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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

Tbf you dont need to put out a fake copy of the cook book making your own explosives is highly hazadous to health even if you apprantly know what your doing plenty of provos got blown up by their own bombs.
Tbf you dont need to put out a fake copy of the cook book making your own explosives is highly hazadous to health even if you apprantly know what your doing plenty of provos got blown up by their own bombs.
They did get the hang of it in the end, though.
I've seen that pic tweeted a lot with a caption like "when this happened we didn't say all the Irish were responsible, we knew it was just a few cunts".

Well that's not strictly true is it? Or at all true.
I dunno. For my part not a big fan of bombings full stop and the main reason I posted it was by way of response to the two preceding posts. but no I certainly wouldn't tar everybody with the same brush as the result of the actions of a few.
The IRA got wise to the fact that causing economic damage would get more leverage than shooting the occasional squaddie. The Jihadis haven't figured that one out yet.
I'd imagine it reduced fatalities. Anyway, it's irrelevant to this thread; or as irrelevant as posting the meme was.

You imagine but have no idea...so just willfully hoping that coded messages actually saved anyone's lives in an attempt to what? Justify/Build a hierarchy of good and bad 'terrorists'? Odd.
OMFG... I feel a bit stabby even reading that crap...What does that mean? Born to kill...in our fucking DNA or what? :mad:

Only Black boy in class. Bet that was fun.
You imagine but have no idea...so just willfully hoping that coded messages actually saved anyone's lives in an attempt to what? Justify/Build a hierarchy of good and bad 'terrorists'? Odd.

Of course some people designated as terrorists are better than others. Compare Brevik with Mandela, for instance.

And it's undeniable that IRA code words saved lives.
The IRA got wise to the fact that causing economic damage would get more leverage than shooting the occasional squaddie. The Jihadis haven't figured that one out yet.
They kept shooting squadies till the end. One of the main differences was the scale of the groups. The provos were embedded into a community so could pick from among the best to act as intelligence and for bomb making. They had a structure and organisation to plan political objectives and how to use their willingness to violence to achieve those goals.

McVeigh showed that a talented and motivated clique of individuals could achieve some of that but it was very fragile and collapsed with one or two arrests. It is my opinion (your mileage may vary) the violent jihadis are very weakly embedded into their communities, they have to be very surreptitious about plans and recruitment, they are very disjointed here in the UK. They cannot cultivate individuals with the skills of field craft, intelligence gathering and bomb making let alone build an infrastructure to support political goal setting and planning how to execute atrocities to achieve such goals.

They do not have the network of thinkers and doers to pull together a coherent campaign. It looks to me like individuals who are inspired by other acts of atrocity violence in Europe seeking a rationalisation to justify the "glory" of "jihad" by atrocity violence. The result is theologically and politically nihilistic, it is individuals emotionally and mentally disconnected enough from society to imagine a glorious suicide as an end in itself occasionally whipping themselves into enough of a fervour to "do something".

tl;dnr, lonely wack jobs not a community engaged in a struggle.
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