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Tareena Shakil - convicted of membership of Islamic State


tofu eating wokerati
Tareena Shakil, who left a shit relationship in Britain and then returned from Syria when she discovered it wasn't the paradise it was cracked up to be, has today been convicted of being a member of Islamic State.
Tim Maloney QC, defending, urged the jury to think twice before convicting.
"Her partner was sleeping around and getting drunk… abusing her physically and psychologically," he said.
"It's breakdown time; she's vulnerable. [The IS recruiter] cultivates her and at that time she goes from nought to 60 in no time whatsoever, because she's being groomed.
"She may have been attracted to an idealised vision of ISIS [Islamic State], but as soon as she saw what it was like she came back.
"When she got back she helped the authorities. She's not in ISIS, she's someone who has done something really wrong that she badly regrets."
She faces up to ten years in jail but hopefully, with a young child, she won't get anything like that. Appalling as IS is, and much as people need to be discouraged, I fail to see how jailing her is going to help anyone. It's hardly going to discourage people already so inclined, is it? How if at all can people be dissuaded from joining IS? How should the state deal with people who return?

Tareena Shakil: Why British woman is guilty of joining Islamic State - BBC News
Tareena Shakil, who left a shit relationship in Britain and then returned from Syria when she discovered it wasn't the paradise it was cracked up to be, has today been convicted of being a member of Islamic State. She faces up to ten years in jail but hopefully, with a young child, she won't get anything like that. Appalling as IS is, and much as people need to be discouraged, I fail to see how jailing her is going to help anyone. It's hardly going to discourage people already so inclined, is it? How if at all can people be dissuaded from joining IS? How should the state deal with people who return?

Tareena Shakil: Why British woman is guilty of joining Islamic State - BBC News
I am inclined to agree with your doubts about the sense of jailing her. She was duped and probably doesn't deserve a jail sentence. I suspect that if there is a collective motive for punishing her it is to deter others from returning and providing a source of potential terrorists in this country. In other words a fantasy fear.
How if at all can people be dissuaded from joining IS? How should the state deal with people who return?

Tareena Shakil: Why British woman is guilty of joining Islamic State - BBC News

A version of penance by working for Syrian or Iraqi refugees in Britain, who've had their countries ruined by Isis.

A version of community service by doing a speaking tour to Muslim youth groups and Mosque groups explaining her former interest in and now forceful opposition to Isis.
A version of penance by working for Syrian or Iraqi refugees in Britain, who've had their countries ruined by Isis.

A version of community service by doing a speaking tour to Muslim youth groups and Mosque groups explaining her former interest in and now forceful opposition to Isis.
Excellent suggestions!

I'm a bit puzzled when people say they are surprised to find out what IS is really like: don't some of their own propaganda videos give fairly graphic illustrations of how they deal with kuffar? Perhaps it's more a question that they are surprised to find out what it's really like for believers under IS?
I am inclined to agree with your doubts about the sense of jailing her. She was duped and probably doesn't deserve a jail sentence. I suspect that if there is a collective motive for punishing her it is to deter others from returning and providing a source of potential terrorists in this country. In other words a fantasy fear.

i'd genuinely think that keeping her out of jail and talking to as many peole as possible about how it wasn't anything like what was promised would be far more effective at reducing the chance that people would go there. certainly more than punishing her and more than telling muslim women they are submissive illiterates.
Would this be a suitable punishment for say, far right activists in Europe? part of a wider network, who are caught by the respective state security, especially if they had repented, which I don't think the putative Jihadi has.
A version of penance by working for Syrian or Iraqi refugees in Britain, who've had their countries ruined by Isis.

A version of community service by doing a speaking tour to Muslim youth groups and Mosque groups explaining her former interest in and now forceful opposition to Isis.

Those politicians who voted for war in 2003 bear much more responsibility for that ruination than this woman does. Let's see them do penance first.
Excellent suggestions!

I'm a bit puzzled when people say they are surprised to find out what IS is really like: don't some of their own propaganda videos give fairly graphic illustrations of how they deal with kuffar? Perhaps it's more a question that they are surprised to find out what it's really like for believers under IS?
She took pictures of her son posing with rifles. I'm pretty sure she knew what Isis were like.
She's an idiot but did get her son out of their do feel sorry for her got to be in a pretty shit situation to think isisi seems like a good idea :hmm:.

As for posing with a rifle its syria your going to do what the nice jihadi says or else:eek:
Whilst she seems somewhat of a lost soul the notion that these events were set in motion by a bad bf is laughable. This is a woman with considerable resourcefulness, beyond many of us here. She not only got herself to ISIS in Syria and got herself out again but she also managed to get her young child to wear an 'ISIS hat' and we all know how hard it is to get a young child to keep a hat on in warm weather.

Whilst there, no doubt, living in an appropriated house eating appropriated food she encouraged others. All of this well after the murder of UK hostages was well known.

Maybe she can do some good now, but she also has to be punished.
Excellent suggestions!

I'm a bit puzzled when people say they are surprised to find out what IS is really like: don't some of their own propaganda videos give fairly graphic illustrations of how they deal with kuffar? Perhaps it's more a question that they are surprised to find out what it's really like for believers under IS?

Perhaps it also suggests that one should be cautious about her accounts. Her history seems to show a knack for convincing others that she is what they would like her to be.
Perhaps it also suggests that one should be cautious about her accounts. Her history seems to show a knack for convincing others that she is what they would like her to be.

so sort of like the skills someone learns surviving an abusive relationship?
so sort of like the skills someone learns surviving an abusive relationship?

If that's what it was perhaps. I haven't read that much about it, but it's not unreasonable to be sceptical. I would not believe it without evidence and it doesn't mean B follows A.

Samantha Lewthwaite convinced the police and security services that her husband had suddenly become radicialised, she knew nothing about 7/7 and opposed it vehemently - was a victim. The reality is more like she was joint and equal partner.

I think we want to believe this of women, but like I say this woman was competent, resourceful - an actor and self-determining. This notion of women blown around by other people's actions is out of date.
If that's what it was perhaps. I haven't read that much about it, but it's not unreasonable to be sceptical. I would not believe it without evidence and it doesn't mean B follows A.

Samantha Lewthwaite convinced the police and security services that her husband had suddenly become radicialised, she knew nothing about 7/7 and opposed it vehemently - was a victim. The reality is more like she was joint and equal partner.

I think we want to believe this of women, but like I say this woman was competent, resourceful - an actor and self-determining. This notion of women blown around by other people's actions is out of date.

i simply do not like to see behavior patterns that victims of abuse commonly develop being used to deny abuse as a potential influence on someone's behavior.
i simply do not like to see behavior patterns that victims of abuse commonly develop being used to deny abuse as a potential influence on someone's behavior.

Neither would I, but don't confuse theory and fact. It's not unreasonable that it is evidenced if to be used in mitigation. But how much so is quite arguable - can't help but start off from her being responsible for her actions until otherwise proven.

Chances are she doesn't really know what she is herself right now, which means she shouldn't be made the poster girl of anything, jihad or anti. Maybe she will prove a useful role model in the fight against this type of grooming in the future. Right now the court has to look at her crime and the welfare of her child.
It's worth considering too that she left the country after the 'abusive' partner had been out of the country for 6 months. Ok, he could still exert influence, but she had options and clearly she wasn't listening to him when she left for Syria.

We don't really know what she got up to there, whether she was really surprised to find people in sexual and other slavery or public executions or whether she joined a jeering crowd throwing stones at the victims. We solely have her account that she 'escaped'.
Daesh want to bring the evils of Sharia to our shores. Let her be an example to other Islamo-Fascists that we won't tolerate their poison. Bang her up for a long stretch...
Yeah that really isnt going to help

Punishment is hard to get right. You would hope that anything she gets is rehabilitative. It almost seems as if she suffered from some kind of idee fixe - became obsessional about living under Sharia and changed rapidly again once the illusion disappeared.

But equally it's not clear that she presents no threat whatsoever, nor did her actions have no consequence.
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