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Self-indulgent pet thread

Strumpet. It's the contract you commit to when you have a pet. On the one hand they provide you with unlimited love and friendship. On the other hand you promise to give them as good a life as you can. And that, sadly, includes a promise not to let them suffer.

You will know when it's time. And she will thank you for letting her sleep. But, you're right it tears you apart.

My dogs Sheba, Blackie, Kim, Dina & Ellie will all be there to play with a new doggie friend over the rainbow bridge.

Edit: brought to tears writing that...
Aw strumpet you needn't apologise, I think it's fine to talk about an inevitable part of having a pet on a pet thread. I've never had a dog so I can't give you any good advice, but I hope things go as 'well' as they can ((strumpet&doggy))
Strumps. To add that when Dina, out of the blue, staggered and collapsed on a walk we discovered that she was in heart failure. She was very, very poorly and a few times I thought I had lost her. During this time she lost a dramatic amount of weight and, bear in mind she was never a porky doggy, she looked terribly thin. But losing so much weight actually helped her little heart and she staged a wonderful, if temporary, return to her old self. Dina defined "temporary" as a year and it was a year that we both relished.

A dog's natural state is to be thin, after all there are no fat wolves. Strumpet, by being thin your doggy is becoming a wolf again :)

What is her name???
Oh this thin is spine showing and ribs sticking out a bit much but ty :)

Her name is Saffy.


This was 2 yrs ago :)
Bracken (thin, ribs showing) and Lilly (puppy, but athletic also) do high doggy fives to Saffy :)
Aww, she's lovely Strumps. :)

Try not to worry about what to do, you're a sensible girl and you love her, and you'll do the right thing by her when you need to because as hard as it is, that's a part of the love.
Im so sorry you're having this dilemma but I know you'll do the right thing at the right time.
Beautiful dog, Strumpet :) Sorry to hear of your troubles, as others have said, you will know when it's the right time, and be strong for her. Wishing you strength x
Just a quickie to say Saffy passed away tonight in my arms being cwtched. She was the sweetest, stupidest, gentlest mutt I ever knew. Will miss her like fukn mad.


Thanks for the thoughts you lovely buggers. x
Aww sorry to hear that Strumpet, but dying in your arms is the best way a pet can go. RIP Saffy. :(
Saffy does look lovely and daft - glad she passed away peacefully.

Molly behaved perfectly at Pride yesterday. I put a lei on her and the photographers loved her - I'll be keeping an eye out t see if she shows up anywhere online. To my great relief, she didn't poo on the march at all; can you imagine how embarrassing it would have been to be there scooping dog poo or the floor then walking along with it?


Perry didn't like the lei quite as much.


There's a park near ours that lets the grass grow long and wildflowers grow, er, wild - Molly loves it.

There is no way we could take Albert on a march or parade, he'd be barking at everyone and would no doubt do a massive shit in the middle of the road. : D

Sorry to hear about Saffy, hope you're doing ok Strumps.

Here's Albert chilling out after a tough day.


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Albert has the same type of cute fluffy face as Saffy.

This was Molly's first march, but she's always been fine in crowds and really likes people and other dogs; she's also really good at stopping at roads and so on. It's only at home that she does 'naughty' stuff.

The old dog we often look after, Xena, was also at the march, and apparently had been all grumpy, limping along, lying down, doing big eyes, because she didn't want to be there - until Molly joined her and she was happy and lively again. :) They are very good for each other.
Yeh he does scifisam, youre right. kinda beardy :) Looove the dog/lei combo :)

Hey sparklyfish, am ok. Having a child and another dog to love n look after helps lots. It's hard cos she is everywhere....u know....her fav/ blanket, her bed n stuff. And god its soooo odd having just one dog! I havent had one dog for many years.

I have decided that for now we won't get another one but will instead, hopefully, foster dogs that are desperate to get out of pounds etc. before being pts. That way we get to help not just one. Waiting to be homechecked.
does she get really cold? mine do (proper cold :() so I bought them tshirts, everyone ripped the shit out of me for it :D


They're much happier in their t shirts :cool:
Dunno, mine seemed happy enough to run round in the snow without, except when it went really cold...the poor thing was shivering from just going for a wee when it was -8.
Aww. My dog loves to sit in the window too, as does the cat when he's not sitting in the window box.

I got the cat jabbed and the dog chipped today, and we stopped at the park afterwards:


He's panting. :D
He is ridiculously well-behaved, affectionate and playful. I had no idea any pet could be as easy as this - my goldfish were way more hassle.
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