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Scoffing too much meat and eggs is ‘just as bad as smoking’, claim scientists

why the need for the grin DC? :confused:

Because it's funny finding chicken periods delicious? Don't be so sensitive! You're the type of vegan, it seems to me anyway, that's constantly on the attack about what other people shovel into their gob and on the defend about what you shovel into yours. 'Ewww, you eat decomposing flesh you murderer!' Yeah cesare made the chicken period point but she/he didn't do it in a hostile manner, just pointed it out.

All your posts I've read so far have an air of hostility in them, chill out.

Now this is a joke, I only mean it is a joke so don't get offended.

How can you tell if someone's a vegan?

Don't worry they'll fucking tell you :p
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I don't think there's anything I'd particularly miss as a vegan but I'd hate to spend all my time trying to find places to eat, reading the small print on everything, and making sure I ate enough fucking marmite.
When my b/f stopped being a vegan, it was the cheese on a pizza that he found really hard to digest rather than the fillet steak, btw.
I don't think vegans should be expected to justify the non perfect application of their ethics. Unless they're preaching at you. ;) We all have compromised ethics at some point. Availability of options and convenience dependant.

Hell, I'm not even pretending to be ethical in my choices half the time. I like meat from the local butcher because it tastes nicer, doesn't shrink and means I don't have to go into the god awful local Asda.
When my b/f stopped being a vegan, it was the cheese on a pizza that he found really hard to digest rather than the fillet steak, btw.
yeah, the dairy industry is horrible, but personally i find cheese makes me flemmy - i particularly noticed the difference when i stopped eating it and now if i have a little bit here and there it is strange to digest. feel it in my throat immediately. Buy plain pizza bases (2 for £1) and just put tomato puree on it + loads of toppings, you dont notice the lack of cheese.
yeah, the dairy industry is horrible, but personally i find cheese makes me flemmy - i particularly noticed the difference when i stopped eating it and now if i have a little bit here and there it is strange to digest. feel it in my throat immediately. Buy plain pizza bases (2 for £1) and just put tomato puree on it + loads of toppings, you dont notice the lack of cheese.
Dairy has always made me a bit nauseous (probably don't have enough lactase or summat) so I don't bother with milk and yoghurts etc, and only have a little bit of cheese sometimes. I feel much better for it. I also don't get as snotty :thumbs:
I don't think there's anything I'd particularly miss as a vegan but I'd hate to spend all my time trying to find places to eat, reading the small print on everything....
I cant be arsed with that endless checking all the ingredients - i just give it my best shot, but lifes too short and hard enough as it is for that level of commitment. Thats where i draw the line.
There's loads of hidden lactose in ready meals and canned soups too. I guess they have to find a use for all the lactose they skim off the skimmed milk ie feed it back to us and charge us for it.
Well we've had one geezer on here preaching to us whilst stuffing his face with filet mignon!
Herbs? Actually fair play to him for having a go. I think he probably does believe a bit of what he was saying though. Bit too much self hating meat eater coming through. He should enjoy his steak or give it up IMO. :)
yeah, the dairy industry is horrible, but personally i find cheese makes me flemmy - i particularly noticed the difference when i stopped eating it and now if i have a little bit here and there it is strange to digest. feel it in my throat immediately. Buy plain pizza bases (2 for £1) and just put tomato puree on it + loads of toppings, you dont notice the lack of cheese.

My main problem with cheese is that nowadays it goes straight to my waistline. Cheese for me seems to have this magical property of putting 1 pound on me for every half pound I eat of it. :(
I cant be arsed with that endless checking all the ingredients - i just give it my best shot, but lifes too short and hard enough as it is for that level of commitment. Thats where i draw the line.
And we're not just individuals. We live in a wider society and process. We shouldn't necessarily even expect to be able to live up to our ethical standards if the wider society doesn't. We chip away at it the best we can, but some changes need to come at a level higher than the individual.
And those changes will only come when enough individuals collectively demand them. There is no external paternalistic figure: neither god nor government.
Sure. I'm not advocating quietism. But you yourself use the word 'collectively'. I'm afraid I have limited faith in such things as 'consumer choice' as engines of change. There are far too many ways in which that 'choice' is manipulated and controlled - and it is far easier to be ethical (whatever your given definition of the word) when you have money. Free range and organic for the rich, and what for the poor? Baked beans?

Often the only way to effect real change is to change the patterns of ownership and control of the supply chains.
False. Ice cubes/slush is the only thing that does that - takes calories to heat up, doesn't provide any calories in return.
Hmmm. Sources appear to agree that a stick of celery contains about 6 calories of energy, but disagree as to how to measure the energy taken to digest it. The question of how much energy it takes to digest it is a tricky one, as eating celery with other things may reduce the overall energy needed to digest it due to the high fibre in celery. But eating a stick of celery on its own may indeed require more than 6 calories. Chew thoroughly to be on the safe side. ;)

This is the best link I've found on a brisk search.

I don't believe I have to be a vegetarian in order to argue the point.

Do you believe I should have to be a heroin addict in order argue that heroin addicts should have access to clean needles?

And I guess I'm not allowed an opinion on abortion, because I'm not a woman?

false analogy.

it's like arguing vehemently that abortion is wrong, while having chosen with your partner abortion in the past and being content to do so again if the situation arose.

sorry - thread moved on, but I can't resist a flaw in reasoning.
Sure. I'm not advocating quietism. But you yourself use the word 'collectively'. I'm afraid I have limited faith in such things as 'consumer choice' as engines of change.
Yes but they do have some effect - in relation to vegetariansim the range of vegetarian options in resteraunts and food shopping outlets is enormous compared to what it was even in the 90s - that has been driven at least partially by demand
Yes but they do have some effect - in relation to vegetariansim the range of vegetarian options in resteraunts and food shopping outlets is enormous compared to what it was even in the 90s - that has been driven at least partially by demand
True. Free range eggs would be another example. But other things are far harder to influence.

For instance, the practice of transporting animals large distances for slaughter, on what are unnecessary and cruel journeys, is controlled largely by supermarkets, which have stitched up the supply chain. Obtaining meat that has not been through this process is difficult and expensive, and will remain so for as long as the supply chain is monopolised by these national companies. Often the farmers themselves, however ethical they may be, have little choice.
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