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Salman Rushdie attacked on stage in New York

ebook types? Not that I know about such things. Mind I've got shitloads of novels I should read.
Nearly all novels come to me through ebooks now. Use them to get off to sleep. I wake up some mornings, especially if I've had a few glasses, with the headphones wrapped round my face, unable to remember anything I meant to listen to. It means an ebook can stretch out for weeks. Which is actually ok.
No more news on Rushdie, seems he may have been more injured than they at first were saying.

Apparently he received first aid on the scene from a doctor who was in the audience.
Still in surgery as of half an hour ago. It's clearly very, very serious, but he's not dead yet.

Mealy words from Boris Johnson. That cunt Macron did somewhat better, saying words that actually mean something and were actually written by him.

Sorry, don't know how to quote twitter.

For 33 years, Salman Rushdie has embodied freedom and the fight against obscurantism. He has just been the victim of a cowardly attack by the forces of hatred and barbarism. His fight is our fight; it is universal. Now more than ever, we stand by his side.

I do kind of appreciate the sentiment, but I don't think Rushdie does really see himself in a fight against obscurantism. I'm pretty sure he just wants to write good novels. :(
Is the master and margarita magic realism? What is it called that stuff. I have not read any Salman Rushdie. Obviously I hope he pulls through.
Is the master and margarita magic realism? What is it called that stuff. I have not read any Salman Rushdie. Obviously I hope he pulls through.
I'd say yes and no. It was written before magic realism became 'a thing' (as they say these days). But it can probably be considered prototype MR. Undoubtedly an influence on MR writers.
Salman Rushdie is on a ventilator, unable to speak, and may lose an eye, his agent told the New York Times.

“The news is not good,” Andrew Wylie, Rushdie’s agent, said Friday evening. “Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged.”
Fucking hell. :( Multiple surgeries.

At his age as well, that's going to be tough.
I am a first aider, with just perhaps 6 hours training.
I wonder if I would have known what first aid to deliver to Rushdie in the immediate aftermath. .

Lucky there was a proper doctor in the audience.
Grim. Sounds like bad injuries. The attacker is a sandard radicalised Islamist shitbag by the sounds of it.

Very true points by Kenan Malik there btw. Thanks for that vid.
I remember how I always quietly respected, well, marvelled, how he dealt with the fatwa. Didn't dramatise it, double-down and take the piss, nor complain of his victimhood (as he quite rightly could have), and crucially didn't appear to back down. Not sure I would have handled it quite as calmly :oops:

(Tbh I'm writing this without fact checking the memories I stored and processed as a kid, I could be way off :hmm: Am i?)
Once again religious fundamentalists show how primitive, unsophisticated and outdated their beliefs are. Selfish loonies just keep it to yourselves, no one cares what rubbish you believe in until you start to unpack it in public and inflict it on others
Yes, I find I'm less receptive to literature the older I get.

yes I've not read a novel for a while now :(

Me too. I could devour Dosteyevsky in a few days once upon a time. Nowadays I baulk at the idea of anything over 200 pages.

Graham Greene had it right. A novel should be 160 pages long.

I used to read in bed for half to one hour. Got through plenty of books that way and kept a library habit on the go. Since I got a smart phone now I watch the news until I go to sleep.

Shame, books were good for me. I should do something about it but it is hard to get to the library now I am working.
This is where the audiobook comes into its own. Still with its own set of limitations but loads less bother than reading
Bad injuries. Hope he pulls through

I couldnt get on with TSV but I expect the right to try to read it again if I wish
Nearly all novels come to me through ebooks now. Use them to get off to sleep. I wake up some mornings, especially if I've had a few glasses, with the headphones wrapped round my face, unable to remember anything I meant to listen to. It means an ebook can stretch out for weeks. Which is actually ok.
I take it you mean audio books? I'm exactly the same (minus the wine) but with ebooks and regularly wake up having used a kindle for a pillow. It was quite literally stuck to my cheek this morning in this heat :oops:
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