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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Ivermectin is a 'revered medicine'?

It's just a fucking parasite remover for livestock. He makes it sound like Ayuerveda or Rhinoceros Big Erection Horn

I wonder how many inane chinese aphorisms he has tattooed on his sex pest body
Did he actually ever go done the route of suggesting self medicating with it for covid?

There are / were a lot of questionable things in Covid but can see legitimate reasons for shutting that sort of shit down
"Wow, didn't realise how many women have been raped and sexually assaulted. We need to call shit out."

"Lol, welcome back misogynist!"

Slow handclap. Some of you need to have a word with yourselves.
It's always the same with these discussions. Any talk about rape and sexual assault and you can almost guarantee there'll be someone who'll suggest that women frequently lie about these things. Yes, false accusations do happen but they're not nearly as common as people think they are. It just comes across as a way to deflect from the much wider issue of sexual violence against women.
Did he actually ever go done the route of suggesting self medicating with it for covid?

There are / were a lot of questionable things in Covid but can see legitimate reasons for shutting that sort of shit down
I'm sure he was smart enough not to put himself in legal hot water
Agreed, there are plenty of online spaces for rape apologists - Elon Musk's 'X' and Rumble for example - why tf aren't creeps like Dwyer just permabanned from posting on these boards?

My earlier take on the recent edgelordy disruptor(s)

In recent times of covid and mental health issues, there's been a bit more leniency and amnesties here.

It's no excuse for bigoted/edgelordy/conspiraloons/trolling behaviour, but it does explain the presence of posters like himself. See also; several banned returners who somehow maintain a foothold here, despite having been banned under the "never" promise.
It's always the same with these discussions. Any talk about rape and sexual assault and you can almost guarantee there'll be someone who'll suggest that women frequently lie about these things. Yes, false accusations do happen but they're not nearly as common as people think they are. It just comes across as a way to deflect from the much wider issue of sexual violence against women.
false accusations are a stastitical irrelevance compared to the number of assaults which go unreported for various reasons
"Wow, didn't realise how many women have been raped and sexually assaulted. We need to call shit out."

"Lol, welcome back misogynist!"

Slow handclap. Some of you need to have a word with yourselves.
Mostly men having a big chuckle about it. I wonder why.
My earlier take on the recent edgelordy disruptor(s)
I suppose when it comes to modding and bans, there are all sorts of things in play - what the person has done before, which threads they are being a twat on and the rest. Seems to me what you say about having a bit more tolerance is probably right and urban gets it about right most of the time. But misogyny on a thread about rape and sexual assault, or 'just' pissing about/conspialoonery on those threads needs stamping on (and has been). Threadbans > warnings > exit door.
I suppose when it comes to modding and bans, there are all sorts of things in play - what the person has done before, which threads they are being a twat on and the rest. Seems to me what you say about having a bit more tolerance is probably right and urban gets it about right most of the time. But misogyny on a thread about rape and sexual assault, or 'just' pissing about/conspialoonery on those threads needs stamping on (and has been). Threadbans > warnings > exit door.
there are times when John major's injunction to understand a little less and condemn a little more has some merit
I suppose when it comes to modding and bans, there are all sorts of things in play - what the person has done before, which threads they are being a twat on and the rest. Seems to me what you say about having a bit more tolerance is probably right and urban gets it about right most of the time. But misogyny on a thread about rape and sexual assault, or 'just' pissing about/conspialoonery on those threads needs stamping on (and has been). Threadbans > warnings > exit door.

You mean you think Dwyer was pissing about posting those vids for a reaction and nothing more (as opposed to supporting them, or posting for some other reason)?
Did he actually ever go done the route of suggesting self medicating with it for covid?

There are / were a lot of questionable things in Covid but can see legitimate reasons for shutting that sort of shit down
Just over one year ago, he got in a bit of trouble for falsely claiming that it had been added to a government-approved list of treatments:
Today’s video from Brand is a rather different kind of strange.

(won’t link - you know where to find it if inclined)
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