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Suella Braverman's time is up.

What happens when the Home Secretary, who is also a King's Counsel and a former Attorney General, tries to intervene politically in ongoing criminal proceedings, presumably in an attempt to try and ensure that they cannot proceed fairly?:

Is Suella Braverman in contempt of court over murder case comments?

In the eyes of every lawyer I’ve spoken to, Suella Braverman has overstepped the mark

Late yesterday afternoon, a warning:

"The judge in the Chris Kaba murder case has issued a stern Contempt of Court warning over public comments made since a police officer was charged over the fatal shooting ..."

Chris Kaba: Judge issues contempt of court warning in murder case


“The court reminds every one of the obligation on all of us to ensure we comply with the Contempt of Court process and ensure nothing is said which could in any way be thought to prejudice ongoing criminal proceedings.”
Alexandra Hall Hall ex UK diplomat has written this piece in the Byline times regarding Braverman's speech, it is worth a read imo:

She has also tweeted quite a long thread which is also worth a read, she talks about stuff that's not in the article. Here is a threadreaderapp unroll:

Suella Braverman saying what millions of people are thinking, apparently. Heaven help us if the majority of the country thinks like her.
Suella Braverman saying what millions of people are thinking, apparently. Heaven help us if the majority of the country thinks like her.

Heaven help "us"?

January 2016: British people are proud of colonialism and the British Empire, poll finds

March 2020: UK more nostalgic for empire than other ex-colonial powers

"The British Empire was something that people should celebrate and her parents - who are from Mauritius and Kenya - had nothing but good to say about their “mother country”.

In an interview for this weekend’s Chopper’s Politics podcast, Ms Braverman said: “I am proud of the British Empire. I am informed by the experience of my parents.”

June 2022: Suella Braverman: The Left may be ashamed for Britain’s history – but we should celebrate it
She is the most grotesque politician in the 13 years of the Tories. And that, Suella, is a fucking achievement. You had to jump fucking high to get there. Read and weep.

Braverman suggests liberalism and support for immigration are 'luxury beliefs'​

Braverman suggests liberalism and support of immigration are “luxury beliefs”. She says:

I know there are some who think that emphasising the importance of law and order or secure borders, is unedifying.
They look down on those of us who care about such things.
Of course, they are entitled to their beliefs.
But let’s be honest.
These are luxury beliefs.
What do I mean by that?
Our politically correct critics have money. They have status. And they have loud voices.
They have the luxury of promoting seductive but irresponsible ideas safe in the knowledge that their privilege will insulate them from any collateral damage.
The luxury beliefs brigade sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary people that they are morally deficient because they dare to get upset about the impact of illegal migration, net zero, or habitual criminals.
And you can be sure of one thing.
People with luxury beliefs will flock to Labour at the next election because that’s the way to get the kind of society they want.
They like open borders. The migrants coming in won’t be taking their jobs. In fact, they are more likely to have them mowing their lawns or cleaning their homes.
They love soft sentences. The criminals who benefit from such ostentatious compassion won’t be terrorising their streets or grooming their children.
They are desperate to reverse Brexit. They think patriotism is embarrassing and have no use for a British passport if it doesn’t entitle them to live in their second homes in Tuscany, Dordogne or Barcelona.
For these people, I have a simple message … You are entitled to your luxury beliefs, but the British people will no longer pay for them.
She’s running out of adverse weather metaphors. It’s hurricanes now. 😡

That was the bit that did my head in the most - I mean, given the likely and predicted effect of climate change, the mass migration of hundreds of millions of people may occur within some of our lifetimes. A competent government would look to prepare for such an eventuality and try to mitigate that if at all possible, but of course she slated doing that.

Other than that, one of the remarkable things I thought about that speech was how American it was; aside from the mention of Labour it was basically US right wing discourse in that it focused on the elites, the attacks on "liberalism", the implication that anyone who didn't agree with her hated the country etc. One would imagine it was written for her by someone at AEI.
That was the bit that did my head in the most - I mean, given the likely and predicted effect of climate change, the mass migration of hundreds of millions of people may occur within some of our lifetimes. A competent government would look to prepare for such an eventuality and try to mitigate that if at all possible, but of course she slated doing that.
Apparently it was only a ' gentle wind' when she came here. Fuck me, I watched it live and now wish I hadn't. I feel sick and my mh has taken a nose dive. What an absolute cunt she is :(

I've never felt such a visceral hatred for a politician. I mean Trump obviously but I don't live in the US and there was always an absurd comedy edge to that situation. She's absolutely pure fucking evil. Can't bring myself to watch the footage of her uttering those words. I've no idea if her parents are still alive but I wonder what they'd think.
I've never felt such a visceral hatred for a politician. I mean Trump obviously but I don't live in the US and there was always an absurd comedy edge to that situation. She's absolutely pure fucking evil. Can't bring myself to watch the footage of her uttering those words. I've no idea if her parents are still alive but I wonder what they'd think.
Who'd have thought Patel could be out cunted. The standing ovation for such a vile speech put the fucking top hat on it for me.
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