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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

And with four words so much of the problem of conspiraloonery is summarised. Information quality? Political agenda? Funding? Prior behaviour? None of it matters, there's no evidence "I agree with" that my sources aren't great.

No, what I mean is, I've seen exactly 5 of their videos, and I think they're all brilliant. Every political website in the world has a thousand other websites slagging it off, so I ignore the slaggers and just like whatever I like, without paying any attention to the source. Fair enough?
It's a great recipe for hearing what you like, and a terrible one for seriously engaging with the modern world.

Got to disagree. It seems to me that the real problem is that people prejudge websites, newspapers and commentators on the basis of political faction, without bothering to actually read the material themselves. Cancel culture innit. Much better to keep an open mind and read everything imho.
Got to disagree. It seems to me that the real problem is that people prejudge websites, newspapers and commentators on the basis of political faction, without bothering to actually read the material themselves. Cancel culture innit. Much better to keep an open mind and read everything imho.
Some of the criticisms do look pretty thin but state-paid apologism is more than a faux pas, surely, and does bring the whole endeavour into question.
Some of the criticisms do look pretty thin but state-paid apologism is more than a faux pas, surely, and does bring the whole endeavour into question.

You mean the Greyzone is sponsored by Russia? Did not know that. But still, I'm capable of recognizing propaganda. I want to make up my own mind.
Assange is innocent.
He may well be. Or not. But here's what Human Rights Watch says about him:

When WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange was arrested in London last week so he could face charges in the US, it raised deep concerns around media freedom. Amid these concerns, however, let’s remember that Assange is also accused of rape.

Assange fled to London’s Ecuador embassy seven years ago to escape pending extradition proceedings that would have seen him returned to Sweden to face charges of unlawful coercion, sexual molestation, and rape, based on allegations by two women. He stayed in the embassy since then, he says, because Sweden would not guarantee against his onward extradition to the US, should the US wish to prosecute him for leaking diplomatic cables.

As Assange sheltered in the embassy, beyond the reach of law enforcement, the statute of limitations expired on the charges of unlawful coercion and sexual molestation, meaning that they can no longer be prosecuted because so much time has passed.

The rape charge was shelved, but can be restored until its statute of limitations expires in August 2020.

Do you think the women deserve justice or not?
He may well be. Or not. But here's what Human Rights Watch says about him:

Do you think the women deserve justice or not?
Yes I do. But I think he's innocent. I think he was set up because the U.S. government did not like having their war crimes exposed on Wikileaks.
That's fastest I've ever put someone on ignore. :eek:

Maybe I'll return to reading some posts pertaining to the odious R Brand now...
That's the accusation, plus Syrian-adjacent money for Blumenthal etc.

Oh right, it's an accusation. Anyone can make an accusation. I have to judge them by what I've seen, which is excellent. Afaics most of the criticism levelled against them is bare factionalism.
That's the accusation, plus Syrian-adjacent money for Blumenthal etc.
I mean it's more just public record that he's been on Russia's payroll for years, he was a prominent paid talking head for RT before they got shut down.
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