Can you or anyone explain this?
'But what should interest us…now, is not this or that thesis but the way in which each of them was produced. What should interest us is a style of thinking and action, a style that can be summed up as continuous and constant change in relation to the given situation. Lenin is the continuous redefinition of the given situation on the basis of the dynamic of the class struggle and of the spaces which open up from time to time, or which become closed, to the activism of the popular movement. Lenin is the minute attention to singularity, to the unrepeatability of each historic moment, to getting a concrete hold on an unprecedented condition, and thus to the constant mutation of the objective situation and of the subjects that act within it. Lenin, therefore, is a continuous movement of rupture in the face of convictions, of political lines and of organizational forms, which, having matured in a preceding situation, tend by inertia to repeat their problems and solutions and therefore to remain prisoners of the old class relations.'
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