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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

True but as I said, even if they offered to negotiate I would oppose such a move as they are beyond the pale, both politically and morally. I would oppose dealing with them as I would oppose us dealing with the Third Reich.
Yeh. But we did deal with the third reich on numerous occasions. - Munich being but the most famous
And yet throughout modern history states - including this one -have done just that. They've dealt with groups that were both politically and morally beyond the pale, including the Third Reich.

Which we shouldn't have done. Because groups that are beyond the pale very often tend to be as opposed to our ideas as we are to theirs and so attack us if allowed to grow.
Which we shouldn't have done. Because groups that are beyond the pale very often tend to be as opposed to our ideas as we are to theirs and so attack us if allowed to grow.
Right. So as far as you're concerned UK govts should never have talked to the Hitler govt from Jan 1933 on.
reading shirer on the bog earlier I discovered that two main parties excluded from that powers conference were russia and...chekoslovakia. Yet the MPs in parliament were heard to shout 'thank god for the Prime Minister!'

Which we shouldn't have done. Because groups that are beyond the pale very often tend to be as opposed to our ideas as we are to theirs and so attack us if allowed to grow.

Which the state will ALWAYS do, because it's incumbent on them to explore all avenues, regardless of morality. Do you read no history?
Right. So as far as you're concerned UK govts should never have talked to the Hitler govt from Jan 1933 on.

Postponing the inevitable only increased the death toll. We should have had the sopistication to realise the idiological difference was always going to lead to conflict.
Which the state will ALWAYS do, because it's incumbent on them to explore all avenues, regardless of morality. Do you read no history?

It's incumbent on the state to waste time whilst the enemy strengthens his position? Seems like a strange sort of strategy. Nazi appeasment is very often cited in arguments against doing that.
It's incumbent on the state to waste time whilst the enemy strengthens his position? Seems like a strange sort of strategy. Nazi appeasment is very often cited in arguments against doing that.

No, it's incumbent on a state to explore all avenues. :facepalm: All those states who claim "we don't make deals with terrorists"? They all make deals with terrorists. Why? Because they are pragmatic about perpetuating the state.
This has cheered me up and has the added bonus of pissing off the racist arseholes and the lunatic beardies. So it's win win all round

Muslim women gather on Westminster Bridge to condemn 'abhorrent' attack

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This has cheered me up and has the added bonus of pissing off the racist arseholes and the lunatic beardies. So it's win win all round

Muslim women gather on Westminster Bridge to condemn 'abhorrent' attack

Don't want to be a party pooper but they are Ahmadiyya Muslims who make up less than 1% of muslims worldwide, and allegedly are despised by the rest. I too was heartened by the photo but when I read the comments below it in the Independent I was disappointed. Fake news.
Don't want to be a party pooper but they are Ahmadiyya Muslims who make up less than 1% of muslims worldwide, and allegedly are despised by the rest. I too was heartened by the photo but when I read the comments below it in the Independent I was disappointed. Fake news.

Don't want to be a party pooper but you don't know what you are talking about.

You see, for you there is no middle ground, no dissenting views. Only your own extreme ultra left angle which was clearly shown by your first posts on this thread where you lamented that the attack hadn't killed more people. Now you think you are clever spamming a thread. Why you are not banned nobody knows.
Don't want to be a party pooper but you don't know what you are talking about.

You sound like Pickman's other account. Do you share an IP address? Neither of you have ana analisys of events or even answer posters questions. Like mutant twins.
tbf the people most pissed by this couldnt care to tell the diffrence between hindu skih muslim or atheist brown person:( so its all good :D
But part, and only part, of the reason we kept talking was to give time to build more Hurricanes and Spitfires ( and Blenheims) - as well as the equipment for an Army we later left in the Nord pas de Calais.

That is to give Chamberlain et al rather more foresight than they were in fact blessed with. We talked to Hitler for as long as we did because the Government of the day had utterly backed appeasement, almost to the exclusion of any other policy. Let us not forget that even after Hitler had made the Government's mind up for it they remained largely inactive, at least until Norway made their position untenable (though not untenable enough for a good go at whipping enough fools into voting for them to continue in office).
Don't want to be a party pooper but they are Ahmadiyya Muslims who make up less than 1% of muslims worldwide, and allegedly are despised by the rest. I too was heartened by the photo but when I read the comments below it in the Independent I was disappointed. Fake news.
Where'as Al Qaeda Daesh ISIS types work out at about 0.0001 of Muslims. Your point?
Fair play mind, took 11 years for someone to accuse me of being Pickmans alt... it was a lot of hard work and dedication to get to this day... *wipes tiny tear from his eye*
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