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Self-indulgent pet thread

Finally got through to the cat charity and they seem very annoyed with me. I didn't lose the cat on purpose. :( They also think making missing cat posters is a bad idea, but if one of my neighbours has decided she's their new cat how will they otherwise know that she's not a stray?
Finally got through to the cat charity and they seem very annoyed with me. I didn't lose the cat on purpose. :( They also think making missing cat posters is a bad idea, but if one of my neighbours has decided she's their new cat how will they otherwise know that she's not a stray?
Many sympathies scifisam - but what reason did they give for not making up posters ?

Hope kitty comes home soon.
Many sympathies scifisam - but what reason did they give for not making up posters ?

Hope kitty comes home soon.

Because if people then start hunting for her they might scare her away.

Was out in the garden just now and one of my neighbours said she's been asking around for me, and that several people round here like feeding cats so might well have seen her. It's a very quiet street, car-wise, because it's a dead end, and the neighbouring streets are quiet too, also it's been so unseasonably warm that even at night she's probably found somewhere safe (I've been leaving my greenhouse door open with a big blanket out for her). I'm pretty sure the cat's doing fine. Being chipped means she will surely get back to me eventually. It's frustrating in the meantime though.
Because if people then start hunting for her they might scare her away.

Was out in the garden just now and one of my neighbours said she's been asking around for me, and that several people round here like feeding cats so might well have seen her. It's a very quiet street, car-wise, because it's a dead end, and the neighbouring streets are quiet too, also it's been so unseasonably warm that even at night she's probably found somewhere safe (I've been leaving my greenhouse door open with a big blanket out for her). I'm pretty sure the cat's doing fine. Being chipped means she will surely get back to me eventually. It's frustrating in the meantime though.
I can imagine, its just awful when your beloved feline takes a walk. I hope she waltzes back in as though nothing happened, very soon.
I can imagine, its just awful when your beloved feline takes a walk. I hope she waltzes back in as though nothing happened, very soon.

TBF she hadn't been with us long enough to be beloved :D I still feel really bad about it but not like I would if my Perry went missing. Not that he'd ever willingly go more than 30 feet from me anyway.
Finally got through to the cat charity and they seem very annoyed with me. I didn't lose the cat on purpose. :( They also think making missing cat posters is a bad idea, but if one of my neighbours has decided she's their new cat how will they otherwise know that she's not a stray?


come home safe, kitty

am i right in thinking you have moved house not that long ago? (have a vague recollection from another thread, but i may be thinking of someone else) and if so, did kitty live with you there?

if so, will be worth making enquiries there / around there as well.

cats do occasionally make their way back to old home
Because if people then start hunting for her they might scare her away.

Was out in the garden just now and one of my neighbours said she's been asking around for me, and that several people round here like feeding cats so might well have seen her. It's a very quiet street, car-wise, because it's a dead end, and the neighbouring streets are quiet too, also it's been so unseasonably warm that even at night she's probably found somewhere safe (I've been leaving my greenhouse door open with a big blanket out for her). I'm pretty sure the cat's doing fine. Being chipped means she will surely get back to me eventually. It's frustrating in the meantime though.[/QUOTE}

Hopefully she'll get bored with wandering and come back. You've probably already done this, but if not, it's probably worth putting something both in the lost pets groups on Facebook (e.g. Harvey's Army, Murphy's Army, UK Cats Lost and Stolen, etc.) and on any local community forum type groups. If she's not gone far, someone particularly in one of the local groups may have spotted her. Best of luck.
The lost pets groups are a good idea, thanks - I didn't know about them.

Afraid she won't be at the old place because we never had her there.

The cat charity have changed their minds about the posters; they thought she was very nervous of people, but she's not, so won't run away too quickly from people looking for her.
I guess she got out while I was putting out bird seed, but she must have been very quick and stealthy because I didn't even see her.
The new cat's turned up! She's been in a neighbour's garden for the last few days - unfortunately they didn't answer when we knocked before, but it must have just been by accident because she's lovely. Cat is currently hiding under the kitchen table but I'm sure she'll come out. Surprisingly, even though we had her for such a short time, she wouldn't go to anyone else but came almost immediately to me. :cool:
The new cat's turned up! She's been in a neighbour's garden for the last few days - unfortunately they didn't answer when we knocked before, but it must have just been by accident because she's lovely. Cat is currently hiding under the kitchen table but I'm sure she'll come out. Surprisingly, even though we had her for such a short time, she wouldn't go to anyone else but came almost immediately to me. :cool:
Yay! Bloody glad to read that. I hope this is a sign of a very good year for you :)
The new cat's turned up! She's been in a neighbour's garden for the last few days - unfortunately they didn't answer when we knocked before, but it must have just been by accident because she's lovely. Cat is currently hiding under the kitchen table but I'm sure she'll come out. Surprisingly, even though we had her for such a short time, she wouldn't go to anyone else but came almost immediately to me. :cool:

Well 2016 started awfully.

Got up early to take the dogs for a walk before going to my sister's for a belated Christmas day (see earlier thread) and the wife asked me if she thought Bracken - our 12 year old English Springer - was limping. I couldn't see a limp but he did stumble when he went outside. I put the dogs into the car to drive them to the Malvern hills which only took about 15 minutes. When I let them out of the car Bracken could hardly walk; he was lurching about like a drunk and falling over. I instantly suspected he'd had a stroke :( :(

I carried him back to the car, rang the wife who rang the emergency vet. When she rang me back I stopped the car and looked at Bracken and his eyes were darting from side-to-side which is another classic stroke symptom. The vet said they'd see us at 10am so I drove home and by now Bracken couldn't walk at all. I rang my sister who also had dogs and tried to tell her what had happened despite me mardly being able to speak for tears.

We sat with Bracken waiting for 10am and the inevitable final journey to the vet when I noticed that his eyes had almost stopped darting from side to side. Some dogs recover from a stroke. Could it be that Bracken might too?

We rang the vet who told us that they had an emergency clinic anyway so we should keep an eye on him and decide whether to bring him in. There is no treatment for a stroke in dogs, so taking him to the vet would be for one reason only.

10am came and I decided to see if he could get up. He could! But he just stood there, swaying before slumping back down. But I was encouraged.

A little later I got him to stand again, put his lead on and - amazingly - he walked slowly to the garden and then back again. Even though he was very unsteady he didn't fall over! This time he walked to his basket to lay down.

Over the next hour he rapidly regained his steadiness and by this evening you simply cannot tell he ever had a problem. The contrast between him now and the awful sight of him staggering and repeatedly falling over is nothing short of miraculous.

Still leaves us very worried he'll have another stroke though :(

p929 - 093.jpg

Edit: maybe I ought to have posted a slightly smaller photo of him!
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(((a_chap and bracken)))

there seems to be a fair bit on the interweb about recovery from strokes in dogs. my knowledge of such things is so minimal i'm not going to attempt any pasting of links, but what i've found looks faintly encouraging.

get well soon, bracken
Took Bracken to the vet today and they've taken a blood sample to see if they can find out if there's an underlying cause.
My cat Pickle passed away earlier today. Peed on my lap one last time then just lied down in her basket and faded away. Hits you like a freight train :(
Took Bracken to the vet today and they've taken a blood sample to see if they can find out if there's an underlying cause.
(((bracken))) our treacle had a few strokes and the recovery from them was nothing short of remarkable. Vet suggested half an aspirin a day in her dinner and she went for the rest of days without another one.
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