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SWP expulsions and squabbles

WTF why now?
Good question. Whilst the revised policy is obviously an improvement, as is the invitation for advice from outside the SWP I wonder why it took so long and what prompted the review and implementation. I am not in contact with anyone who is still a member although I am with ex-members who still do some work with them on some campaigns but none of those mentioned anything.
Well, had they issued that statement at the time I’d have paid some attention. But at this point its relevance is next to zero. Who gives the SWP even a moment’s thought these days?
They've a stall outside my local shopping centre on a Saturday morning so I have to run the gauntlet* of petitions and paper sales every week. :rolleyes: (The homophobic, racist paramilitary religious fuckers in the purple Star Trek type outfits** are often on the other side of the road so the SWP are actually the better option.)

*I mean it's not much of a gauntlet or whatever but 🤷‍♀️.
** Can't remember what they're called but people locally will know who I mean. Not Nation of Islam as no bowties but that kind of thing.
They've a stall outside my local shopping centre on a Saturday morning so I have to run the gauntlet* of petitions and paper sales every week. :rolleyes: (The homophobic, racist paramilitary religious fuckers in the purple Star Trek type outfits** are often on the other side of the road so the SWP are actually the better option.)

*I mean it's not much of a gauntlet or whatever but 🤷‍♀️.
** Can't remember what they're called but people locally will know who I mean. Not Nation of Islam as no bowties but that kind of thing.
Hebrew Israelites? What's their unacceptable behaviour policy like?
Oh might be. Given the horrible shite they spout, I'm guessing they're all about unreasonable and horrible behaviour.
I've never seen them in real life when I've been over in the UK tbh and we don't have them here. There's probably not enough room as every town you go to around here seems to have two or three Jehovah 's witnesses with a book rack lying in wait .
WTF why now?
Has there been a change in the composition of the Central Committee making it possible to discuss the issue publicly? Or is this just the political equivalent of a deluxe anniversary box set of one of their 'albums' to keep the brand alive? Or would that be too cynical even about swappies?

I note the statement refers to ''decisions made by the SWP in 2013". The Martin Smith affair began in 2010 and the decisions about how to 'handle' it took place over the next couple of years. 2013 was when the 'launch' of the disputes committee report was mishandled leading to mass resignations. Is that mishandling of the outcome what they are really apologising for? Are the failures listed in the statement merely the "good reason" for issuing it rather than the "real reason"?
Round here, it's still the same old faces from like 30 years ago. No fresh blood at all. Whilst other left groups seem to be recruiting the odd young 'un (SP, RCP etc..), the SWP seem to be like the CPGB was in the mid 80's. Aging and a bit of a toxic brand. Maybe that's why now?
Yeah, similar here. RCP is where it’s at for the earnest youngsters. The SWP disappeared up one of Tommy Sheridan’s dead ends, and I’ve no idea if they followed him into Alba or they fell by the wayside somewhere else.
Do any of the splinter groups (Counterfire, RS21 etc) survive in any meaningful numbers? Could this be part of a negotiation to bring the family back together? But Counterfire split was pre Delta wasn't it? Can't remember now.
Has there been a change in the composition of the Central Committee making it possible to discuss the issue publicly? Or is this just the political equivalent of a deluxe anniversary box set of one of their 'albums' to keep the brand alive? Or would that be too cynical even about swappies?

I note the statement refers to ''decisions made by the SWP in 2013". The Martin Smith affair began in 2010 and the decisions about how to 'handle' it took place over the next couple of years. 2013 was when the 'launch' of the disputes committee report was mishandled leading to mass resignations. Is that mishandling of the outcome what they are really apologising for? Are the failures listed in the statement merely the "good reason" for issuing it rather than the "real reason"?
Might be me but when I went to look at the Unacceptable Behaviour policy it was dated Jan 2019 . So one could have reasonably expected the apology to have been made then rather than now?
Counterfire is busy splitting over its awful take on trans stuff (essentially agreeing wholeheartedly with the CPB). Not seen any mention of it in RS21, but chances of a merger and slightly lower than those for Sunak winning a majority in the next election.
I've never seen them in real life when I've been over in the UK tbh and we don't have them here. There's probably not enough room as every town you go to around here seems to have two or three Jehovah 's witnesses with a book rack lying in wait .
I'm really glad that the JWs now recruit through city centres stalls. When they used to knock on doors I was sure they kept coming back to my house more than the neighbours'. I eventually realised it was probably due to my always being fairly polite and respectful even as I edged the door closed on them, as some of them at least came across as having suffered a lot in life. It got that way, for a time, that I was always dashing upstairs to peer from behind the front bedroom curtains before I'd answer a knock on the door.

In contrast to these types, those who stand at their city-centre stalls usually appear self-assured, and well-dressed in a conservative-cultish way
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