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Show us yer shelfies!

Found the spreadsheet:

Along with an absolutely massive spreadsheet of what's still on their living room shelves:
I'm not gonna respond with a spreadsheet, but I have a surprising amount of them.
Was having some chat with someone about Iris Murdoch novels, so took photos of the special Murdoch bits of my book collection. The exciting life I lead. I think this is all of them, except for Under the Net, which was elsewhere cos I was reading it at the time, and The Sea, The Sea, which is elsewhere cos it's too big to fit with the others. The thing that looks like a screw is a screw, not an Iris Murdoch novel, unless it's a bolt or something.


I think that's also a picture of all the Lispector I own as well.
Was having some chat with someone about Iris Murdoch novels, so took photos of the special Murdoch bits of my book collection. The exciting life I lead. I think this is all of them, except for Under the Net, which was elsewhere cos I was reading it at the time, and The Sea, The Sea, which is elsewhere cos it's too big to fit with the others. The thing that looks like a screw is a screw, not an Iris Murdoch novel, unless it's a bolt or something.


I think that's also a picture of all the Lispector I own as well.
What sort of order are those books in? You haven't even separated fiction and nonfiction. FFS.
What sort of order are those books in? You haven't even separated fiction and nonfiction. FFS.
The pile is sorted in "largest to smallest", more or less, and that shelf is for "books that are the right size to fit on that shelf, many of which are by Murdoch". It's a perfectly logical system. I am now finding myself wondering where "1066 And all that" (horrific capitalisation, but that's what it says on the spine?) would fit in your fiction/nonfiction dichotomy, though?
I have now clearly outed myself as a person who doesn't pick up my copy of Lefebvre and leaf through it on a daily (hah!) basis, though.
Thinking about it, the absolute pinnacle of my collection, neat-order-wise, is my shelf of "all Sartre and de Beauvoir, except for that one book at the end that isn't":

Followed by its slightly-less-coherent cousin, the shelf of "all Joan Didion, James Ellroy, James Baldwin, or Jaroslav Hasek, except for the one book by John Kennedy Toole, and that one by Flann O'Brien but at least that one has a very similar spine to one of the Didions":

But I suppose under chilango's fascist dictatorship, you'd have to have Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, The Fire Next Time or Slouching Towards Bethlehem on one shelf and The Mandarins, Just Above My Head, or Play It As It Lays on another?
Anyway, urban's librarian cacus will be glad to hear that I am available to give training courses if anyone wants to learn more about my system.
...but tbh I've tended find the insurrectionist stuff pretty dull reads so have never really had much
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