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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

yes because you really need instructions on how to ram a motor into a crowd.

I wouldn't banalize it. Apparently the manual in question had reached 50,000 downloads in Britain before this attack and now, because of the daily mail, even more people will be searchhing for it and making monitoring extremely difficult.
I wouldn't banalize it. Apparently the manual in question had reached 50,000 downloads in Britain before this attack and now, because of the daily mail, even more people will be searching for it and making monitoring extremely difficult.

You've always been able to use the internet to find how-to's for basic explosives, improvised weapons. Its nothing new. Remember the anarchist/jolly roger cookbook? I'd presume a lot of it was bollocks but I haven't read a copy n years.
They don't care that it's wrong. The reason they post all this shit before any details are known is to seize control of the news agenda - that they're subsequently proved to be innacurate doesn't matter.

By 'they', do you mean Robinson and his ilk, or The Independent and its?
This whole narrative suits the state, the media, racists, and ISIS types. But is harmful to the vast majority of us.
So, what is to be done to prevent future attacks?
The brutal answer is probably 'nothing' (or at least nothing different). Politics aside, the British state has probably done rather well in combatting attacks since 2005. And if this bloke turns out to have been 'self radicalised', to get into their terminology, there's not a great deal that can be done about that. I suspect the security services really want to concentrate on keeping an eye on 'returning fighters' who went out to Syria over the last 5 years or so.
So, what is to be done to prevent future attacks?

Send this man in

I wouldn't banalize it. Apparently the manual in question had reached 50,000 downloads in Britain before this attack and now, because of the daily mail, even more people will be searchhing for it and making monitoring extremely difficult.


Eat a bag of dicks you fucking prick.
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