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Self-indulgent pet thread

I helps with the ironings:

Squeeee! He's a bit cute Mogden

We've been thinking about filling our Treacle shaped hole, we'll probably wait until after Christmas now, but we've been looking on the Dogstrust & Jack Russell rescue websites.
Squeeee! He's a bit cute Mogden

We've been thinking about filling our Treacle shaped hole, we'll probably wait until after Christmas now, but we've been looking on the Dogstrust & Jack Russell rescue websites.
Isn't he just! He's absolutely tiny and apparently his Dad is small, Mum average so they're not sure how big he'll get. Settling in well with Otto, the other doggie, and their 2 cats.

I must say I've been getting ideas about a dog myself but it's not at all practical for me.
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Walking four ferrets at once. (Sorry about the thumbnail, can't seem to embed picture properly)

Looking at the various pic attached to that - I can see how you got your nom de plume HOW do you keep all of those leads un-tangled :confused:
Looking at the various pic attached to that - I can see how you got your nom de plume HOW do you keep all of those leads un-tangled :confused:

There were two of us so two each. Tangled leads isn't such a problem as it encourages the ferrets to walk together. It's when they all decide that they are acutely intersted in four different thing in four different places that you have trouble.
Pet wrestling :thumbs:

This happens pretty much every day, they both seem to enjoy it :)

You know what, 2 of my cats absolutely adore one another - they follow each other around and sleep curled up in the same bed. About once a day or every couple of days though, that ^ sort of thing goes on - you can tell it's not serious as neither is like all their fur puffed up to look big, no screeching, claws retracted and all that is happening is a non aggressive wrestling thing - it's kind of dominance play, a way of establishing boundaries between friends. Between friendly cats it is normal and your dog looks to be taking it in his/her stride and understands what it's about.
you lucky person weltweit. I've got a known weakness for black dogs with greying muzzles (RIP, Treacle) ... but that's spectacular! His/her eyebrows look like van Gogh-style brushstrokes...
She is a very distinguished dog, quite dignified, but still bounds around like one half her age!
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