You really are an ignorant and selfish character, aren't you? You don't seem to have the first idea about the realities facing welfare claimants in the UK at all.
Did it ever occur to you that some of us, the long-term sick and disabled for example, actually can't work, so need to claim or starve? Personally, I have several chronic illnesses, both physical and mental, and the physical symptoms make it next to impossible for me to hold a regular job while the stigma still associated with mental health issues means that nobody is likely to employ me on those grounds as well. Discrimination might be outlawed but it's still practiced here in the UK, it's just swept under the carpet and not acknowledged by a lot of people.
I only claim what I'm entitled to under the law. I don't work and claim. I don't 'do the double' and collect cash in hand while scrounging off the social and neither do the vast majority of sick and disabled people in the UK, at least not the many, many of them that I've met and been around.
It's not nice being treated like a second class citizen because you don't have and can't get a job. It's not nice being looked down on when you're seen to be collecting benefits at the post office every fortnight. It's not nice being treated like shit because I can't work and, on top of that, have a mental health issue as well. I'm not just treated like a second class citizen in my own country, I'm more of a third class citizen, part of the underclass. And the attitudes of people like you, coming as you claim from from a background of never having claimed a penny, with all your ignorance and prejudice, only make a hard life even harder.
And another thing. If, as you seem to be claiming, you haven't spent much if any time as a welfare claimant, you haven't walked in my shoes. SO you have no real experience of the day to day realities of life as someone dependent on the State in order to survive. If you haven't walked in my shoes then you have no right to be passing judgement or calling people 'lazy cunts claiming when they should be trying to earn a living for themselves' when that has little or no basis in reality.