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Settlers get the shit kicked out of them in Gaza!

Israel always seems to be the architecht of its own problems. They created Hamas and now they've created the the settlers. How long before these zealots start their own terrorist movement?
peppery said:
Israel always seems to be the architecht of its own problems. They created Hamas and now they've created the the settlers. How long before these zealots start their own terrorist movement?

Isn't bulldozing houses a form of terrorism?
ViolentPanda said:
You're talking about a form of Zionism, rather than having looked into the entire concept.

Before ever Theodor Herzl came along "Zionism" was just a dream in the hearts of Jews of having a "homeland", not somewhere they necessarily had to live, but something to fill a sense of emptiness that was there because most of the countries in which they lived treated them as aliens even when they were citizens of that country.
Zionism doesn't have to be a bout racial and religious exclusivity, any more than it has to be about re-establishing eretz Israel, all that is fundamentalist and nationalist baggage added on by zealots and other "interested parties".
IMO Zion can just as well exist in the heart of a single Jew as in any amount of square kilometres of geographical space. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't understand (or in some cases want to understand) that.
Ah, sorry, I understand you now. To be honest, I always thought that Zionism was essentially Jewish racial nationalism and hence not that different to white supremicism in its nature. Obviously I was wrong.
The Israelis I know think as little of the settlers as everybody posting here does.

I don't think the people defending Gush Katim represent the average Israeli any more than the pitiful lost souls on "Rights for Whites" marches in Oldham or wherever represent the average Englishman.
Staying On

No doubt when India had its "tryst with destiny" in 1847 many of the old colonial masters gnshed their teeth and rent their garments
This land given by God, in the form of burning bush which promised the lot to some mad old geezer who was supposed to be over 700 years old at the time is actually about as sacred as my cats arse. None of those who are currently doing all the weeping and wailing crap ever faced anti-jewish pogroms under some Czarist state, but have instead elevated the sufferings of the forebears to level that they cannot see the death, descruction, humiliation that is meted out to the Palestinians in their name in the pursuit of some reliously derived certainty.
I cant abide any of this Holy Book says it bollocks. These Zealots have more in common with the most deranged Wahbbi/Muslim Brotherhood/Ulema above all else crazy than they care to adnit
Tradition may have its uses but slavishly following the dekluded rantings of some nomadic goat herder of 4000 years ago strikes me as utterly stuoid and entirely lacking in the obvious point made by all the half back Abrahamic decsended revelatory religions- namely these buggers were completely mad- visions, insights provided by God, WTF is all that crap?
Its not sacred, its profame, it was a land grab they didn't quite carry off cos the couldn't breed as fast as those they stole it from
Sharon has also said that he intends to prevent ANY palestinian from the Gaza working in Isreal after 2008 - nice.
Big fence round it, no jobs, np food no water.
So much clevere than that nice Mr Hitler, isn't he?
ViolentPanda said:
You're talking about a form of Zionism, rather than having looked into the entire concept.

Before ever Theodor Herzl came along "Zionism" was just a dream in the hearts of Jews of having a "homeland", not somewhere they necessarily had to live, but something to fill a sense of emptiness that was there because most of the countries in which they lived treated them as aliens even when they were citizens of that country.
Zionism doesn't have to be a bout racial and religious exclusivity, any more than it has to be about re-establishing eretz Israel, all that is fundamentalist and nationalist baggage added on by zealots and other "interested parties".
IMO Zion can just as well exist in the heart of a single Jew as in any amount of square kilometres of geographical space. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't understand (or in some cases want to understand) that.

exellent post, ViolentPanda.
it's rare to meet another person online who understands this concept.
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