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SWP split?

Grassing is a different matter. Not supporting is one thing, crossing you fingers that the fucker fucks off and drops out is another, grassing though - no I don't think so.

I'm not talking about the complaint from the alleged racist, but from the scores of union activists he had bullied over the years.

What about his own comrades who said they would support him and then vanished?

more bullshit why have there been several socials and other meetings of support raising thousands of pounds. The management have wasted no time in attacking terms and conditions now he is out of the way and the union colludes with management.
Even when they have actively driven people out of the union and the socialist movement as a result of their behaviour? Even people who they have personally threatened, bullied, and harassed should support them?

At least me and TBH are being honest about it, unlike the numerous people who paid lip service to the campaign and then vanished until it was over therefore not actually doing anything to back up their words - why? Because they couldn't bear to actually work with the cunt.

That would depend on the political context wouldn't it? If as a consequence of not supporting him you're left with a right-wing dominated union that will facilitate the continued privatisation of the NHS, then yes.
Jane Loftus has apparently left the SWP now. The SWP's highest ranking union official, CWU vice-president, has decided to remain a CWU national executive member and resigned from the SWP after she voted along with the rest of the postal executive to accept the so-called 'interim deal' that led to the suspension of strike action in Royal Mail.

Apparently, the SWP had demanded that she issue a repudiation of her vote so she finally jumped ship.
Jane Loftus has apparently left the SWP now. The SWP's highest ranking union official, CWU vice-president, has decided to remain a CWU national executive member and resigned from the SWP after she voted along with the rest of the postal executive to accept the so-called 'interim deal' that led to the suspension of strike action in Royal Mail.

Apparently, the SWP had demanded that she issue a repudiation of her vote so she finally jumped ship.

What happened to the PCS SWP executives who sold out the members did they ever get kicked out?

Anyone who subscribes to the great man theory of history and thinks Basher was the only person between union members and the bosses and bureaucrats doesn't have a full grasp of the situation - yes, they were glad to get shot of him, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have won anyway, to fight them effectively would have required someone with coalition building skills something even the sexist thugs most rabid supporters wouldn't claim he had.
What happened to the PCS SWP executives who sold out the members did they ever get kicked out?

Anyone who subscribes to the great man theory of history and thinks Basher was the only person between union members and the bosses and bureaucrats doesn't have a full grasp of the situation - yes, they were glad to get shot of him, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have won anyway, to fight them effectively would have required someone with coalition building skills something even the sexist thugs most rabid supporters wouldn't claim he had.

Martin John left the SWP, Sue Bond grovelled a bit and apologised iirc. And no-one was 'sold out'.
Jane Loftus has apparently left the SWP now. The SWP's highest ranking union official, CWU vice-president, has decided to remain a CWU national executive member and resigned from the SWP after she voted along with the rest of the postal executive to accept the so-called 'interim deal' that led to the suspension of strike action in Royal Mail.

Apparently, the SWP had demanded that she issue a repudiation of her vote so she finally jumped ship.

I don't know why but I am still surprised to see folk in positions like this who do not seem to work with the organisation they claim to be a representative of - at least in a party that claims to be the type of organisation the SWP does?

Maybe one could argue Loftus had a more realistic, informed position than the SWP does and they are not listening (going for 'a strike at any cost, regardless' approach), maybe she is under preasure from the bureaucracy and they are not providing a balance to their representative? Either way its odd to see someone in such an important elected position and, until recently, claiming to be a member doing what they are.

The same was true in the PCS.
i think twenty years ago they'd have got her to resign, probably long before things came to this position, and made her fight to win the post back with an unarguable mandate from the membership (or not if she lost). These days, with the fall in turnout for such elections, they don't think they'd have a chance of winning any such election, and so let their 'key' bureaucrats do as they like to a large extent. Which ends up in a position like this with the key members agreeing pretty crappy deals.

Who is their industrial organiser now? Anyone who has ever actually worked?
aah yes, he was the organiser last year, so probably still is. I really don't think he was ex-public school tho
He's a key Smithite so there won't be too much criticisms of his troop leadership qualities (not until it's his turn up against the wall anyway).
Apparently a long time SWP member close to Alex Snowden was being called to acount last night in Newcastle. Concerns over his role in the North East Shop stewards Network in supporting the current secretary who has tried to prevent basher representing the region on national steering committee. Another expulsion pending ?
Apparently a long time SWP member close to Alex Snowden was being called to acount last night in Newcastle. Concerns over his role in the North East Shop stewards Network in supporting the current secretary who has tried to prevent basher representing the region on national steering committee. Another expulsion pending ?

There's going to be a fight at the NESSN meeting, Basher wants control, but surely he is not a steward any more or branch official therefore rightly not allowed to hold office in the NSSN?
There's going to be a fight at the NESSN meeting, Basher wants control, but surely he is not a steward any more or branch official therefore rightly not allowed to hold office in the NSSN?

they make excpetions for victimised members dont they? otherwise Glann Kelly et all wouldn't be eligible either, and I'm sure they are
Surely 20 years ago they wouldn't have had her stand for NEC in the first place?

they did stand, usually on the basis that they would never win so it wouldn't matter. I recall that they actually got someone elected to a senior post in USDAW, and then had to come up with a 'principled' reason for them to resign ASAP
they did stand, usually on the basis that they would never win so it wouldn't matter. I recall that they actually got someone elected to a senior post in USDAW, and then had to come up with a 'principled' reason for them to resign ASAP

The Socialist Party got someone elected to a senior role in Usdaw, she was alright and actually ran for GS I think, after resigning from her other post on a point of principle, I forget her name now...
they make excpetions for victimised members dont they? otherwise Glann Kelly et all wouldn't be eligible either, and I'm sure they are

You're right. I forgot.

No - TBH I won't be attending unfortunately as I'm not currently a steward and I think only stewards and reps should be involved in the actual day to day running and decision making in the network. I will do what I can to support it, and go along to any events they organise.
You're right. I forgot.

No - TBH I won't be attending unfortunately as I'm not currently a steward and I think only stewards and reps should be involved in the actual day to day running and decision making in the network. I will do what I can to support it, and go along to any events they organise.

Yeah, but the issues and discussion mean that the IWW have to be there. I do not know who is going to turn out mind...
The Socialist Party got someone elected to a senior role in Usdaw, she was alright and actually ran for GS I think, after resigning from her other post on a point of principle, I forget her name now...

Yep, Robbie Segal, got a respectable 10,000 votes (but on only a 9% turnout)

Jeff Broome: 19,962
Robbie Segal: 10,559

Put the wind up the usdaw exec
Yeah, but the issues and discussion mean that the IWW have to be there. I do not know who is going to turn out mind...

I'm not sure what difference it will actually make though. My preference would be to side with the types keeping Basher out and concentrate on actually putting some good practical ideas for making the network relevant.
Aaah, so that's why people think Weyman Bennett is a twat. Got it.....
No Weyman Bennet is a prat!

Only seen Yunus get aggressive once but that was against Workers Liberty when they held an 'independent meeting' at Marxism. He never hit anyone though.

Then again Socialist Organiser/Workers Liberty have always had some sort of bizzare sado-masochist relationship with SWP.

Made a good speech in Oxford.

Think semi-conscious racism does come into it, from what I've seen and heard of him pity their aren't more political activists like him around. Shame he's in the SWP!
The cpgb have helpfully reproduced preconference bulletin 2. Which weighs in at a hefty 53 pages!!
anyone remember the good old days when these were 5-6 pages of ''ra ra int' the party great''
looks like the blood letting is well underway.
Will there be a party left when Harman's carrion finally returns?
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