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Russian inforwars

I've definitely noticed a reduction in non-Russia-related right wing trolling. Whether that's because they're all busy trolling on Russia-Ukraine or because they were mostly in Russia and are now cut off, I'm not sure. Either way, I take it as a win.
story referred to in that vice article is interesting, too.

On February 21, Tass—a Russian news agency—reported that five Ukrainian soldiers had crossed the border into Russia riding two armored personnel carriers (APC). According to the story, Russian forces destroyed both vehicles and killed the five Ukrainians. Later, Russia released a helmet-cam from one of the supposed Ukrainians as well as photos and videos of one of the destroyed APCs. It’s one of many Russian reports of alleged Ukrainian aggression — like the shelling of a school in Donetsk and Luhansk — that Russia has used to justify its military action in the region.

Soon after the footage hit the internet, sleuths had picked it apart. One Twitter user used metadata of the video file and satellite imagery to geolocate the images and figured out it had all been filmed in the exact same location where Russia previously claimed a shell had destroyed a border post.

The location of the skirmish was miles from where Russia said it was and deep inside occupied territory in Eastern Ukraine, not Russia. The destroyed APC was a BTR-70M, a type that Ukraine doesn’t own, painted over to make it look Ukrainian.

There are dozens of stories like this. ...

Amid all this, Eliot Higgins and Bellingcat are collecting the data, fact checking it, archiving footage, and amplifying the messages online. Higgins and Bellingcat are old hands at this. They’ve been tracking conflict online and sifting through the morass of multiple sources and bad information for eight years now.

They’ve gotten good at it. “It used to be days or weeks until we had fact checks,” Higgins told Motherboard over the phone. “Now we’re getting it within an hour.
Along the same lines I was wondering about this twitter account which someone linked to the other day. It doesn't actually feel right to me, unless someone knows better.

Definitely feels dodgy. Retweeting of its own posts, also anti-Russia stuff feels like a warning to the west, "don't trust western media", lots of anti-Azov stuff. More systematic than a normal poster.
I don’t know if this goes here. About the sudden and confusing rise of the ‘Z’ symbol, nobody seems to know what it means apart from support of the invasion.

It does feel like the propaganda department have been tasked with marketing a war at the last minute that were unaware of and kind of shocked by, and have hurriedly half-arsed some logo together after one of them happened to have watched The Legend of Zorro the previous evening.

The more I think about its, the more I think that is literally what happened tbh.
Idk I think it must have been planned at least a while ago, the ‘flashmobs’ with their z tshirts didn’t just spontaneously appear yesterday.

Some theories:

As Russia’s invasion began, more military hardware was spotted emblazoned with Zs, as well as other letters, including O, X, A and V. The letters seen on the hardware were usually framed by squares, triangles, and other painted shapes. The letter Z does not exist in the Cyrillic Russian alphabet.

The most popular theory used by military experts to explain the letters is that they were written according to the respective areas where the Russian troops are usually stationed, with Z potentially standing for Zapad (west).

Others believe the letters were drawn in an attempt to avoid friendly fire, while some pro-Kremlin Russian military experts have speculated that the letter Z stands for the name of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and the letter V for Vladimir Putin.

The Russian defense ministry itself has not commented on any of the theories, and instead posted on its Instagram channel that Z meant Za pobedu (“for victory”) and V stood for “power of truth”.
i just found this really weird story about a staircase in a shopping center in 2019, bear with me.

In the last few days i've spotted the same footage being tweeted by a diverse range of weirdos and wronguns on twitter.
The film clip shows a fucking giant swastika illuminating a staircase in a shopping mall in Ukraine, the full deal red background etc.
It's mostly being shared by the really out there end of Trump Supporting Q-Anon anti-vax people but the story of the nazi staircase has also been tweeted about, 2 days ago, by bloody George Galloway and others that way inclined.

This is the story
what the hell to make of it all idk.
anyone got an idea how displays like this are organised would it likely be directly by government?

eta apparently it was mandated by their university, you could only refuse to attend if you had an 'explanatory note'.
But of course beamed around as evidence of spontaineos patriotic outpouring of support.
Infowar fail.

“Russian state television has broadcast calls for Vladimir Putin, the country’s president, to stop his war in Ukraine during a programme in which pundits openly likened the invasion to 'Afghanistan, but even worse'…”

Infowar fail.

“Russian state television has broadcast calls for Vladimir Putin, the country’s president, to stop his war in Ukraine during a programme in which pundits openly likened the invasion to 'Afghanistan, but even worse'…”

Well someone is in the shit, if true
More on the failure of the "no conscripts" claim:

"18-year old conscript given public funeral and posthumously honoured with the Order of Courage by Putin"

"Russian senator Lyudmila Narusova, 69, has claimed conscripts were forcibly ordered to sign up as contract soldiers — or it happened without their knowledge.
She also told parliament that in one company of 100 young soldiers forced to fight in the conflict, only four survived.
'They lie there, with stray dogs gnawing at their faces,” she said. “Some cannot be identified because the bodies are so charred.'
Her withering words are stinging for Putin since she is the widow of his political mentor and ex-law professor Anatoly Sobchak.
She is also the mother of Ksenia Sobchak, 40, Russia’s leading opposition woman politician whose childhood baptism was attended by Putin."
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Russia and QAnon what a surprise:

have we had this yet?
the latest mad accusation pushed by the actual Russian Ministry Of Defence is that America has trained a flock of Birds to infect Russians with Ukrainian bioweapons.

I think this is part of their strategy - throw lots of wild things out there and people say "there are lots of wild and ridiculous stories flying around, who knows what to believe these days". Then when the chemical weapons are used or whatever, with some half-baked conspiracy cover story, people will say "well, who really knows the truth of it", which makes Western counter-action that little bit less firmly-based.
I think this is part of their strategy - throw lots of wild things out there and people say "there are lots of wild and ridiculous stories flying around, who knows what to believe these days". Then when the chemical weapons are used or whatever, with some half-baked conspiracy cover story, people will say "well, who really knows the truth of it", which makes Western counter-action that little bit less firmly-based.

I think this ^^ will be part of it but also, when seeding disinfo and bullshit out into the cybersphere, I think there's also a strategy of just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. It's obvious that designing off-the-shelf conspiracy stuff is like picking winners on the stockmarket, it's just guesswork. It's best to just pump out a range of guffwork and then observe the life of those artifacts once you've set them free; some will fly others won't. The best conspiraloonacy is that which is driven by true believers rather than cynical operators - so the operators will just watch what the true believers pick up and then selectively feed them ammo to corroborate their delusions. I imagine that Pizzagate must have baffled even the most experienced of cyberwarriors - who could have thought that something so crazy would take on a real life of its own?
PBS/CNN (Amanpour & Company) interviews Carole Cadwalladr. Interview focuses in the first instance on Russia and the Ukraine information war but covers a host of related topics including Trump and Brexit:

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