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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

Don't want to be a party pooper but they are Ahmadiyya Muslims who make up less than 1% of muslims worldwide.

And the relevance of this is what? The story said 'muslims on a bridge' and that's exactly what it delivered. You deciding that they're somehow the wrong kind of muslims doesn't have any bearing on the veracity of the story, it just makes you an idiot.

Unless your name is Allah you don't get to decide who is a proper muslim and who isn't.
You see, for you there is no middle ground, no dissenting views.
Only your own extreme ultra left angle which was clearly shown by your first posts on this thread where you lamented that the attack hadn't killed more people. Now you think you are clever spamming a thread. Why you are not banned nobody knows.
this ^^ is utter bollocks. there is middle ground - i find it with plenty of posters, not least editor. i never lamented that the attack had not killed more people, you're talking bollocks: again. you've been rather more concerned with having a pop at me than anything else on this thread, shitting on it like your auld mate b.i.g.
Don't want to be a party pooper but they are Ahmadiyya Muslims who make up less than 1% of muslims worldwide, and allegedly are despised by the rest. I too was heartened by the photo but when I read the comments below it in the Independent I was disappointed. Fake news.

It's interesting that when an attack happens the right are keen to paint Muslims as one and the same but when there's some standing in unity in the place of an attack they're keen to point out differences.

You can't have it both ways unfortunately.
You must have not read any of the history of the NSDAP prior to 1933, then.

TBH "terrorists" is perhaps not the best way to describe them (the pre-1933 NSDAP), as that term has taken on too many connotations since then for it to be accurate. Of course they did terrorize people, but then again they had far more support from elements of the ruling classes (and even the state in some parts of Germany) than any modern terror group have, even the Loyalists. Plus there was the whole background of the war, uniformed politics, the freikorps and the failed revolutions etc which further separate them from the modern sense of the word.
I keep seeing this picture cross my feed with along some rare comments.


This seems to be a Rorschach text that reveals more about the viewer, than it does the woman in the photo.
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Is that Oik character repeating racist's talking points again? How curious.
From a quick scan It does seem to be a talking point that appears a lot on the far right of Twitter, at least, and pretty much nowhere else on the platform, that Ahmadiyya Muslims are not representative of Muslims in general and are hated because they're too peaceful and tolerant. I even saw some EDL type saying they've never had a problem with Ahmadiyya Muslims, which seems a bit unlikely.

It's not true anyway; there were a load of different people there, including many non-Muslims, and I see nothing to suggest that even all the Muslims there were Ahmadiyya. As if it mattered which it doesn't.
I keep seeing this picture cross my feed with along some rare comments.


This seems to be a Rorschach text that reveals more about the viewer, than it does the woman in the photo.

Seen backlash stuff debunking it, well, showing her looking as you would in the circumstances, a bit messed up. A disgrace though that her picture's gone around the world before anyone had a chance to mention how out of order it was.
This has cheered me up and has the added bonus of pissing off the racist arseholes and the lunatic beardies. So it's win win all round

Muslim women gather on Westminster Bridge to condemn 'abhorrent' attack


Depresses me to be honest, random people feeling the need to say 'we don't support this' when anyone with half a mind wouldn't have raised the question in the first pace. Fair play to them, but fuck the racist wankers who make it seem necessary in the first place.
From a quick scan It does seem to be a talking point that appears a lot on the far right of Twitter, at least, and pretty much nowhere else on the platform, that Ahmadiyya Muslims are not representative of Muslims in general and are hated because they're too peaceful and tolerant. I even saw some EDL type saying they've never had a problem with Ahmadiyya Muslims, which seems a bit unlikely.

It's not true anyway; there were a load of different people there, including many non-Muslims, and I see nothing to suggest that even all the Muslims there were Ahmadiyya. As if it mattered which it doesn't.
It seems to have started mostly after Tommy Robinson tweeted something about it, which was retweeted by our cuddly friend Paul Joseph Watson.
Seen backlash stuff debunking it, well, showing her looking as you would in the circumstances, a bit messed up. A disgrace though that her picture's gone around the world before anyone had a chance to mention how out of order it was.
Iirc it was an agency picture, one of several, including ones where she has a different expression. Amazingly certain people decided to pick that one. Can't think why.

Come to think of it those two blokes in the background look a bit dismissive. Can't trust em eh, shows you all you need to know that does.
Iirc it was an agency picture, one of several, including ones where she has a different expression. Amazingly certain people decided to pick that one. Can't think why.

Come to think of it those two blokes in the background look a bit dismissive. Can't trust em eh, shows you all you need to know that does.

Irony is it's London, I've walked past car crashes, stabbing victims, heart attacks and not broken stride as long as I've known they're alright. Standard reaction I think, only a fool feels the need to throw their drama on top of someone else's. Takes real, shitty, intent to sit behind a keyboard demanding hair wrenching breakdowns.
Irony is it's London, I've walked past car crashes, stabbing victims, heart attacks and not broken stride as long as I've known they're alright. Standard reaction I think, only a fool feels the need to throw their drama on top of someone else's. Takes real, shitty, intent to sit behind a keyboard demanding hair wrenching breakdowns.
I was reading some interesting stuff about negative politeness behaviour (popular in England and Japan, and also in dense urban environments generally) where you express respect for someone by not intruding. Even if you interact you constantly try to avoid putting any requirements in the other person and apologise for interfering, even if you are actually asking them to do something.

It was interesting to see this written up sociologically as an actual strategy because, I agree, as a Londoner it just seems normal and the most polite thing to not interfere if it looks like the situation is in hand.
Irony is it's London, I've walked past car crashes, stabbing victims, heart attacks and not broken stride as long as I've known they're alright. Standard reaction I think, only a fool feels the need to throw their drama on top of someone else's. Takes real, shitty, intent to sit behind a keyboard demanding hair wrenching breakdowns.
You're not proper London until you just walk past them.
Well lets be honest crowding around an injured person and looking worried isn't much bloody help. If anything it just makes the situation worse. All the most of us can provide is rudimentary first aid so if that is being taken care and ambulance is on its way what practical help can you actually offer?
I was reading some interesting stuff about negative politeness behaviour (popular in England and Japan, and also in dense urban environments generally) where you express respect for someone by not intruding. Even if you interact you constantly try to avoid putting any requirements in the other person and apologise for interfering, even if you are actually asking them to do something.

It was interesting to see this written up sociologically as an actual strategy because, I agree, as a Londoner it just seems normal and the most polite thing to not interfere if it looks like the situation is in hand.

Got a source? Or is it impenetrable to the ignorant?
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