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Suella Braverman's time is up.

And of course The Mail lapped it up, but of course they have form for supporting fascism:

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A more realistic summary than that presented by the Daily Mail.
Just looked him up... prep school (run by his dad), private boarding school, etc, etc... definitely under-privileged then.

Over and over, it's all about the woke minority "elite" who have this mysterious power.

Braverman from Petcha's post here (bold emphasis mine):
I know there are some who think that emphasising the importance of law and order or secure borders, is unedifying.
They look down on those of us who care about such things.
Of course, they are entitled to their beliefs.
But let’s be honest.
These are luxury beliefs.
What do I mean by that?
Our politically correct critics have money. They have status. And they have loud voices.
They have the luxury of promoting seductive but irresponsible ideas safe in the knowledge that their privilege will insulate them from any collateral damage.
The luxury beliefs brigade sit in their ivory towers telling ordinary people
that they are morally deficient because they dare to get upset about the impact of illegal migration, net zero, or habitual criminals.
And you can be sure of one thing.
People with luxury beliefs will flock to Labour at the next election because that’s the way to get the kind of society they want.
They like open borders. The migrants coming in won’t be taking their jobs. In fact, they are more likely to have them mowing their lawns or cleaning their homes.
They love soft sentences. The criminals who benefit from such ostentatious compassion won’t be terrorising their streets or grooming their children.
They are desperate to reverse Brexit. They think patriotism is embarrassing and have no use for a British passport if it doesn’t entitle them to live in their second homes in Tuscany, Dordogne or Barcelona.
For these people, I have a simple message … You are entitled to your luxury beliefs, but the British people will no longer pay for them.

and posh Quentin Letts in the DM from Mezzer's post here:
liberal elite

They really want anyone who'll listen to believe that ordinary working class people aren't the ones who care about human rights, or if they do, they've been misled by this powerful "elite". And the mostly silent majority are being diddled out their hard-earned cash and having their freedom restricted - not by greedy, far-right politicians - but by the "woke minority": the blob of civil servants, hurricanes[/tornaodoes/other meteorological phenomena] of refugees, and environmentalists. And I'm finding it quite scary.
In the 1964 General Election, the Tory party slogan in one West Midlands constituency was "If you want a n****r for a neighbour, vote labour!" Braverman didn't come far short of saying the same in her shocking speech.
She's openly courting the racist vote here, ahead of a GE. She's utterly despicable.

Plenty to unpack there.

She’s gone full Trump/Powell - pretty scary

The standing ovation for such a vile speech put the f*cking top hat on it for me.

'Go back to where you came from. We don't want your sort here. This is Britain. It's not for brown people'

(I may have paraphrased slightly)

She's hate filled. Nobody who is "other" is safe.

Proper deranged authoritarian nonsense. I think we may well have entered dangerous territory.

Did anyone hear where she mentioned this in her conference speech?:

Suella Braverman UK-Pakistani grooming claim misleading, says press regulator
Talk of banning flags next...

Ah, do you remember the good old days when Straw and Blunkett were fascists? Give me a DNA database and ID cards over this any day.
All of this stuff about someone shouting Jihad. She is a moron. An ignorant , stupid pig headed fuckin imbecile if this is the kind of fight she chose to get involved in. She would make a fantastic Tory PM.

She should go to the average football match :(. She'd be incensed with the amount of slogans....
All of this stuff about someone shouting Jihad. She is a moron. An ignorant , stupid pig headed fuckin imbecile if this is the kind of fight she chose to get involved in. She would make a fantastic Tory PM.

she wants to use this separate protest to crack down on the main pro Palestine march's

she would really love the police to smash heads and is trying every angle to make it happen

more right wing press not mentioning this was a separate event from the last 2 Saturday

race baiting it what Tory MP do
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