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SWP split?

There's going to be a fight at the NESSN meeting, Basher wants control, but surely he is not a steward any more or branch official therefore rightly not allowed to hold office in the NSSN?[/QUO=

Most bizarre meeting long debate after motion of no confidence in current sec of NESSN. The SWP circulated a statement attacking one of their members and disasociating the SWP from his actions as Tynside sec of NESSN. How long before the chop ?
Most bizarre meeting long debate after motion of no confidence in current sec of NESSN. The SWP circulated a statement attacking one of their members and disasociating the SWP from his actions as Tynside sec of NESSN. How long before the chop ?

Did they succeed in passing the motion of no confidence?

And what was the motion based on? They must have given some reason.
Did they succeed in passing the motion of no confidence?

And what was the motion based on? They must have given some reason.

The motion was moved by the SP and seconded by SWP the incumbent secretary managed to unite both organisations due to a combination of beurocratic methods attacking young activists from youth fight for jobs and various other misdemeanours. He had refused to publicise events including a post workers solidarity meeting on the basis that there were initiated by political parties. At the same time he was publicising morning star events and allying the network to the tyneside socialist forum which intends to stand in elections. His secretaries reports were extremely negative and offputting to potential recruits to the shop stewards network. He also alianated himself and the regional network away from the national steering committee and tried to block Yunus attending that body.

Apart from that he was an obnoxious git still resident in manchester so not really entitled to be secretary of a network in the north east.
Glad I've stayed out of it. The SSN needs to be controlled by actual stewards and reps - elected to the SSN's bodies by the workers they represent, it should be a genuine delegate body bringing together genuinely militant workers in different workplaces, not a plaything for toy bureaucrats to fight other wannabe toy bureaucrats, and lefties.
Anyone ever read Dave H's books on folk music and ragged trousered philanthropist? I always thought that his attacks on AL Lloyd et al were a bit OTT personally.
I was at the Irish SWP's Marxism event at the weekend. It was about the same size as the last one I was at, a bit smaller than the one before that, but I'm told it was actually bigger than the last two.

Anyway, yes there has been a split in Ireland, in Belfast to be precise. No mention was formally made of this fact, of course, but informally a couple of SWP members said that that people who left had not been threatened with expulsion. A previously Dublin based fulltimer has been sent to Belfast to try and rebuild a branch.

The biggest meetings at the event (the two rallies and the meeting on "where now for the left") featured some borderline hysterical stuff. "Now is the time for the revolutionary left", "We will have major social change within two years, and its up to us what kind". Their main public face described the event as "the most important gathering of socialists I've ever been to!" There was a lot of stuff about how our big opportunity has come and unless the whole left gets together now we will miss the boat. Any talk about the kind of political basis the left should work together on was an unwelcome distraction.

Meanwhile, the British SWP have expelled a couple more people apparently. Some trade unionist has been expelled for alleged "gross sexism" (and no I don't know what that means but if you want to risk losing the will to live you can no doubt find out by wading through the discussions on Socialist Unity). And a student in London has been given the boot for "factionalism". Unsurprisingly, both of them, like the other guy who was expelled last week, are supporters of the Rees faction.
Trying to make out what is going on is difficult.
Does a section within the SWP wish to contest elections using the name ''Left Platform'', working with other groups?
While the other half of the split in the SWP wish to...well not sure, carry on the same?
Those being expelled are on the Left Platform side?
If so, that means the stay the same SWP, have the upper hand?
I note John Rees is devoting some of his time, don't know how much, presenting programmes on the Islam channel. As a TV presenter he's not bad.
I note John Rees is devoting some of his time, don't know how much, presenting programmes on the Islam channel.

You couldn't make it up! Well, you could, but there's no need. Islamo-Trots are almost beyond parody.
Family background military police, owns her own restaurant and cried when Galloway left a Respect NC meeting.

Not likely to be revolutionary cadre for the SWP in the long term.


She was a member of the SWP for four years before she was expelled. That's a longer period of membership than the vast majority of people who pass through the SWP's revolving door.
She was a member of the SWP for four years before she was expelled. That's a longer period of membership than the vast majority of people who pass through the SWP's revolving door.

She actually seems reasonably intelligent though how anyone could admit to being confused about the SWP's role in the Respect split is beyond me. All the documents were published for people to read, they just chose not to.

Two months ago myself and James M were suspended from the SWP. James has had his suspension lifted and is able to participate in party debates at conference although is not able to sell the paper,

He should thanks God for small mercies:no more hanging about in the rain pushing that rag,etc.
you may well be being cautious so as not to prejudice your appeal, which is fair enough, but seeing as SOAS is head and shoulders above other uni's for left activity

Jim Jay posted the above comment(edited)

Ah, but what sort of 'Left activity?,campaigns against welfare cuts,supporting the Posties, etc, no it will be Palestine, anti-imperialism,etc, hereby lies the problem.
It is hardly surprising if the student body of the School of Oriental and African Studies has an international outlook.
Jim Jay posted the above comment(edited)

Ah, but what sort of 'Left activity?,campaigns against welfare cuts,supporting the Posties, etc, no it will be Palestine, anti-imperialism,etc, hereby lies the problem.

Were you referring to SOAS particularly, or SWP students groups generally?

If it's the latter, you're wrong, the SWP groups at Exeter Uni 2 years ago were involved in support for the posties and the strikes back then.
Anyone ever read Dave H's books on folk music and ragged trousered philanthropist? I always thought that his attacks on AL Lloyd et al were a bit OTT personally.

Have indeed and knew him years ago. Always a loose cannon and last time I knew he was living in New Mills rather than Manchester.
Have indeed and knew him years ago. Always a loose cannon and last time I knew he was living in New Mills rather than Manchester.

Still a loose cannon arrogant enough to ignore a democratic decision and carry on regardless. Threatened to report me t'committee.
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