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Suella Braverman's time is up.

FFS Gay people aren't being turned away from nightclubs and denied their favorite pizza toppings :rolleyes: They are being murdered jailed and living in fear of all of the above with the authorities and religions egging the attacks on.

Isn't it about time she came out with the time honoured we loved the cadet forces and want to put them in every school commemt?
I've just attempted to read the piece of BBC news.
Really, she's a bigoted twat.
She needs to give her head a wobble or three.
Or, maybe, several people who have needed this escape should have a few words with her.
People are running away because they are in fear of their lives because they are gay.
Because, where they come from, it is either illegal to be gay, or the religious fundamentalists want to kill gay people.
I've just attempted to read the piece of BBC news.
Really, she's a bigoted twat.
She needs to give her head a wobble or three.
Or, maybe, several people who have needed this escape should have a few words with her.
People are running away because they are in fear of their lives because they are gay.
Because, where they come from, it is either illegal to be gay, or the religious fundamentalists want to kill gay people.
Or homophobic violence from hate gangs in Central America. Or any number of places.

It’s truly, truly sickening. I don’t know what to say. Do I even want to live in this world? Fucking hell.
It's a shocking new low. Hopefully she loses her seat as a result.
They applauded her when she told a holocaust survivor that she would continue dehumanising refugees.

When historical consequences are presented to her, she doubles down. Her audience applauds.

The danger of keeping her in power is the continued normalisation of this. Her comments today are shocking, but that applause is even more shocking. It cannot be allowed to continue becauise of that normalisation. Sunak won't sack her, he's weak, that's why she's there.
It's a shocking new low. Hopefully she loses her seat as a result.

Except the damage has already been done. 🤬 she can sit back, fade into obscurity knowing she shut the doors and yet again the left do nothing. We should be protesting virtually everything this government does.

The gammonati will be frothing in joy at this. It caters to both their hatred of lgbt+ community as well as non white immigrants. We've sleepwalked into allowing a far right take over of this country
Except the damage has already been done. 🤬 she can sit back, fade into obscurity knowing she shut the doors and yet again the left do nothing. We should be protesting virtually everything this government does.

The gammonati will be frothing in joy at this. It caters to both their hatred of lgbt+ community as well as non white immigrants. We've sleepwalked into allowing a far right take over of this country
Big Tech, as it were, is a major part of the problem. Capitalist driven industries that monetise fascists and far right propagandists doing too little too late, if at all, to stop them. Consequently when some get shut down (eg Brand) they can make a credible sounding case against Big Tech as part of the conspiracy out to get their viewers (not them, they're minted already. Joe Rogan gets millions from his big tech deal with Spotify).

Complacency everywhere.
she can sit back, fade into obscurity
She just doesn't care (its all ego and power) and with a few kickback jobs for life through the revolving door to look forward to along with the huge pension..

Its sickening but I doubt its the majority people who agree with her
lots of countries will cheer this on modi's India especially :mad: . It's already a lie just claim your gay to stay.
frankly the sort of country that wants to murder gay people is not exactly a great place to be if your not gay. Call me a namby pambly bleeding heart liberal but wanting to kill gay people tends to put me off a place, But that's just me.
What happens when the Home Secretary, who is also a King's Counsel and a former Attorney General, tries to intervene politically in ongoing criminal proceedings, presumably in an attempt to try and ensure that they cannot proceed fairly?:

Is Suella Braverman in contempt of court over murder case comments?

In the eyes of every lawyer I’ve spoken to, Suella Braverman has overstepped the mark

Mission almost accomplished?:

Decision to charge officer with Chris Kaba murder ‘should be reviewed’
"The Home Office used a report by shaving company Gillette to try and determine a migrant’s age, a judge has found ..."

Home Office used Gillette shaving report to assess migrant’s age, judge finds


"The ruling, issued earlier this month, found that Home Office officials referred in part “to a report from Gillette in respect of the age at which individuals start shaving”, alongside an “odd” article from Forbes magazine which appeared to be related to US business practices."
Takedown of a speech that Braverman gave at the American Enterprise institute regarding the Refugee Convention:

and for anyone wondering who they are:

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