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Self-indulgent pet thread

I'm sure you improved her life ten-fold, giving her a place to call her own, lots of love and security. You did good. Remember the good times :)
Thank you Vintage Paw, your kind words are very much appreciated (despite making me burst into tears again!) - lots of good times to remember, head buts and inappropriate peeing and vocalisation like you wouldn't believe! :)
as some of you may be aware one of our dogs (Mylo) has his own facebook page. it was set up originally so those that took an interest in him (about 10 people) in scotland could keep up with how he was settling in - things have taken of a bit.

his "happy christmas" message was seen by 5,585 people... spread across 37 countries...

in contrast our happy christmas message was seen by 127 people...
Here's my nearly 8 year old chameleon, Isambard preparing for his dinner.

Here's my nearly 8 year old chameleon, Isambard preparing for his dinner.


He's gorgeous! :)

I always would have liked to have a reptilian pet, but after the deliberate infestation of my home with crickets by a disgruntled and slightly deranged neighbour (who kept reptiles), I have been a bit wary of whatever food they may prefer. Those crickets chirped under our kitchen cupboards all summer!
He's gorgeous! :)

I always would have liked to have a reptilian pet, but after the deliberate infestation of my home with crickets by a disgruntled and slightly deranged neighbour (who kept reptiles), I have been a bit wary of whatever food they may prefer. Those crickets chirped under our kitchen cupboards all summer!
That's why I've never fed him crickets. They're the Harry Houdini of the insect world. Locusts are easier to deal with and don't make any noise. I also feed him what are essentially giant mealworms. I had a cockroach farm when he was a baby as they have huge appetites at that age and it was a near endless supply of free food for him. They were actually kind of interesting themselves, they got a bit out of hand with their breeding though. Ah the joys of keeping reptiles [emoji1]
He is an absolute delight - the perfect puss. We rescued him when the People next door moved out and left him :(
Some sad news to report. Malcolm Preston MacRodent passed away in his sleep this morning. Despite his age, he was fit and well, so it was quite a shock. He was just lying on his side in his room, as if he were still sleeping. :(

With all his health problems and being older, I'd always thought it would Griff that would shuffle off this mortal coil first, but no. It's been a pretty hard day. The lady from the crematorium was great, having had piggies herself. Will give Griff lots of cuddles and take some time to think about succession planning. It never gets any easier. What a special rodent.

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