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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

BBC reporting that the police have named the assailant as Khalid Masood, a 52 year old man born in Kent, living in the West Midlands. Had previous convictions for criminal damage, possession of a knife. No previous terrorist convictions.
Fucking Air Soft has gotten way out of hand.

I know somebody who got into trouble when herefords finest got out of a chinook doing their best ultimate force impression clad head to foot in crye (combat fashion its a thing)

somebody asked him are those guys Special Forces ?
He replied yeah or somebodys airsoft club has gone way overbudget:D
There was a big raid on a flat on the Hagley Road in Birmingham last night - unmarked cars, helicopter and OB tooled up enough to take Mosul in an afternoon...
I like how insistent they are about their gear being all US made with US materials. Wouldn't want to accidentally buy no stinkin commie camo
Harsh responses. Probably Cuntish men.:p
You want to go on The List? I can put you on The List if you like :mad:

the Police always seem to be packing much whizzier looking bang-bangs and robo-gear to wander around Heathrow with than squaddies get given to patrol the meanest bits of Iraq-Afghanistan...is it cos they've got a better union...
Farage chipping in now - from the Guardian Live feed -

Nigel Farage has appeared twice on US television already, today arguing that the London attacks prove Donald Trump is right on hardline immigration and anti-Muslim policy.

“It seems to me our political leaders really ought to start saying sorry,” the former Ukip leader told Tucker Carlson on Fox News on Thursday morning.

And Katie Hopkins (bless her) -

He wasn’t the only hardline conservative to appear in the US media. the Daily Mail columnist Katie Hopkins also turned up on Carlson’s Fox show, echoing Farage’s xenophobic rhetoric.

"We’re a country that spends so much time tiptoeing around the cultures that refuse to join us and not enough time defending the culture they’ve chosen to join, but because I say those things I am widely hated for those views. People are cowed, people are afraid and people are not united."
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