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Self-indulgent pet thread


Esther (known as Littlie) - 5 year old rescue - lovely if slightly divvy :cool:


Fats - our old girl. Another rescue cat, she's 20 years old this year & is as stupid as she looks :)
Awww, that's ace :) I'm gonna have a go at replicating it later cos your dog is just like mine when upside down.
Schrodes earlier this week


Oh bless - does he let you touch his tummy? And I always mean to ask you this, there's a bit of a theory that "cow cats" (ie. Harlequin markings - mostly white with few coloured patches) have a tendency towards being bonkers mad - you have met my Radar and he is indeed bonkers mad, is your beautiful boy similarly 'touched'? :D
used to know a girl cat called miss p who was as you described; harlequin markings, would roll over and show her tummy to anyone friendly.....and then savage their hand when strokes or tickles were offered
:) they are very cute (when they're not chewing my cables!)

unfortunately they're having a problem with some mites. My other rat has had a baldy head for a while now. It's slightly better than it was, but still not great :(

Don't want to put a damper on the thread so apols but....

...Im in such a dilemma.
My 15 yr old girl (mixed terrier breed) has gone downhill for last few weeks. Appetite almost non existent, foamy sick sometimes too. Tempting her with all kinds and now n then she'll have a few pieces or several licks of something. She's drinking a lot too. And she is sooooo skinny. Skin and bone., It's a wonder no one has reported me for starving her or something :|

Was SOOO happy she had half a bowl of cereal this morning! Her diet isnt brilliant anymore as Im just giving her anything she will accept.

Vet says it's kidney disease and she also has a dodgy heart mumur. She has had 2 lots of jabs to stimulate her appetite and it's worked for a day or two but then goes back to not much. Vet gave me emergency phone number for out of hours which said a lot. Nothing to be done just...wait. *sigh*
My mind goes from wanting to save her from any pain before she collapses, has heart/kidney failure to feeling i couldnt have her pts while she isn't in actual pain. Discomfort sometimes possibly.
It's tearing me apart everytime I watch her sleep (which is a lot lately too).

Sorry for rambling. First time I've mentioned how things are going and I'm not that open a person :\

Prob. delete the post later cos it's such a happy thread :)
Prob. delete the post later cos it's such a happy thread :)

Won't quote the whole thing then...

When our old dog got too old and ill to go on we just knew it was time to take him for that last trip to the vet, It sounds to me like you're close to making that decision yourself. We were in a right quandry for a while but one day his legs went and we both kind of looked at each other and knew it was time. (he actually improved a bit the next day but we'd made the choice already). Whatever you do don't worry about having her PTS if she's not in pain, I mean don't feel bad cos well, we always thought that our dog would never be himself again, he was never going to get young again. I think we caught him before the pain thing started properly and it felt OK.

It's very scary, it helped that there were two of us but your vet will be able to help you make the right decision.

If you want me to edit this (horribly rambly post :facepalm:) later let me know.
Sorry to hear this Strumpet, but like lizzieloo says, you'll know when it's time. Toby had a simular thing by the sounds of it. He went downhill very fast, wouldn't eat, drank loads, and was sick quite alot. Vet said he had kidney and heart failure. Everytime I so much as looked at him, I burst into tears. That couldn't have been nice for him, either. I tried to let him go on his own terms, and god love him he tried too. He'd go out in the garden at night, and slept behind the shed/behind a tree. But he was still with us in the mornings. He knew it was his time before we did. but that doesn't not make it the hardest damn thing in the world to do ever. We'll be here for you, if you want to let off steam or have a big sob. Loads of love to you, I know how heart breaking the decision you've got to make is.
Radar was a very self indulgent dog (i.e. naughty fucker) at the picnic on Sunday, shouldn't really let him get at beer but it's hard to stop him from knocking over cans.
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