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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

So, let me get this right
1) this is a thread about Brand
2) an ad hominem attack on Grayzone of no relevance was introduced
3) i demurred from that attack
4) you and fellow trolls jump on me for ‘derailing the thread’ and tell me to stfu

I see, this is your notion of debate. Well you can all do one. You do not intimidate me and do not interpret further silence from me here as bowing to your hate mob tactics, its just that I’ve got better things to do.
I've never been part of a hate mob before. Do I need to start baying for blood or something? This is all new territory.
Russell Brand can critique the US as much as he likes. It's the allegations of what he's done to women that people are reacting to.
100% that. And, making this point more generally, it's the 'however' that I detest, as in a personal logic about someone you like or a political logic about someone you agree with. That's the qualification you find in 'oh, he might have done x, but he did stick it to the man over American foreign policy'... through to 'I'm suspicious of the accusations against him because the powerful hate him'... then on to the nastiest stage: 'because he sticks it to the man I don't believe or even give a shit about the accusations against him'. It's not even about politics, it's about having a bit of common decency. You might like someone, you might think they are on your team, but if they are accused of rape you take that seriously.

And just to make it clear, not to inflame things further on this thread, that wasn't specifically aimed at Larry and wasn't just about Brand.

Edit: I suppose the Comrade Delta affair was the very worst of this.
100% that. And, making this point more generally, it's the 'however' that I detest, as in a personal logic about someone you like or a political logic about someone you agree with. That's the qualification you find in 'oh, he might have done x, but he did stick it to the man over American foreign policy'... through to 'I'm suspicious of the accusations against him because the powerful hate him'... then on to the nastiest stage: 'because he sticks it to the man I don't believe or even give a shit about the accusations against him'. It's not even about politics, it's about having a bit of common decency. You might like someone, you might think they are on your team, but if they are accused of rape you take that seriously.

And just to make it clear, not to inflame things further on this thread, that wasn't specifically aimed at Larry and wasn't just about Brand.

Edit: I suppose the Comrade Delta affair was the very worst of this.

Yeah definitely. I think the flipside of this is all the 'well I always thought he was a cunt anyway' stuff. OK fine whatever, but the question is more what your reaction is when it's someone you do like because despite what you're trying to demonstrate, you don't actually have some built in ability to read who will behave like that.
You obviously arent aware they are, shall we say, a tad critical of US foreign policy, hence attacks on them.
The problem is not their criticism of the USA. It's their uncritical support for the Iranian and Syrian regimes.

Do you share Grayzone's view that Brand is being attacked because of his political outlook rather than his alleged abusive behaviour?

https:// thegrayzone.com/2023/09/21/intel-uk-censorship-russell-brand/

I've never been part of a hate mob before. Do I need to start baying for blood or something? This is all new territory.

No one ever considers themselves part of a hate mob, so on that count you seem to be doing perfectly.
100% that. And, making this point more generally, it's the 'however' that I detest, as in a personal logic about someone you like or a political logic about someone you agree with. That's the qualification you find in 'oh, he might have done x, but he did stick it to the man over American foreign policy'... through to 'I'm suspicious of the accusations against him because the powerful hate him'... then on to the nastiest stage: 'because he sticks it to the man I don't believe or even give a shit about the accusations against him'. It's not even about politics, it's about having a bit of common decency. You might like someone, you might think they are on your team, but if they are accused of rape you take that seriously.

And just to make it clear, not to inflame things further on this thread, that wasn't specifically aimed at Larry and wasn't just about Brand.
This ^^

And there is of course the reverse 'logic' about people you don't like. It's hardly taking allegations against X seriously to start gleefully speculating about when Y and Z are going to be accused.

Edit: I suppose the Comrade Delta affair was the very worst of this.
I'd go with Assange fandom myself, but I'm aware not everyone would agree.
If I want advice on posting etiquette then listening to a troll (even if other trolls like such advice as shown) isnt my first port of call
Best laugh I've had in a while, thank you but it's always better to start a new thread if it looks like you are going to derail an established subject in a thread as you are more likely to get meaningful discussion on it instead of people telling you to not derail the thread further.
Possibly he's only critical of the centre-right Democrats plus anything further left, sparse though that may be, on the basis of the Tucker Carson affiliation.

I haven't followed him but he seems to be part of what I might call the Covid libertine tendency ie. those conspiratorially minded but leftish anti-imperialists who were galvinised in opposition to Covid lockdowns and vaccination programmes. Piers Corbyn, Chris Williamson and Max Blumenthal etc. At a very basic level they're in opposition to organised labour who wanted protections for key workers and medical staff etc. Not even something like "red-brown" now because there isn't anything red about them, they're all about making alliances with right wing and far right wing movements and outlets now, anti-imperialist only in the sense of supportive of Trump's isolationist tendencies and general Putin fandom.

Not that that makes any difference to the accusations against Brand of course.
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