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Settlers get the shit kicked out of them in Gaza!


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Excellent news, how does it feel to be on the end of those IDF issue boots, eh, you fucking bigoted wankers?

About time.

The Guardian said:
The young women blocked the entrance gate, the youths clung to the exit. The police tried to slip in through a back route but the protesters quickly latched on to it and greeted the security forces with burning tyres and by playing a tape of a 1974 speech by Mr Sharon, then a general, in which he called on soldiers to disobey orders to prevent an illegal attempt to build a settlement in the West Bank. On the tape, Mr Sharon can be heard calling it an "immoral order".

Back at the main gate, some young men were shouting Nazi jibes at Jewish police officers, but standing with them was an older settler who had more reason to consider his choice of words as he called out "Gestapo".

Don David Ovich said seven of his brothers and sisters had been murdered by the Nazis in Auschwitz. "Some compare Sharon to the Nazis. I say you can't compare because the Nazis weren't as bad as Sharon. The Nazis didn't fight their own people," he said.

Hopefully radicals on both sides will be tamed and not able to threaten this proccess.

Now comes the PA turn. Keeping the peace in Gaza. Hopefully Hamas and everyone else can now play grown up.

I have my doubts
Are all settlers "fucking bigotted wankers" now? Funny how fast the left's position on immigration can change when we're talking about the west bank :rolleyes:
In Bloom said:
Are all settlers "fucking bigotted wankers" now? Funny how fast the left's position on immigration can change when we're talking about the west bank :rolleyes:

It is unfair to assume that what PK posts as being the position of 'the left'.
fanta said:
It is unfair to assume that what PK posts as being the position of 'the left'.
But this one is pretty typical of stuff I've heard from a lot of left wingers on the Middle East.
They don't like it up 'em!

On the one hand they have my sympathy because being thrown out of your home is a terrible thing, but on the other hand they shouldn't have been there in the first place, so....
editor said:
They don't like it up 'em!

On the one hand they have my sympathy because being thrown out of your home is a terrible thing, but on the other hand they shouldn't have been there in the first place, so....

My sentiments exactly!!!
In Bloom said:
Are all settlers "fucking bigotted wankers" now? Funny how fast the left's position on immigration can change when we're talking about the west bank :rolleyes:
Immigration is a helluva lot different from colonisation...
Don David Ovich said seven of his brothers and sisters had been murdered by the Nazis in Auschwitz. "Some compare Sharon to the Nazis. I say you can't compare because the Nazis weren't as bad as Sharon. The Nazis didn't fight their own people," he said.
Dickhead alert. :rolleyes:
editor said:
They don't like it up 'em!

On the one hand they have my sympathy because being thrown out of your home is a terrible thing, but on the other hand they shouldn't have been there in the first place, so....
I agree, but the settlers have been completely used by the Israeli state - and now they're being shat on.
redsquirrel said:
Dickhead alert. :rolleyes:

""The Nazis didn't fight their own people," he said."

They did, didn't they? Not important, but...

I personally am looking forward to seeing the brave and righteous Pk kicking the shit out of some Jewish children. What a fellow.
Ae589 said:
""The Nazis didn't fight their own people," he said."

They did, didn't they? Not important, but...

I personally am looking forward to seeing the brave and righteous Pk kicking the shit out of some Jewish children. What a fellow.
*anti-semite slur alert*

but anyway...

from what i can gather from the very dumbed down one sided view of the british media establishment is that the heart strings of the british public are being pulled in order to sqew the real story that these settlers, whether used by the israeli state or not, have stolen land from the palestinians within gaza.

Seeing all the baricades on the tv and all the jostling between the settlers and the idf made me think if they were palestinians doing that to the idf they would have m16 rounds pumped into them then their houses bulldozed as a collective punishment with the occupants still in them... Jenin et al...

besides i'm sure its on the cards that these settlers will be rehoused somewhere in palestine, probably in settlements within palestinian territory behind the 1967 greenline in the west bank with the wall of apartheid as security (sic)....

wont hold my breath
No I heard they were going to be rehoused further up the beach, a bit South of Tel Aviv, near Nizzanim. I reckon they'll actually do quite well out of it.
The compensation's huge.

One of the strangest things though, and this is a bit sad, the IDF are going to knock down all the private residences, (so they can't be occupied by palestinians?) apparently.
Have you noticed that in news shots and phots of Gaza demonstrations most of the Israelis shown are quite young? iee more than likely to have been born after 1967......and therefore probably feeling alot more attached to their settlements than those that were alive during the invasion.
ZWord said:
One of the strangest things though, and this is a bit sad, the IDF are going to knock down all the private residences, (so they can't be occupied by palestinians?) apparently.
whats so strange about that? the IDF do that to palestinian homes/villages all the time..
Nadle said:
Have you noticed that in news shots and phots of Gaza demonstrations most of the Israelis shown are quite young? iee more than likely to have been born after 1967......and therefore probably feeling alot more attached to their settlements than those that were alive during the invasion.
good point, even more so when you equate this with israels historic revisionism...
In Bloom said:
Are all settlers "fucking bigotted wankers" now? Funny how fast the left's position on immigration can change when we're talking about the west bank :rolleyes:
I think its pretty fair to say with regard to those remaining in Gaza are very much fucking bigotted wankers. Its not even particularly a matter of being `left`. Just not having shit politics.

What about the white south african settlers? Would you have argued the same thing?
The left criticizes certains groups for looking at things in a strictly black or white, good and evil situation.

But the European left looks at the Israeli - Palestinian issue in this fashion. Israel wrong, Palestinians right. They have taken thousands of years of history and distilled it into this simple thinking.

Ironic indeed.
belboid said:
I think its pretty fair to say with regard to those remaining in Gaza are very much fucking bigotted wankers. Its not even particularly a matter of being `left`. Just not having shit politics.

What about the white south african settlers? Would you have argued the same thing?
I would argue that they didn't all necessarily deserve to have the shit kicked out of them by security forces. Does that mean I have "shit politics" :)rolleyes: )?
It is interesting that the people that fight are becoming younger and youger. Politicised by experience which is normally hard and involves killing. 12 year olds are the new revolutiionaries while old men command armies. So shocking to western sensibillities. But you kill a childs parents? What's left? Killing...
they think they're there because god gave the land to them
the israeli state gave it to them and kept them there
they're naive political pawns
and id like to see the police use REAL force against them
they dont treat the palestinians that well when they want them out of their homes (im thinking of homes by the philadelphi line)
its so galling tho that they cant see a parallel between the palestinians and themselves
eg. being kicked out of their homes
eg. brainwashed kids
etc etc
Israel channel 1 is broadcast live a discussion about how the army has learned many lessons from Yamit and are using empathy with the settlers rather than violence to convince them to leave. The people who are being violence are mostly not settlers, but people from other areas.
In Bloom said:
I would argue that they didn't all necessarily deserve to have the shit kicked out of them by security forces. Does that mean I have "shit politics" :)rolleyes: )?
those that are left are ALL right wing reactionary scum. If you don t recognise that, Im afraid it does mean you have shit politics. And who gives a fuck whether the Israeli state kicks the shit out of them.

Ta :)
jesus h christ is this what the left has been reduced to, cheering on the IDF as it removes settlers by force? Seriously though, you don't seem to have any grasp of how the settlers have essentially been used by Sharon.

As for violence in the evictions, don't you think the kids are going through a traumatic enough time without watching there parents being beaten by the IDF(and don't come back to me shouting about the children of Jenin etc as im well fucking aware!). Basically, don't you see that it's just more ordinary people being used and spat out by the state? I mean it might be a necessary part of any settlement in the region but it's hardly something to be revelled in.
Its a bunch of semi-fascist fucking settlers having the shit kicked out of them by.....two-fifths fascist settlers. Hopefully they will kick the fucking shit out of each other. It most certainly is something to laugh at.
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