, which takes into account how schools manifest the totality that capitalism is today. In a postmodern research-world, it is not easy for researchers to posit capital as the “concrete universal” of our times (Baldino & Cabral, 2018). To do so, will imply a questioning of not only the structures and actors that exercise damaging influence on school mathematics (governmental policies, discourses, etc.) but also a questioning of our own role worsening what we intend to improve (Pais, 2015). "
How many hours a week you teaching? Inner city hellhole? What's hard work, behaviour management or planning?

I've been sent to a chain academy in the Essex borders to finish after extending. Odd place but kids seem lovely.
yeh 16 hours a week lesson time, inner city but not hell hole I wouldn't say, it is a really good department and v supportive just soooo busy.

I actually have 3 classes I really like doing but then 1 I have no control over whatsoever I don't feel like. Tomorrow is another day though.
Yeah. Baptism of fire innit.

I got it easy and started off doing adult education in a niche subject.

My first year teaching nothing but 16-18s with zero quals was quite the experience.

but very true about half term.
It is training, but also straight into teaching; that is how the teach first programme works, 80% of full timetable from the start. 2 of the classes are same year so same lessons, but the other 2 aren't.
It is training, but also straight into teaching; that is how the teach first programme works, 80% of full timetable from the start. 2 of the classes are same year so same lessons, but the other 2 aren't.
How much of the lesson plan do they give you?

Wouldn't have worked for me. I didn't know my subject well enough when I started.
Basic lesson plans are all given for now, so they just need to be adjusted to fit and to teach... and print materials etc. It varies how much needs adding and changing though.
I had to have a little laugh to myself earlier as a fellow Success Coach was complaining about being too busy, what with having 10 hours a week including three hours teaching timetabled.

I have 24, 12 teaching

Yes and with maths what gets taught is relatively stable from year to year... it is not like I have to teach a totally new set text that I never read before like in english.
Fuck. Me. I can't foresee any problems at all with that set-up.

As Cats' says rutabowa; make sure you get breaks somewhere & basically be all straight edge til October half term.
i will reply to yr message soon, that date sounds good tho. just lying down
Hey, don't worry. I wasn't stalking. This just popped up. I thought you might have broken your phone. Now I know. I don't feel anywhere near as bad about my work demands now.
It usually sounds patronising from an older person, but teaching is a job that you get better at with experience.
All the bad experiences serve a purpose.
It is also one of the hardest and most stressful and physically exhausting jobs out there.
However when it goes well very few jobs can beat it, but when it goes badly you will think any other job is better than that kind of suffering.
My only tip is the word 'do'. If a stranger comes into your lesson and asks a student what are they supposed to be doing and they say they 'don't know' then you're failing, even if they say they're meant to be sitting up straight with their arms folded facing the teacher that represents success (even if they're not doing it, at least they know what should be happening).
Final tip, you're unlikely to be the only coolest down with the kids relatable adult they will encounter, so don't act like you are.
Yes and with maths what gets taught is relatively stable from year to year... it is not like I have to teach a totally new set text that I never read before like in english.
Well preparation doesn't help. I read all the books on the school I was going to's syllabus and made sure I knew how to teach them. Two weeks before starting they changed school on me so I read all the ones on the new school's syllabus. Got there today and they'd changed the whole syllabus. :facepalm:
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