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Self-indulgent pet thread

Griff and Mall just doing pig stuff

Griff 2, 26 Aug 15.jpg Griff, 26 Aug 15.jpg
My gf bought me two ratties as a surprise anniversary present. They're cute, and seem really friendly, but one of them is a biter :( at first I thought she was scared, then confusing my hand with food, but the third time was just weird, not aggression or fear, just like she has a weird wiring in her head. They're not babies so I reckon the breeder knew about that habit. We're taking them back to the breeder on Saturday.

I feel terrible because my gf did everything right, all her research, didn't buy from a pet shop, got a big cage etc. But this has put her off having any more and I don't blame her :(
BoatieBird Mr loo said on the way home from the Peaks last night that he was planning on stopping by when we passed to give yous Treacle love


By the time we passed your turning it was half 10 so we didn't but wanted you to know he's thinking of you too xxx
Sister Mogden has had a dog disaster. Neddy fell off the stairs at their place, clocked his head on something as well as injuring his spine and had a fit. They're not sure if he's epileptic and fell because of a seizure, Pa Mogden had noticed he's quite twitchy, or if he's had it because of the fall. Her wife had to phone Mum cos Sis was so distraught she couldn't speak. He's at the vets now being assessed :(
Sister Mogden has had a dog disaster. Neddy fell off the stairs at their place, clocked his head on something as well as injuring his spine and had a fit. They're not sure if he's epileptic and fell because of a seizure, Pa Mogden had noticed he's quite twitchy, or if he's had it because of the fall. Her wife had to phone Mum cos Sis was so distraught she couldn't speak. He's at the vets now being assessed :(


get well soon, neddy
Update on Neddy. Not only did he fit but his heart stopped. Not spoken to sis directly but as she and wife run a dog walking service I assume the dog first aid course they did came in handy. He was rushed to vet, had an xray which showed no visible damage but they're not sure about his discs. He's home and groggy but alive and able to move.
I'd "like" to say this this lump was ours - but I'd be lying


This is Willow - 45kg of slobbering devil dog - she's not got a nasty bone in her body and due to our neighbour taking a bit of a turn for the worse a few days ago - coinciding with a few days holiday - we've been taking her for walks - and us as cat servers - honestly, the shame
Neddy taken another turn. Had another fit so it looks likely that's what caused the fall. He's in an induced coma as they couldn't stop the fitting. No idea when they're going to bring him round but if he's still the same when they do he's going to the big pet hospital by ambulance.
Neddy taken another turn. Had another fit so it looks likely that's what caused the fall. He's in an induced coma as they couldn't stop the fitting. No idea when they're going to bring him round but if he's still the same when they do he's going to the big pet hospital by ambulance.

It's not looking good. Ma Mogden has just phoned sobbing at me. He's still fitting under the coma so he's being transported to the hospital. Of course no one knows what damage it will have done to the poor fella if he does come round. I'm just posting this cos although me and sis Mogden don't talk that often, her pets, like mine, are her kids and I just need somewhere to talk about it. Mookie has barely left my side today. I think he knows something is up with his cousins odd as that sounds. Ned was back to his bouncy self last night apparently and then fitted this morning just after the alarm clock was shut off. Man they are gonna be devastated if this goes the way i fear it will especially given their business is dog walking :(
oh, Mogden - so sorry, please pass on that my thoughts are with them to your sis.
Mookie will know to keep you company, how do they work it out ? Our Ben de-dog is the same.
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