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Suella Braverman's time is up.

Lifestyle choice? She makes it sound like being homeless is something you might do on a gap year
I don’t think there’s ever been a more unhinged extremist in government than Braverman. Also, fundamentally, really stupid.

I think the reason they're struggling to come up with a new definition of 'extremism' is that there's no way to make it exclude the likes of Braverman. They want to make 'extreme' relative to the position of the current government but they also have to get 'British values' like democracy and tolerance in there somewhere and Braverman is perhaps the least tolerant person who has ever lived.

Also it's hard to defend democracy by outlawing anyone who disagrees with you.
I think the reason they're struggling to come up with a new definition of 'extremism' is that there's no way to make it exclude the likes of Braverman. They want to make 'extreme' relative to the position of the current government but they also have to get 'British values' like democracy and tolerance in there somewhere and Braverman is perhaps the least tolerant person who has ever lived.

Also it's hard to defend democracy by outlawing anyone who disagrees with you.
She certainly “undermines” the country’s “institutions and its values”, however you look at it.
I think she's all but guaranteed to be the next Tory leader now. So long as it goes to the party Members, she's a shoo-in. The Members are now down to just the swivel-eyed loon part of the party, everyone reasonable has left. And that sort love what she's selling.
I think she's all but guaranteed to be the next Tory leader now. So long as it goes to the party Members, she's a shoo-in. The Members are now down to just the swivel-eyed loon part of the party, everyone reasonable has left. And that sort love what she's selling.
Good. The 'sensible' Tories were the ones that kept them in power. Let the cunts be destroyed by their own hate.

Fuck them

And fuck her.
One would like to think that she is in self destruct mode. Perhaps hoping to get the boot but no it's just her mask coming off more and more.

What a vile spiteful person she is.

I think she's all but guaranteed to be the next Tory Byleader now. So long as it goes to the party Members, she's a shoo-in. The Members are now down to just the swivel-eyed loon part of the party, everyone reasonable has left. And that sort love what she's selling.
I have just come here to post similar. It's likely that the Tories will lose the next election 🤞 Sunak can now boast to all his mates that he was PM and will go in search of an overpaid job. Winor lose the next election, I would put money on him going and Braverman gunning for leader. As for her views, I would suspect she is not alone and am guessing she shares them with more right wingers in the party.
Win, lose or draw, she can fuck right off.
The same Mark Rowley who was whinging about not being able to come down hard enough on 'extremists' and helping create a pretext for Braverman's latest bullshit tsunami in the process.
I am not attempting to portray him as any kind of angel. After all this is the same Mark Rowley who has refused to accept that the Met is institutionally corrupt. It was more of 'so it's come to this' post.
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She really is amongst the most evil for saying and doing this.

I noticed recently that the people who had been camping on the (fairly sheltered) grassed and walled islands under the overpass and slip road down the end of our road all summer and bothering absolutely no-one have been cleared away - I don't know where they've ended up but I hope they are OK.
I wonder what the chances of any of this coming back to bite her are? You would hope the voices from the homeless charities might be enough to embarrass her and shut her up. But probably not.
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I think she's all but guaranteed to be the next Tory leader now. So long as it goes to the party Members, she's a shoo-in. The Members are now down to just the swivel-eyed loon part of the party, everyone reasonable has left. And that sort love what she's selling.

Only the top two amongst (whatever's left of) the MPs goes to the members though doesn't it. I don't doubt they'll go for the madder of the two but I've no idea if it will be her - there'll be plenty of competition for the headbanger vote.
The same Mark Rowley who was whinging about not being able to come down hard enough on 'extremists' and helping create a pretext for Braverman's latest bullshit tsunami in the process.
Well, quite. If even Mark Rowley is saying, “now hang on just a second”, you know that Braverman has really managed to push through the pain barrier and enter the last mile of the hate marathon.
She's doing a lot of damage where she is, since home secretaries are allowed to be a bit fash in general. It would be much better if she got elected leader of the party after Sunak. She hasn't got a snowball's chance in hell of being elected, and that's the type of Tory leader I like.
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