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Self-indulgent pet thread

We have a new arrival and Chester has a friend to play with

< Lester


<- chester started out stalking Lester
<- the moment when chester first saw Lester

<- Lester is under the white dresser thing

< is it safe to come out yet?
Have Chester and Lester exchanged any swats yet? A hiss or a growl? Or are they in the glum acceptance stage?
it went through Chester looking absolutely appalled while Lester was oblivious, to Chester making growly noises while Lester hid, and finally to what appeared to be genuine play - and chesters growls changed to playful trilling noises. And they kept at it all evening - chasing each other round the living room and up and down the stairs. They slept next to each other on the sofa and this morning - though I could only get them to eat when in separate rooms and there was a bit of swatty action this morning - I think they have genuinely accepted each other.

eta - I think it helps that they're both quite young and still quite kittenish - we could never give Chester enough attention as his energy seemed to be endless and ours isn't.
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Six years to the day my boy Toby lost his leg.

In the intervening years his eye sight has gotten rubbish, combined with the clumsiness of being a leg down and springer over enthusiasm means he's had more than one head on collision that's left him a little "punch drunk" but he's still the same lovable daft bugger.

Here he is in Wimbledon in 2010 on his first trip outside after surgery

it went through Chester looking absolutely appalled while Lester was oblivious, to Chester making growly noises while Lester hid, and finally to what appeared to be genuine play - and chesters growls changed to playful trilling noises. And they kept at it all evening - chasing each other round the living room and up and down the stairs. They slept next to each other on the sofa and this morning - though I could only get them to eat when in separate rooms and there was a bit of swatty action this morning - I think they have genuinely accepted each other.

eta - I think it helps that they're both quite young and still quite kittenish - we could never give Chester enough attention as his energy seemed to be endless and ours isn't.

If they have slept next to one another then that sounds good! They don't tend to sleep somewhere they feel unsafe.

Fwiw, the 2 of my boys who adore one another and follow each other around and sleep curled up together - you get the picture - still do sometimes smack one another and wrestle and play rough. You can tell that it's not serious because all claws are retracted during the contretemps, there's no horrific screaming (not even any hissing or growling), and they will happily settle down and curl up together asleep afterwards. Just keep a close eye on them to make sure it is dominance/boundary testing/play rather than turned serious, because proper cat fights can get nasty.

EDIT: It is usually a lot easier to introduce cats if they are both young and not too set in their ways or feel as though they have a territory that they need to defend. Having said that, Radar was utterly horrible when we first got Sonic, Radar was 9 months old and Sonic was 3 months old and we had to keep them separate unless supervised until Sonic was big enough to stand up for himself (largely because Radar is completely fucking insane, I love him dearly, but he is a bit bonkers tbf) - they get along fine now. We got Jakey later and he and Sonic became instant friends, Radar not so much.
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Well done AuntiStella ! It's still daggers drawn here, with the new addition being aggressive towards the old timer :(
I think I'm lucky with both cats being quite young and open to new experiences. they seem to be best pals now - following each other around the house all the time. I've even had them eating peacefully next to each other for the last couple of days.
I introduced a pair of kittens to an older cat years ago and it takes a lot longer as in my case at least - the older cat was very reluctant to be anywhere near the new cats and they seemed to sense this and became even more annoying towardsthe poor thing. But in about a year he seemed to have calmed down and I caught them playing together a few times, and they left him alone more as well. I had to put the older one on valium for a bit though, but that turned him from being an ultra stressed out cat to a really calm and happy cat! :D
CRI - are you "Barking Cat Pet Photography"?

Got quite excited and considered having some photos of the boys done, then realised that contrary to what the name suggested to me, it wasn't actually based in Barking (which is fairly local for me)! :D
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CRI - are you "Barking Cat Pet Photography"?

Got quite excited and considered having some photos of the boys done, then realised that contrary to what the name suggested to me, it wasn't actually based in Barking (which is fairly local for me)! :D
Yes - it's me attempting to make a living out of two things I love (not yet close to making a living, but having fun!)

I proper LOL'ed at Barking as in East London. I never thought of that! :D Pop your kitties on the train and I'll collect them at Waverley for a photo shoot! :)

edit: Breeze is the "Barking Cat" of course. Strangely, Ella meowed earlier today. My pets are weird.
Yes - it's me attempting to make a living out of two things I love (not yet close to making a living, but having fun!)

I proper LOL'ed at Barking as in East London. I never thought of that! :D Pop your kitties on the train and I'll collect them at Waverley for a photo shoot! :)

edit: Breeze is the "Barking Cat" of course. Strangely, Ella meowed earlier today. My pets are weird.

Keep up the good work, you always post up excellent photos here :) You are just a tad too far from me unfortunately for me to use your services (and no I am not sticking them on a train for that long a journey :p ) but I wish you the best of luck with it :)
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Keep up the good work, you always post up excellent photos here :) You are just a tad too far from me unfortunately for me to use your services (and no I am not sticking them on a train for that long a journey :p ) but I wish you the best of luck with it :)
Aw thanks. It's worth living on the bread and water for awhile for all the licks and purrs! :)
We have a new cat too! Only arrived today, so let's see how they get on. Currently they're just ignoring each other. Both are adults (Perry's 4 and a half, new cat's one and a half). Daughter wants to name the new cat Poinsettia, but I'm not so sure yet.


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Some neighbours think they've seen her (I spent hours door-knocking today). She is chipped but that depends on someone taking her to a vet. All the bank holidays mean I won't be able to print a missing leaflet till Wednesday.

Bloody cat's spoiled Christmas; if she comes back I'm considering naming her Grinch.
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