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Spammed by the Synergy Project


You may recall that representatives of the Brixton based Synergy Project underwhelmed this forum a while ago with their rather less-than-friendly, 'let's slag off people' posting style.

I was hoping that they may have learnt a few inter-personal communication skills in the intervening weeks, but sadly my hopes were in vain: I've just received a double-whammy spam, sent to two separate addresses, neither of which have ever been subscribed to their mailing list (in fact, I've never asked to be sent anything of theirs).

So may I respectfully suggest that they shove their spam-announced, Reiki Healing, Medical Qigong right up their £13 'organic event'.

And here's a thought for their 'wishing tree' too: if you wish to tell me about something, try writing me a personal fucking letter.
they're really not good at making friends are they? I might go toone of their gigs-they don't look bad. but f-me they need a masterclass in empathy
They also get a very favourable write-up in the current Big Issue, so they're good at pulling the wool too. They manage to gloss over their commercialism with a trite assertion that the cycle of squat-party-bust-eviction-resquat-etc. was "no longer tenable", and try to pass themselves off as a "credible" alternative. One of their boasts is that their "new approach" has brought funding, as if THAT'S any kind of endorsement.
The fucking twats have just spammed me again

One more spam and I'm reporting them to their ISP. In a "distinctively positive, uplifting and light" way of course.

And they can shove their rich-kid "unique chakra altar installation" right up their Ayurvedic Massage too .
yes i've just been spammed too...have a suspicion who might have handed over a mailing list to them as well

baaad karma
Epona said:
Is this for real?
Oh stop being so square and ungroovy!
Synergy productions bring together a wide variety of artists, healers, skill-sharers, campaigners and cooks to host collaborative and multi-facetted holistic productions...
Moving beyond the limitations of protest politics, the project seeks to work in partnership with established authorities to empower and develop individuals and communities to solve contemporary social problems by adopting ethical and sustainable patterns of material and cultural production and consumption and by promoting constructive alternatives to increasingly discredited institutions, ideologies and technologies.
So you climb into bed with "established authorities" in order to attack the very values of those "established authorities."

But why would "established authorities" choose to combine with Synergy (and fund them) in order to attack themselves and their core values?

Answer: either the established authorities haven't read Synergy's mission statement or the mission statement is misleading.

If the former, well done Synergy for extracting money from "established authorites" then using that money to subvert their key values.
except that-as far as anyone I know is aware-synergy have done buggerall towards that end, as yet, other than throw £13-a-head parties in clubs.
and I think-with them-if they had taken real tangible steps to achieve their aims, or chalked up any results, they'd not have kept quiet about it.
so-let me help them...
harness the power of the creative media used by leading artists and producers working in alternative and dance culture to broadcast messages sourced from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the field. Moving beyond the limitations of protest politics, the project seeks to work in partnership with established authorities to empower and develop individuals and communities to solve contemporary social problems by adopting ethical and sustainable patterns of material and cultural production and consumption and by promoting constructive alternatives to increasingly discredited institutions, ideologies and technologies.
I'm all ears.
Red Jezza said:
they're really not good at making friends are they? I might go toone of their gigs-they don't look bad. but f-me they need a masterclass in empathy

All the bullshit aside, we went to one of their nights and had a great time. Lots of attention to decor, plenty of stalls and interesting stuff going on and a friendly crowd. That said the trance in the main room was extremely samely.
Yes, not much innovation there I admit. Sometimes I wonder if the crowd would notice if the DJ cycled the same five records all night. I much prefer dj's with innovative sound. I couldn't tell one DJ from t'other that night.
I got one of these as well. Don't *think* I gave them my address.

I tend to try to ignore the somewhat pretentious stuff that some club organisers come out with (like Pendragon and the pseudo-Celtic stuff) and concentrate on the basics: go there, meet your mates and some new interesting people, dance about, (optionally) consume dr**s, chat about all sorts of random stuff, generally have a good time. I might well go to their event on Saturday - a load of my mates are already going.

They are going to start up some sort of community centre thingie in Brixton somewhere, see:


The community bit is further down the page.....

Giles said:
I got one of these as well. Don't *think* I gave them my address.
I've now had four of the fucking things, and I definitely have never subscribed to any of their lists. I don't support spammers, so I won't be going to their events.

The cheeky fuckers don't even link to urban75 either - despite plugging their events here in the past.

In fact the only site listed in their 'great website' section is this load of ludicrous hippy bollocks
"There is nothing wrong with our world, we are just having a weird conversation. racticing the gentle art of "Social Acupuncture" - The power to make a difference with a single act of conversation."

Oh FFS. Did they learn to write by reading the Barefoot Doctor or something?

Loki said:
Well looks like they're already doing some positive stuff, looking at that page.
Shame they've built their website in a manner that's almost guaranteed to exclude anyone with any kind of accessibility issue though, innit? It's almost a text book example of how not to create a communty website!

I'm sure there's some good stuff in the heart of all this - but why dress it up in irrelevant, middle class, "I've been to Goa", hippy dippy bullshit?

That kind of self-indulgent tosh serves only to exclude the majority of Brixton people who find their open-toed, yoghurt-weaving vision of the world utterly baffling and - quite probably - utterly bollocks too...
Loki said:
Well looks like they're already doing some positive stuff, looking at that page. Good on 'em. (Even if their website's full of BS and they're spamming people).

Looks like a load of self-important hippy shite to me.
Blagsta said:
Looks like a load of self-important hippy shite to me.

Ahh, You just need to do "The Pyramid Of Infinite possibilty:
Take off your grown up clothes and immerse yourself
in the hot tub of creative possibilty"

I'm quite pleased there are still these sort of people around TBH. I reckon they're the hippy equivalent of those japanese soldiers found in the jungle in 1978, still thinking the war was on.
i've been spammed too.

the sad thing is, continental drifts appear to be involved,and i have a lot of time for them..
Pie 1 said:
Ahh, You just need to do "The Pyramid Of Infinite possibilty:
Take off your grown up clothes and immerse yourself
in the hot tub of creative possibilty"


Like, exactly, maaaaaan. The roads up the mountain are many, but they all arrive at the same peak. Far out!
Well I finally got my first spam! And I'm sure I didn't subscribe to any list. Not that I mind like.
I don't live in Brixton so I haven't seen these people..
What precise changes are they pushing for
Blagsta said:
Looks like a load of self-important hippy shite to me.


The Brixton Synergy Centre will provide training and work experience for young people in the skills and technologies associated with the Creative and Cultural Industries, identified by Lambeth Council and the London Development Agency as an important sector of the economy that can be harnessed to foster social and economic regeneration. In addition to running training courses in sound and video production, the Centre will provide on-going support and training in the area of arts management and marketing, insuring that local talent achieves the widest exposure.

Doesn't sound like hippy shite to me...
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