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[Sat 16th Jul 2016] EDL march and rally (London)

I went to the PA march and I thought there might be a repeat of the last time, when a couple of dozen Britain First types hung around Piccadilly Circus behind two lines of about a hundred coppers as the march went past, but I didn't see any of this lot today at all. I'm guessing that plod told them to piss off this time and have their own march.
they're coming to sunderland in august (to cash in on the brexit thing i reckon) they will get more than 70.
they're coming to sunderland in august (to cash in on the brexit thing i reckon) they will get more than 70.

The new leadership do seem to be making a bit of a go of it. I've met Ian Crossland, he doesn't cut a particularly inspiring figure (playing fart noises on his phone at the back of the courtroom for example) and they haven't really sorted out a USP that distinguishes them from either Britain First or the new ultra-nationalist/neo-Nazi groupings. If they're on the Brexit bandwagon now then that's another jump.

Have they ever been particularly strong in the North East? Yorkshire yes but in the Sunderland area?
Apols Red Sky it is the local off-shoot the Sunderland Defence League that is doing a demo (although the only evidence I've found is UAF's counter demo:hmm:). EDL were capable of getting several hundred out for local demo a few years back but like everywhere they've dropped away.
Apols Red Sky it is the local off-shoot the Sunderland Defence League that is doing a demo (although the only evidence I've found is UAF's counter demo:hmm:). EDL were capable of getting several hundred out for local demo a few years back but like everywhere they've dropped away.
yeh well they're social lepers
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