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Should Cadburys remain British, does it matter?

Once more and then I have to do some work:



Stop it! :mad:
green & blacks is owned by cadbury in case anyone didn't know

Then this shit just got personal. For a lot of people on here, I should imagine. I don't give a shit; I don't even really like chocolate so, needless to say, I have the last laugh.
I want Britain to have companies in which it can be proud!

If we become just the screwdriver country for outside companies it will be a crying shame.

It has to remain British. Look at the name: 'Cadbury's'.

That name screams 'british'. To have it otherwise would make a total mockery out of everything.
Agreed, Cadburys is a great British company, it shouldn't be sold off to a conglomerate who will probably shift the whole operation somewhere with lower labour costs.
If Kraft wasn't so associated with small triangular pieces of plastic cheese, an awful lot of the complaints surrounding this deal would quieten.
Well, that and perhaps stuff like this:
Mass firings at Kraft Foods' plant in Argentina sparked protests throughout the nation, and ignited a new wave of worker organizing. In August, Kraft fired 160 workers after they went on strike to demand proper health measures at the company's factory in suburban Buenos Aires during the swine flu epidemic in Argentina. Most of the fired workers were active union members; almost all of the factory's union delegates were fired.

Kraft workers responded by taking over the plant. They staged a 40-day work stoppage, with the majority of the 3,000 workers participating in the strike. The U.S.-based company has accused protesting workers of prohibiting personnel from leaving the plant, but the union says that they were camping inside the plant peacefully to demand their jobs. On Sep. 25, police attacked the workers and removed them by force so Kraft could resume plant operations.

The factory looks more like a prison than a factory. Barbed wire borders the gates, guards walk the perimeter with attack dogs, and police patrol on horseback. Union members are barred from entering.

"There are police inside the plant. The inspectors are going to the lines and forcing people to work. Outside the plant, there are police surrounding the factory," says Carlos Mores, a union delegate fired from Kraft.

Birmingham lost the Rover Group and hundreds of other long established companies, so why not go the whole hog and totally fuck up Midlands manufacturing.

And why stop at the Midlands? While we're at it, why don't we sell Buckingham Palace to Disney?
Birmingham lost the Rover Group and hundreds of other long established companies, so why not go the whole hog and totally fuck up Midlands manufacturing.

And why stop at the Midlands? While we're at it, why don't we sell Buckingham Palace to Disney?

The manufacturing base has already gone & selling Buck palace ? --- good idea !
Agreed, Cadburys is a great British company, it shouldn't be sold off to a conglomerate who will probably shift the whole operation somewhere with lower labour costs.

This ^. It's about more than the possibility of Dairy Milk developing a taste of vile plastic cheese. ;):D

Look what happened when Nestle took over Rowntree's some 25 years ago. Manufacturing of several lines has been shifted abroad, with massive subsequent job losses in York. :(

Rowntree's was also an excellent philanthropic employer who looked after its staff (three generations of my family worked/work there) and that's been eroded by its takeover by a multinational.
Terrys was acquired by Kraft.

Obviously they aren't going to remane it a Kraft Chocolate Orange and if they get Cadbury's they aren't going to rename Milk Tray as Kraft Tray.


Terry's was a chocolate and confectionery maker in York, England. Its history stretched back to 1823,[1] but in 1993 it was taken over by Kraft Foods. The York factory closed in 2005.

On 30 September 2005 the former Terry's Factory in York closed its doors for the last time with the loss of 350 jobs, with production moving out of York and the UK for the first time to existing Kraft Foods facilities in Sweden, Belgium, Poland and Slovakia.

Gordon Brown as a young man, before he became a fully grown twat.

He sold off all the gold, the let manufacturing rot, he let our soldiers die for nothing, and now he's going to stand by while we lose one of the few remaining British companies that are making a profit.
I say old chap , I'm no apologist for Brown , but to suggest he's responsible for the loss to Britain , of Terry'e All Gold is --- well, a bit much ! Lol
As I understand it most of the stuff Cadbury's makes is not proper chocolate anyway- not by Swiss or Belgian standards. As someone said earlier, so long as no jobs are lost it, no big deal.
Kraft, Nestle, Archer Daniel Midland, Cargill and so on. Its all much of a muchness. There is no 'patriotic' reason to care where the headquarters of a company are, and they are all owned by the same large institutional shareholders.

Apparently the world is now flat and history has ended, but its more like moving the deck chairs on the titanic while we mark time till the economic crisis really kicks off.

No one even mentioned the recent £25 billion of additional stimulus we just stole from the future.
As I understand it most of the stuff Cadbury's makes is not proper chocolate anyway- not by Swiss or Belgian standards. As someone said earlier, so long as no jobs are lost it, no big deal.

That is why it is called Dairy Milk - they can't call it chocolate under EU regulation.

I don't think it matters if it is owned by Kraft or retains its independence, if it makes strategic sense to cut jobs here and set up shop in a lower cost country then it will. Its a listed company answeable to its shareholders and competing globally.

I seem to remeber it cut a load of jobs in the UK in 2007 when it moved some operations to Poland.
That is why it is called Dairy Milk - they can't call it chocolate under EU regulation.

I don't think it matters if it is owned by Kraft or retains its independence, if it makes strategic sense to cut jobs here and set up shop in a lower cost country then it will. Its a listed company answeable to its shareholders and competing globally.

I seem to remeber it cut a load of jobs in the UK in 2007 when it moved some operations to Poland.

More about the history and ethos of the company though, although I'm guessing that all changed a long time ago anyway...
Missed the beeb 3 prog about eechy foods .. ( dairy ) tonight.. has so much to say.. Whichever company owns which product is beyond control..

Just don't buy that product...

What the fuck else can ya do.. nark and moan on an internet site.. or.. just not buy that shit anymore..

Footfall and purchase says more than ranting.. Don't buy the shit they feed ya....

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