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Show us yer shelfies!

Libib but must add that I’ve not yet used it for books. it’s been quite good for CDs and DVDs though (95% success), it works by scanning the barcode, so it won’t manage everything, but exceptions can be added manually. More exceptions for books I’d think as they’re more likely to be older
Can report that this app been very good for books DaveCinzano - if the book has a barcode it’s 100% success rate.

Nonfiction now relocated to my bedroom. It will be fun filling these bookcases up

Must pin those curtains up!
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I dunno if posting pictures of other people's bookshelves is more or less odd than posting ones of one's own, but recently spent a few days staying with a friend who has a proper impressive book collection, here's a (badly-photographed) sample:

Don't ask me why so many of them are upside-down though, bleeding anarchists. And yes, those are three different boxes of tarot cards you can see in the last one.

As I don't log in very often I miss things like this, which is a shame because I'm nosey and enjoy seeing other people's 'stuff'. Anyway, here's a picture of some of my 'stuff'. Two shelves in the spare bedroom. There's no order/reasoning as it's mainly overspill from the 'main' fiction/non fiction shelves.
Unless that faded Penguin at top left is The Quiet American, I think the only book I have there is Discipline And Punish 😥
The Third Man and The Fallen Idol (in one volume). Do you have The Beano and The Dandy - Favourites from the Forties?
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