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'super talented weirdos'- Dominic Cummings wants your cv

We can imagine the sort of blue-sky, out-of-the-box thinking they'll be looking for: a bonfire of the regulations that are holding back landlords and companies from making britain innovative and great again. Getting rid of inefficient parliamentary procedures to make the PM more like a CEO to get Brexit and other real business-oriented measures through. Stopping the unions from stifling businesses, and discouraging strikes and public dissent from blocking up our roads and railways and preventing good hardworking families from going about their lawful business.

Certainly not looking for people with any form of social conscience to improve conditions for the ill and unemployed and poorly paid and anyone who's not a natural tory voter.
We can imagine the sort of blue-sky, out-of-the-box thinking they'll be looking for: a bonfire of the regulations that are holding back landlords and companies from making britain innovative and great again. Getting rid of inefficient parliamentary procedures to make the PM more like a CEO to get Brexit and other real business-oriented measures through. Stopping the unions from stifling businesses, and discouraging strikes and public dissent from blocking up our roads and railways and preventing good hardworking families from going about their lawful business.

Certainly not looking for people with any form of social conscience to improve conditions for the ill and unemployed and poorly paid and anyone who's not a natural tory voter.
This is where the new like/angry thing gets confusing. What you said is true, I agree with it. It also makes me furious. Do I give the old style thumbs up? Or use the cross face? Do they refer to the content or the poster?

Will any of these new recruits be allowed to join the PCS or any other CS union? :hmm:

I strongly suspect their "contracts" would make that nearly impossible.

Tell you what though, to take the piss : If Cummings's 'plans' make it easier for me (a lowpaid** Civil Servant) to get offered some redundancy (and in my case, early retirement -- I'm 57 ;) ) then bring it the fuck on :D

**I'm far too lowpaid though for even Cummings to think I'm any kind of 'obstruction' -- only ultra top grade/long established CS would get any chance of a fat pay-off ...... boss twats :(
I once worked for an employer that, in a job advert for an HR job, stated they were looking for someone 'quirky'. By all accounts the person they hired was not quirky.

An ill defined job description helps nobody. In this case, it demonstrates that Cummings and Johnson don't really know what they want to achieve, they've just thrown some currently on trend phrases together and asked for people to send CVs in for a bunch of random jobs on a project that will probably burn through a ridiculous amount of cash yet achieve nothing.
They are good ideas though arent they.

Good ideas which any progressive movement with balls would want to take on and learn from. Instead of bleating about how it potentially breaks recruitment law. For christ's sake...
They are good ideas though arent they.

Good ideas which any progressive movement with balls would want to take on and learn from. Instead of bleating about how it potentially breaks recruitment law. For christ's sake...
My feelings tbh :D The revolution better have a transparent and accountable recruitment policy when the time comes.
I once worked for an employer that, in a job advert for an HR job, stated they were looking for someone 'quirky'. By all accounts the person they hired was not quirky.

An ill defined job description helps nobody. In this case, it demonstrates that Cummings and Johnson don't really know what they want to achieve, they've just thrown some currently on trend phrases together and asked for people to send CVs in for a bunch of random jobs on a project that will probably burn through a ridiculous amount of cash yet achieve nothing.

My ex partner got a job at one of the big 4 accountancy firms off the back of an "Alternative personalities alternative skills delivery" type scheme, she was an aggressive, sociopathic, alcoholic with daddy issues. She's still there apparently getting on quite well:D
My in-house civil servant has now read the Cummings blog. Her take is that this is all about boosting the No. 10 (and therefore Cummings’) power base. No. 10 traditionally has a relatively small number of staff. Departments (or the Cabinet Office) conventionally handle the issues discussed in the blog.

It is also unusual for political advisers to directly employ staff. Alistair Campbell employed a few but it was controversial. Who is going to pay for these people? The thing to watch out for is whether Mark Sedwell (Head of CS) signs this off or waters it down.
They are good ideas though arent they.

Good ideas which any progressive movement with balls would want to take on and learn from. Instead of bleating about how it potentially breaks recruitment law. For christ's sake...
It’s easy enough to sneer as a white bloke. Employment law and equalities last is there to protect everyone else
Which ideas do you think are good, particularly?
Having read the advert, this just screams out to me that they're looking for some derivite of the libertarian tech bro. A tech bro who will implement the cutting edge of mathematical/statistical/econometrics abstract thought to decidedly real world events. Whether or not those abstract thoughts work in reality, which they very often don't, doesn't matter - this is a call for ideas over people, ideas actively against people, if they don't fit into the grand 'idea box' it's not that there is a problem with the idea, it's a problem with the person.

If Cumming's et al was really looking to shake things up they would exclude the need to have attended some of the top uni's from the job descriptions, but that's still a requirement. Also, it's nice to see out in the open his 'blah blah' attitude towards workplace diversity:

'' People in SW1 talk a lot about ‘diversity’ but they rarely mean ‘true cognitive diversity’. They are usually babbling about ‘gender identity diversity blah blah'. ''
You'd want to work for this twat?
Absolutely not he’d be a nightmare! Could you even begin to imagine what being his personal assistant would be like? What do they call them in public schools in Roald Dahl books- fags? Imagine having to see his face daily, and put up with his capricious, arbitrary instructions. Also I don’t think I’d work for the Tories. Plus goes without saying I’m not a mathematical or computer or economics genius :D
It’s easy enough to sneer as a white bloke. Employment law and equalities last is there to protect everyone else
Which ideas do you think are good, particularly?
Say what you like about Cummings, I have. But you cannot deny there are really interesting ideas in there. That nature paper on complex systems is really interesting, as is the computer built out of an actual house with bits of paper. Even what the used car salesman psychologist had to say is interesting (even if possibly bullshit, I’ve not read his stuff).

It’s always interesting to pull together a whole bunch of people who usually think about different things and see what happens. It’s just a shame that the overarching aim is probably not what I thinks best for us as a nation.
It’s just a shame that the overarching aim is probably not what I thinks best for us as a nation.
With respect, and not to jump on a turn of phrase, but it's going to be more than just "a shame". They're going to ruin lives, very possibly end them; honestly, the impact of this is going to be more than just "oooh, crazy new ideas and wanky management speak".

They're not actually interested in subverting conventions or breaking up the established system, they're interested in power and profiting from it. That's all this is.
With respect, and not to jump on a turn of phrase, but it's going to be more than just "a shame". They're going to ruin lives, very possibly end them; honestly, the impact of this is going to be more than just "oooh, crazy new ideas and wanky management speak".

They're not actually interested in subverting conventions or breaking up the established system, they're interested in power and profiting from it. That's all this is.
Sure your right. Just don’t like the feeling of an attempt to actually try and think about shit differently and actually change stuff is shouted down so gleefully then tied up firmly in red tape. Still it’s the British way and maybe it’s for the best and why we generally have pretty stable centrist governments.
Sure your right. Just don’t like the feeling of an attempt to actually try and think about shit differently and actually change stuff is shouted down so gleefully then tied up firmly in red tape. Still it’s the British way and maybe it’s for the best and why we generally have pretty stable centrist governments.
But it's not an attempt to actually try and think about shit differently, it's an attempt to give themselves more power and less accountability. That's why it's being shouted down. Let's be honest, this site more than many others would surely be more receptive to genuinely radical, anti-establishment thinking?

What they say is not what they mean; it's dishonest bollocks of the highest order. They have absolutely no interest in making things better for you or me, none at all.
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Sure your right. Just don’t like the feeling of an attempt to actually try and think about shit differently and actually change stuff is shouted down so gleefully then tied up firmly in red tape. Still it’s the British way and maybe it’s for the best and why we generally have pretty stable centrist governments.

It's not a good faith attempt to improve anything, though; it's a attempt to grab more power to drive through their destructive programme.

We have increasingly economically 'right' governments. That they convince people it's centrist 'common sense' is part of their MO.
Sure your right. Just don’t like the feeling of an attempt to actually try and think about shit differently and actually change stuff is shouted down so gleefully then tied up firmly in red tape. Still it’s the British way and maybe it’s for the best and why we generally have pretty stable centrist governments.

When I hear the phrase ‘red tape’ I reach for my revolver (after having completed the relevant risk assessment).
Sure your right. Just don’t like the feeling of an attempt to actually try and think about shit differently and actually change stuff is shouted down so gleefully then tied up firmly in red tape.

You got any idea what exactly prime minister Cummings is planning to change? Because that seems more important than the way he goes about it, and there's no detail on that in his bizarre babblings. Looking at the records of those currently holding power you'd have to be a bloody fool to expect anything good to be on the agenda. They barely even bothered to come up with a few fake good ideas to put in their manifesto.
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It's not a good faith attempt to improve anything, though; it's a attempt to grab more power to drive through their destructive programme.

We have increasingly economically 'right' governments. That they convince people it's centrist 'common sense' is part of their MO.
I’m interested in that and what makes our economic policy right wing (cos I don’t know), but I’m Post nights and my heads fucked. i know someone who describes themselves as economically right wing, socially left wing (more than one person actually).
I’m interested in that and what makes our economic policy right wing (cos I don’t know), but I’m Post nights and my heads fucked. i know someone who describes themselves as economically right wing, socially left wing (more than one person actually).

E.g. deregulation of capital, increasingly free markets, low taxation on business, privatisation, a belief that the market is the best means of solving social problems etc.

Which, in practice, translates into typical Tory policies (sometimes unofficial) of e.g. undermining workers' rights, selling off national assets (the NHS will be next), doing away with social housing, lowering taxes in businesses and the wealthy (effectively passing the burden to the poorest), etc., etc.

Often under cover of being socially left e.g. "we're the good guys because we support gay marriage".
He seems to have subsumed himself into the world of Trump and Fox News.
Yes he has. In some ways I’m surprised that some of his ideas especially around Big Society , which was flawed but interesting, just disappeared into the ether .
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