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Shots fired outside Houses of Parliament

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Top comments on there are about how any minute now the libtard lefties will start claiming its about mental illness. Whole thing so depressing and idiotic, as if its either one or the other.
Sorry for self-quote but, this is what Trump's secretary of state Rex Tillerson has just said, an ingenious way of negating and denying the complexity of the thing:
He said:
"We condemn these horrific acts of violence, and whether they were carried out by troubled individuals or by terrorists, the victims know no difference."
Seems like he's doing chest compressions on someone with a chest wound. FYI folks, that's a bad idea.

No, it's not, at least if he was giving CPR in the the correct circumstances rather than incorrectly cos they were actually alive which I suspect is unlikely. CPR is for when they're technically dead. So making the chest injury worse is least of their worries. And given he looks like he's got blood on his face, the claim he was giving mouth to mouth is quite possible. Not heroic, but good on him for giving it a go.

<Sorry, medical pedantry mode off>
...Not heroic, but good on him for giving it a go.

To be fair, to do it in the street in the middle of what might well be an ongoing attack is pretty brave.

It turns out that it's almost certainly a 'lone cunt' attack, but no one would have known that at the time, and given the template of recently attacks, there just being one attacker would have been on the more unlikely end of the spectrum.

So yes, very brave - there would have been no end of places to hide, but he chose not to.
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