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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

So he's setting the bar at no lone wolf attacks in any US city, if that's even possible fuck living under the sort of regime you'd need to make it work

I reckon they'd have a much tougher job taking people's cars off them than they would taking their guns.
Hysteria, fear, shrill headlines and minutes silence just increase the value of the attack. We should all (apart I guess from those immediately involved) just shrug it off, fuck them off. Make it not matter. Terrorism is like viral marketing bollocks and it just gets lapped up time and time again.
Clickbait equivalent rules apply to mainstream press too. It's a tough commercial world out there. Giving a shit about victims families is no way to get views and consequent advertising revenue.
It's interesting how Met police acting deputy commissioner Mark Rowley explictly attacked the far-right in his speech.

Terrorists have a clear aim and that is to create discord, distrust and to create fear. The police stand with all communities in the UK and will take action against anyone who seeks to undermine society, especially where their crimes are motivated by hate.

We must recognise now that our Muslim communities will feel anxious at this time given the past behaviour of the extreme right wing and we will continue to work with all community leaders in the coming days.

It’s essential for us to remain vigilant but to also work together – policing and communities – and unite against those who seek, through violence and extremism, to threaten, intimidate and cause fear.
- taken from the Granuaid live feed
Many MPs praising the bravery of PaDP; nothing from Andrew Mitchell yet, though.
Oooo nice. I have however latterly (to my own surprise) got a teensy bit more time for the man seeing as how he seems to be attempting to shift opinion within the establishment and the public by visiting and writing articles on the ongoing tragedy that is Yemen.
It's interesting how Met police acting deputy commissioner Mark Rowley explictly attacked the far-right in his speech.

- taken from the Granuaid live feed

He is not wrong to. This murderous attack on people who have nothing to do with any of the issues that the attacker was bothered by must not be used by others to attack other people who also had nothing to do with it.
Urban replies:


"Imma sit on ma horsey, laughin' at the dead policeman. Teach them to call their Morris Marinas 'Panda Cars'!!!".
Noticed "Tommy Robinson" was down there with a camera crew
within an hour or so of the incident. You just know that he and
his ilk must sit there waiting, hoping something like this happens.
curious. Guardian saying 7 people arrested but that police believe this attacker “acted alone and inspired by international terrorism".
Also says that police have asked journalists not to release the name of the attacker.
curious. Guardian saying 7 people arrested but that police believe this attacker “acted alone and inspired by international terrorism".
Also says that police have asked journalists not to release the name of the attacker.
I would imagine it's maybe a bit too early to know whether the attacker truly acted alone or what his motives were. I'm guessing the police are still at the stage of "arrest anyone who had anything to do with him" - they can always be subsequently released.
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